research topics in nursing

Top 285 Best Research Topics in Nursing in 2025


Research papers play a vital role in advancing academic research, providing a structured method to analyze, synthesize, and present existing knowledge. In nursing, these papers are crucial for exploring methodological issues, evaluating clinical practices, and addressing research problems that affect patient care.

This article serves as a guide with examples for nursing students, offering a comprehensive list of the best research topics in nursing for 2025. By addressing frequently asked questions, sharing new insights, and providing practical steps, this resource helps students evaluate and brainstorm ideas that align with their academic goals. Whether drafting a dissertation proposal or preparing a research project, selecting a relevant and engaging research topic is critical.

research topics in nursing

5 Ways to Choose a Nursing Research Topic

Selecting a research topic can be quite challenging, but these five strategies simplify the research process:

  1. Evaluate Current Knowledge: Start with a literature review section to identify gaps in existing research.
  2. Brainstorm with Peers: Collaborate with classmates to generate ideas and discuss potential implications.
  3. Ask Your Professor: Seek guidance to refine your topic and ensure it’s worth pursuing.
  4. Look at Some Examples: Use previous dissertations or journal articles as a good starting point.
  5. Search for Literature: Use tools like Scribbr’s free APA citation generator to find and cite relevant sources.

A good literature review and research plan will ensure your proposed research has a clear focus and aligns with major theories in nursing. This step helps situate your research question within the broader scope of academic writing while considering different levels of complexity.

285 Interesting Nursing Research Topics

Mental Health Research Topics for Nursing Students

  1. The role of methodological approaches in treating depression.
  2. The impact of stress on nursing students’ mental health.
  3. Exploring new insights in PTSD care for veterans.
  4. Using AI tools for early detection of mental health issues.
  5. Ethical dilemmas in psychiatric care.
  6. Innovative strategies for reducing burnout among nurses.
  7. Assessing the effectiveness of mindfulness in mental health care.
  8. Examining research bias in mental health studies.
  9. Social sciences and their role in understanding mental health disparities.
  10. Research designs and methods in suicide prevention.
  11. Exploring proposals to improve adolescent mental health care.
  12. The use of paraphrasing tools to prevent plagiarism in mental health research.
  13. Evaluating the efficacy of group therapy for anxiety.
  14. Brief summaries of innovative treatments for bipolar disorder.
  15. Citations and references in mental health nursing: Best practices.

Nursing Research Topics in Medical-Surgical Nursing

  1. Postoperative pain management in geriatric patients.
  2. The impact of technology on surgical nursing.
  3. Write a research proposal to improve patient safety in operating rooms.
  4. Infection prevention strategies in surgical wards.
  5. Comparing traditional and robotic-assisted surgeries.
  6. Frequently asked questions about medical-surgical nursing practices.
  7. The significance of patient education in recovery.
  8. Writing literature reviews for surgical nursing studies.
  9. Ethical concerns in medical-surgical nursing.
  10. Hypothesis testing in wound care research.
  11. Using AI detectors to analyze medical data.
  12. Proposed research on nurse-patient communication in surgery.
  13. Evaluating staffing ratios in surgical units.
  14. Innovations in surgical nursing education.
  15. The importance of summarizing research findings effectively.

Critical Care Nursing Research Topics

  1. The effectiveness of nurse-led ICU interventions.
  2. Managing sepsis in critical care settings.
  3. Role of critical care nurses in organ donation processes.
  4. Innovations in ventilator management by ICU nurses.
  5. Psychological impact on families of critically ill patients.
  6. Infection prevention strategies in the ICU.
  7. Improving communication in critical care teams.
  8. Role of advanced practice nurses in critical care decision-making.
  9. Ethical dilemmas in end-of-life care in the ICU.
  10. The effectiveness of critical care simulations in nursing education.
  11. Early mobilization strategies in the ICU.
  12. Impact of nurse-patient ratios on critical care outcomes.
  13. Use of telemedicine in critical care nursing.
  14. Role of nurses in managing delirium in ICU patients.
  15. Managing pain and sedation in critically ill patients.
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Emergency Nursing Research Topics

  1. Triage strategies in mass casualty incidents.
  2. Managing patient aggression in emergency settings.
  3. The role of nurses in disaster preparedness and response.
  4. Improving care for pediatric patients in emergency departments.
  5. Role of simulation in emergency nursing training.
  6. Impact of nurse-patient ratios on emergency care outcomes.
  7. Effective pain management strategies in emergency settings.
  8. Innovations in trauma care protocols.
  9. Role of emergency nurses in managing public health crises.
  10. Strategies for reducing emergency department wait times.
  11. Challenges in providing emergency care to homeless populations.
  12. Role of nurses in managing cardiac arrests in emergency settings.
  13. Ethical issues in emergency nursing care.
  14. The impact of burnout on emergency nurses.
  15. The role of technology in emergency nursing practice.

Nursing Informatics Topics for Research Paper

  1. The role of nursing informatics in improving patient outcomes.
  2. Integration of electronic health records in nursing practice.
  3. Ethical issues in nursing informatics.
  4. Nursing informatics and telehealth implementation.
  5. The role of informatics in medication error reduction.
  6. Impact of data analytics on nursing decision-making.
  7. Training nurses in informatics skills: Challenges and strategies.
  8. The role of informatics in managing chronic diseases.
  9. Cybersecurity concerns in nursing informatics.
  10. The use of mobile apps in nursing informatics.
  11. Patient data privacy in electronic health records.
  12. Role of informatics in improving patient education.
  13. Evaluating the effectiveness of nursing informatics interventions.
  14. The future of artificial intelligence in nursing informatics.
  15. The role of big data in advancing nursing research.

Oncology Nursing Research Topics

  1. The role of nurses in supporting cancer patients’ mental health.
  2. Palliative care approaches in oncology nursing.
  3. The impact of early diagnosis on cancer treatment outcomes.
  4. Managing chemotherapy-induced nausea: Nursing interventions.
  5. Pain management in oncology patients.
  6. The role of nurses in cancer prevention education.
  7. Strategies for improving quality of life in cancer survivors.
  8. The effectiveness of immunotherapy in cancer treatment.
  9. Addressing fatigue in cancer patients: Nursing perspectives.
  10. Role of nurses in genetic counseling for cancer patients.
  11. Ethical issues in oncology nursing care.
  12. Innovations in radiation therapy: A nursing perspective.
  13. The impact of dietary interventions on cancer recovery.
  14. Nursing interventions for managing skin toxicities in cancer patients.
  15. The role of oncology nurses in clinical trials.

Psychiatric Nursing Research Topics

  1. Exploring the role of nurses in managing schizophrenia.
  2. Nursing interventions for bipolar disorder patients.
  3. The role of nurses in substance abuse rehabilitation centers.
  4. Managing eating disorders: A nursing perspective.
  5. The impact of group therapy on patient recovery in psychiatric care.
  6. Strategies for reducing anxiety in hospitalized psychiatric patients.
  7. Role of psychiatric nurses in suicide prevention.
  8. Addressing stigma among psychiatric nursing professionals.
  9. Therapeutic communication techniques in psychiatric nursing.
  10. The impact of sleep disorders on mental health.
  11. Nursing interventions for obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  12. The role of nurses in treating post-partum depression.
  13. Ethical challenges in psychiatric nursing care.
  14. The effectiveness of art therapy in psychiatric treatment.
  15. Role of psychiatric nurses in managing violence in mental health units.

Nursing Education Research Topics

  1. The role of simulation in nursing education.
  2. Impact of mentorship programs on nursing students’ success.
  3. Effective strategies for teaching clinical reasoning.
  4. Use of virtual reality in nursing education.
  5. Addressing cultural competence in nursing curricula.
  6. Challenges in integrating evidence-based practice into nursing education.
  7. The impact of flipped classrooms on nursing education outcomes.
  8. The role of peer tutoring in nursing schools.
  9. Stress management strategies for nursing students.
  10. The effectiveness of online nursing programs.
  11. Assessment of critical thinking skills in nursing students.
  12. Bridging the gap between nursing education and practice.
  13. Evaluating the impact of interdisciplinary learning in nursing schools.
  14. Strategies for reducing nursing student attrition rates.
  15. Innovations in continuing education for nurses.

Geriatric Nursing Research Topics

  1. Nursing interventions for preventing falls in elderly patients.
  2. Managing dementia in geriatric nursing care.
  3. Role of nurses in palliative care for the elderly.
  4. Addressing nutritional needs in elderly patients.
  5. Strategies for managing chronic pain in geriatric populations.
  6. Impact of social isolation on elderly health: A nursing perspective.
  7. Nursing approaches to improve medication adherence in older adults.
  8. Use of telehealth in geriatric nursing care.
  9. End-of-life care in nursing homes: Challenges and strategies.
  10. The role of nurses in managing polypharmacy in elderly patients.
  11. Addressing elder abuse: A nursing perspective.
  12. Physical activity interventions for promoting healthy aging.
  13. The impact of caregiver education on elderly patient outcomes.
  14. Mental health challenges in geriatric nursing care.
  15. Innovations in long-term care for elderly patients.
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Midwifery Nursing Research Topics

  1. The role of midwives in reducing maternal mortality.
  2. Strategies for promoting natural childbirth.
  3. Addressing cultural barriers in midwifery care.
  4. Pain management during labor: A midwife’s perspective.
  5. Use of birthing centers vs. hospitals: Outcomes for mothers and infants.
  6. The role of midwives in breastfeeding support.
  7. Addressing mental health needs during the postpartum period.
  8. The effectiveness of water births in midwifery care.
  9. Education and training requirements for midwives worldwide.
  10. Managing high-risk pregnancies: A midwifery approach.
  11. Impact of midwifery-led care on birth outcomes.
  12. Role of midwives in preventing preterm births.
  13. Strategies for reducing cesarean section rates.
  14. Addressing postpartum hemorrhage in midwifery care.
  15. Ethical dilemmas in midwifery practice.

Women’s Health Nursing Research Topics

  1. Nursing strategies for managing endometriosis symptoms.
  2. Role of nurses in promoting cervical cancer screening.
  3. The impact of lifestyle changes on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
  4. Addressing disparities in women’s access to healthcare.
  5. Role of nurses in managing gestational diabetes.
  6. Strategies for improving maternal mental health.
  7. The impact of contraceptive education on women’s health outcomes.
  8. Breastfeeding support: A nurse’s perspective.
  9. Managing menopause symptoms: A nursing approach.
  10. Role of nurses in prenatal education.
  11. Addressing domestic violence in women’s healthcare settings.
  12. The role of community health nurses in preventing maternal mortality.
  13. The impact of hormone replacement therapy on women’s health.
  14. Addressing obesity in women: Nursing interventions.
  15. Nursing strategies for improving outcomes in high-risk pregnancies.

Community Health Nursing Research Topics

  1. Role of community health nurses in promoting vaccination uptake.
  2. Addressing health disparities in underserved populations.
  3. The impact of community-based health education programs.
  4. Role of nurses in managing chronic diseases in community settings.
  5. Addressing homelessness and healthcare: A nursing perspective.
  6. Strategies for improving maternal-child health in rural communities.
  7. Role of nurses in responding to public health emergencies.
  8. Addressing mental health stigma in community settings.
  9. The effectiveness of mobile health clinics.
  10. Role of community nurses in combating substance abuse.
  11. Impact of telehealth on community healthcare delivery.
  12. Strategies for promoting healthy lifestyles in urban populations.
  13. Nursing interventions for preventing the spread of communicable diseases.
  14. Role of nurses in promoting adolescent health education.
  15. Addressing elder care needs in community nursing.

Pediatric Nursing Research Topics

  1. Role of nurses in managing childhood asthma.
  2. Addressing obesity in children: A nursing perspective.
  3. Strategies for improving vaccination rates in pediatric populations.
  4. Managing pediatric diabetes: Nursing interventions.
  5. Role of nurses in promoting child mental health.
  6. Strategies for reducing hospitalization anxiety in children.
  7. Pain management in pediatric patients: Best practices.
  8. Role of nurses in caring for children with congenital heart defects.
  9. Addressing developmental delays in children: A nursing approach.
  10. The effectiveness of family-centered care in pediatrics.
  11. Nursing strategies for managing pediatric oncology patients.
  12. Addressing malnutrition in children: A community nursing perspective.
  13. Impact of school nurse programs on child health outcomes.
  14. Role of nurses in managing infectious diseases in children.
  15. Ethical challenges in pediatric nursing care.

Qualitative Research Nursing Topics

  1. Exploring patient experiences with palliative care.
  2. Understanding nurse burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. Perceptions of cultural competence among nursing professionals.
  4. Experiences of family caregivers in managing chronic illnesses.
  5. Patient perspectives on telehealth services.
  6. Exploring the challenges of rural healthcare nursing.
  7. Nurses’ experiences with end-of-life care decision-making.
  8. Perceptions of leadership styles in nursing.
  9. Patient satisfaction with holistic nursing care.
  10. Exploring barriers to mental health care in minority populations.
  11. Exploring the lived experiences of patients with chronic pain.
  12. Understanding the challenges faced by single mothers in accessing prenatal care.
  13. Perceptions of home-based care among elderly patients.
  14. Experiences of new graduate nurses in high-stress environments.
  15. Family dynamics in managing pediatric oncology cases.
  16. Exploring the role of spirituality in coping with terminal illnesses.
  17. Understanding cultural barriers to healthcare access in immigrant populations.
  18. Exploring the impact of nurse-led counseling on mental health recovery.
  19. Patient narratives on living with rare diseases.
  20. Nurses’ experiences in providing care during natural disasters.
  21. Exploring patient-doctor communication gaps from a nursing perspective.
  22. How community health workers perceive their role in underserved areas.
  23. Experiences of nurses working in substance abuse rehabilitation centers.
  24. Exploring gender dynamics in nursing leadership roles.
  25. Perceptions of pain management among pediatric patients and their families.
  26. Experiences of LGBTQ+ patients in healthcare settings: A nursing perspective.
  27. Challenges in delivering culturally sensitive care to indigenous communities.
  28. Exploring the role of emotional intelligence in nursing practice.
  29. Patient perspectives on nursing care in intensive care units.
  30. Understanding the emotional impact of dealing with pediatric end-of-life care.

Quantitative Nursing Research Topics

  1. Statistical analysis of nurse-patient ratios and patient outcomes.
  2. Effectiveness of hand hygiene protocols in infection prevention.
  3. Impact of nursing interventions on patient recovery times.
  4. Examining trends in nurse retention rates over the past decade.
  5. Relationship between nursing education level and patient care quality.
  6. Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in psychiatric nursing.
  7. Role of physical activity in elderly patients’ health outcomes.
  8. Relationship between nurse job satisfaction and patient safety.
  9. Evaluating the impact of telehealth on rural healthcare delivery.
  10. Trends in antibiotic resistance and nursing care strategies.
  11. Analyzing the correlation between nurse education levels and patient mortality rates.
  12. Effectiveness of early mobility protocols in post-surgical patients.
  13. Impact of nurse-led diabetic management programs on HbA1c levels.
  14. Statistical analysis of breastfeeding rates among different socioeconomic groups.
  15. Relationship between sleep quality and job performance among night-shift nurses.
  16. Trends in antibiotic use and resistance patterns in long-term care facilities.
  17. Comparing recovery times between patients receiving traditional vs. virtual physical therapy.
  18. Impact of nurse staffing ratios on patient satisfaction scores.
  19. Effectiveness of aromatherapy in reducing stress among oncology patients.
  20. Analysis of hospital readmission rates following discharge education interventions.
  21. Evaluating patient outcomes with standardized pain assessment tools.
  22. Role of telemonitoring in reducing hypertension among elderly patients.
  23. Statistical trends in infection rates pre- and post-implementation of hand hygiene campaigns.
  24. Relationship between physical activity interventions and cardiovascular health in nursing homes.
  25. Efficacy of nurse-led fall prevention programs in inpatient settings.
  26. Impact of mindfulness training on job satisfaction among nurses.
  27. Evaluating medication adherence in patients with chronic illnesses through nursing interventions.
  28. Comparison of surgical site infection rates with and without enhanced sterilization protocols.
  29. Trends in vaccination uptake post-community health nursing campaigns.
  30. Effectiveness of peer-support programs for nurses in reducing workplace burnout.
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Evidence-Based Nursing Research Topics

  1. Evidence-based strategies for preventing hospital-acquired infections.
  2. Effectiveness of pressure ulcer prevention protocols.
  3. Evidence-based approaches to managing sepsis.
  4. Role of evidence-based practice in improving nursing education.
  5. Effectiveness of nurse-led smoking cessation programs.
  6. Evidence-based pain management techniques in palliative care.
  7. Impact of evidence-based interventions on nurse burnout.
  8. Role of evidence-based practice in improving maternal health outcomes.
  9. Evidence-based strategies for reducing healthcare disparities.
  10. Effectiveness of infection control measures in ICUs.
  11. Evidence-based interventions to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI).
  12. Effectiveness of music therapy in reducing anxiety during chemotherapy sessions.
  13. Role of evidence-based guidelines in managing pediatric asthma.
  14. Evidence-based strategies for preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia.
  15. Effectiveness of early sepsis identification protocols in critical care units.
  16. Evidence-based approaches to managing obesity in pediatric populations.
  17. Impact of mindfulness-based stress reduction on nurse job satisfaction.
  18. Evidence-based practices for improving outcomes in patients with heart failure.
  19. Efficacy of nurse-led smoking cessation programs in rural areas.
  20. Evidence-based interventions for improving adherence to treatment in HIV patients.
  21. Impact of interdisciplinary rounds on patient outcomes in intensive care units.
  22. Evidence-based strategies for reducing emergency department wait times.
  23. Role of evidence-based interventions in managing postoperative nausea and vomiting.
  24. Effectiveness of probiotics in preventing C. difficile infections.
  25. Use of evidence-based nursing protocols for managing acute pain.
  26. Role of evidence-based teaching strategies in improving nursing education.
  27. Efficacy of nurse-driven mobility protocols in preventing pressure ulcers.
  28. Evidence-based approaches to enhance palliative care delivery.
  29. The role of evidence-based practice in reducing healthcare-acquired infections.
  30. Effectiveness of hand hygiene training in reducing infection rates among healthcare workers.


This article has highlighted nursing topics for research, covering diverse areas like mental health, oncology, and nursing informatics. Writing a research paper can be quite challenging, but selecting the right research topic is the first step toward success. A strong literature review and a well-defined research proposal will help you synthesize current knowledge and articulate your research question.

Remember, a dissertation or research project is not just about fulfilling academic requirements—it’s about making meaningful contributions to healthcare. By following this guide and using tools like a free APA citation generator or ai detector, you can ensure your academic writing is clear and concise while avoiding plagiarism.

For more personalized assistance, consider our academic writing services. From drafting a research proposal to completing a dissertation proposal, we help nursing students at every stage of the research process. 


  1. What are some good nursing research topics?
    Explore topics from mental health to nursing informatics, such as the impact of telehealth on patient care.
  2. How do I start my nursing research project?
    Begin with a literature review to identify gaps in existing research and draft a research proposal.
  3. What is the purpose of a literature review in nursing?
    A literature review shows your reader the scope of current knowledge and its relevance to your research problem.
  4. How do I cite sources in my nursing research paper?
    Use tools like a free APA citation generator for citations and references.
  5. What is evidence-based nursing research?
    It evaluates interventions using a methodology focused on clinical outcomes.

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