Satirical Proposal Ideas/ Satire Essay Topics

This article covers a list of over 170 best Satirical Proposal Ideas and Satire Essay Topics for you to go through and select te best that fits your interest.

Satirical Proposal Ideas

A satire essay is a piece of creative writing in which you use irony and humor to criticize other people’s vices or follies. It’s especially common in light of current political and social events.

A satirical essay contains facts about a specific topic but presents them in a humorous manner.

Satire Essay

A satire essay, also known as a satirical essay, is a type of writing that attempts to analyze a topic in a humorous manner. Often, this means making fun of a subject, and while the facts are usually correct, they are presented in an exaggerated manner to make the audience or reader laugh.

A satire essay is often interesting and entertaining to write, as well as hilarious and entertaining to read. You’re giving your reader facts as well as a sarcastic and entertaining take on the subject. Of course, this usually implies that you must have an opinion on the subject.

However, this is what makes a satirical essay one of the best ways to write; you get to share your own point of view and put your own spin on your work. This means that, in addition to being entertaining and humorous, this writing style can also be educational and thought-provoking.

Related: How To Write A Satire Essay

How to Write a Good Satire Essay

Of course, you’ve come here to learn how to write good satire. You’ve come to the right place! To write a good satirical essay, you must follow several important steps. Let’s go over them now so you can get started.

Consider satirical topics for your essay

The first step in writing a satire essay is to come up with a topic. This may take some time, and it is not a step to be taken lightly.

After all, in order to produce your best work, you must select a topic about which you are passionate and know enough to form an opinion and create a humorous analysis.

Plus, picking a topic that interests you will make it much easier to share your personal thoughts!

This can include current events in the news or that have gone viral, for example. Some of the best topics are ones to which you and others can relate.

Create Funny Satire Topics for Readers

Of course, one thing to keep in mind when selecting satire essay topics is to think about something that is actually funny.

It will be extremely difficult to discuss a topic if there is no humorous element to make fun of. Consider angles that will be interesting and humorous to your readers, and you will find writing your satire essay simple and enjoyable.

Consider what is ironic or humorous about this topic.

You could also start with a random (even serious) topic and look for ways to change it to make it humorous – make exaggerations, play with context, mix the unmixable, and so on.

It may be beneficial to consider old good human nature, current strange societal trends, amusing self-deprecation, and so on.

Consider your target audience.

Before you begin writing, you should consider who will be reading your essay. The tone and language you use will be very different depending on the audience who will be reading your satirical topics.

If you are writing for your classmates, for example, you may be able to write less formally than you would for a professor or academic professional.

While the quality of your argument and essay outline will be similar, the speech that you use will differ.

Exaggeration can be accomplished with hyperbole.

Hyperbole will be used in good satire topics. This is figurative language that will generate humor, and the reader will not take it literally.

In other words, hyperbole is the creation of phrases that overstate and exaggerate a point in order to emphasize your point of view. For example, consider the phrase “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.”

This is hyperbole, emphasizing the fact that the person is extremely hungry. Of course, no one would eat a horse, but it is used to emphasize a point.

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Add sarcasm to your writing

Sarcasm is an excellent piece of language to use in your satiric essay. This is not only an effective way of conveying your point of view in writing, but it is also a way to entertain your audience and help them form an image of what you are discussing.

You will be able to mock a situation by using language that means the inverse of what you want to say.

A good satire essay necessitates the use of intelligent and vibrant humor. Using a rich and exquisite vocabulary or imitating the formal style of newspapers also creates a contrast with the humorous tone, enhancing the overall effect.

Play Around

Remember that your assignment should be enjoyable! While it may appear difficult to begin writing and considering satire or presentation topic ideas, it can be a rewarding project to complete.

This is especially true if it is on a topic of interest to you. So, take your time and try to enjoy the process in order to create good satire topics that you can be proud of.

Satirical Essay Topics

Best Political Satire Topics

  1. What is this Brexit everyone is talking about?
  2. Please, lower the voting age and see what happens!
  3. Everyone in the US should listen to politicians. (one of the very funny satire subjects)
  4. Donald Trump really stands out from the previous US presidents.
  5. Russia is perhaps American’s most loyal ally.
  6. Solving the problem of illegal immigration in the United States.
  7. Freedom of speech is clearly overrated.
  8. Here are the fun ways to exercise your constitutionally-protected voting rights.
  9. Trump’s government didn’t really Make America Great Again!
  10. The 5 reasons people still have faith in politicians today.

Best Technology and Science Satirical Topics

  1. Robots are already conquering our planet and enslaving us.
  2. Electric vehicles are definitely not better than petrol cars.
  3. Here’s how Facebook helped me learn new things.
  4. Best apps to embarrass yourself with in front of your classmates.
  5. The art of arriving late at an interview (with examples).
  6. Let’s face it: robots are hard-working, unlike humans. (one of the best satire essay topics)
  7. Trust me, Google can save your life one day!
  8. A computer hacker can be your best friend.
  9. 5 apps that are ruining your social life right now.
  10. Use public Wi-Fi networks, they’re completely safe!

Best Satire Example in Literature

  1. Roman and Greek forms of literature are basically the same.
  2. What have I learned from Romeo and Juliet?
  3. Let’s be honest: religion changes literature.
  4. Why I can’t understand any of the works of Shakespeare. (one of the best satirical topics)
  5. Discussing the modern methods of language: any changes?
  6. Which is worse nowadays, crappy music or crappy literature?
  7. I’d rather read the Washington Post than read another work by Shakespeare.
  8. Reading a good book beats listening to the latest tunes.
  9. We definitely need to censor some of the current literary masterpieces.
  10. Television versus literature: who’s the winner?

Topics for a Satire Essay for College Students

  1. Every school has its social pyramid, which you need to learn to navigate to survive.
  2. Who uses chalkboards nowadays?
  3. 5 ways to better use your time instead of going to school.
  4. 7 things school will never teach you. (one of the best satire speech topics)
  5. Don’t be afraid of dropping out of school!
  6. Here is what I learned from flunking my exams.
  7. My least favorite subjects in school (with explanations).
  8. Why you should never connect with your parents on Facebook.
  9. Why teachers should quit giving their students homework.
  10. High school proms should be banned in the entire United States.

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Social Issues Satirical Topics

  1. The teen mom phenomenon is on the rise; here is why!
  2. Why people lie all the time and why it’s a good skill to master.
  3. The 5 reasons why you want to be as annoying as possible.
  4. Being a vegan versus eating meat: a sincere approach.
  5. Let’s legalize and deregulate marijuana and see what happens.
  6. Poverty is everywhere around us, not just in third world countries.
  7. Why gun control will never work in the United States.
  8. Make healthcare free for everyone, but don’t expect me to pay for it!
  9. Sustaining a healthy relationship is like taking a second job.
  10. How to get away with criticizing your boss (tips included).

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Satirical Proposal Ideas/ Satire Essay Topics
Satirical Proposal Ideas/ Satire Essay Topics

Satire Ideas on Sports

  1. Tiger Woods won’t win another Major, and here is why!
  2. This is the hardest record to break in sports, but you won’t guess why!
  3. Real Madrid is the best football club in the world, but not for long.
  4. Let’s make a hall of fame for steroid users.
  5. Soccer games should be closed events because of all the fighting.
  6. Women are better athletes than men – and there is scientific evidence.
  7. College athletes deserve to get paid for their efforts.
  8. Why you can’t call playing a video game sport.
  9. All jerseys of all sportspeople should have ads on them.
  10. Athletes make for very poor role models, that’s for sure!

Satirical Love Topics

  1. Love really exists, and there is proof to this claim!
  2. When not to use your most popular pickup line. (one of the best topics for satires)
  3. The 3 conversation starters that work every time.
  4. You never know when you’re in love, until it’s too late.
  5. There should be an age limit on love: pros and cons.
  6. I love more than one person. Is this even possible?
  7. How to break up with somebody over text messages.
  8. Here is how you win an argument with your wife every time.
  9. All men should become stay at home dads.
  10. Why do you care? After all, love is blind!
  11. How much does an average wedding cost? You’ll be surprised!
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Satirical Topics about the Environment

  1. Global warming is not real.
  2. Alternative energy is overrated, and here is why!
  3. It’s fun living on a planet without an ozone layer.
  4. The 3 best water conservation methods you can use in a desert.
  5. Housing projects or environmental conservation?
  6. Don’t brush your teeth! You’ll prevent global warming.
  7. 3 endangered species you don’t even know exist.
  8. Soon, we will need oil more than we need water.
  9. Let’s cut all the trees and see if the ozone layer really disappears.
  10. Recycling does nothing to protect the environment in real life.

Satirical Topics about School

  1. Facebook is the best place to make friends in school.
  2. Dropping out of school may not be such a bad idea after all.
  3. Let’s face it: getting a college education is no longer important.
  4. How to avoid doing your homework and not get a bad grade (with tricks).
  5. I don’t know why, but Physics is my favorite class.
  6. Do we really need to graduate school?
  7. Here is why I absolutely hate school uniforms.
  8. Why good grades don’t really matter nowadays.
  9. Standardized tests don’t reflect the intelligence of students.
  10. Teachers need to stop with all the homework!

Business Satirical Topics

  1. Money doesn’t make you happy, but it’s good to have it!
  2. My role model in business (and why).
  3. Get a virtual assistant so you don’t have to do the boring stuff.
  4. Selling a used car is trickier than you think!
  5. 3 ways to grow your company without much effort.
  6. Every business has its risks.
  7. Every business should have a pet as a mascot. (the best of all the satire topic ideas)
  8. I want to have my own bank.
  9. Is religion a business these days?
  10. Children will give you the best financial advice, always!

Satirical Argument Essay Topics

Topics for a satirical essay that is argumentative can be a little tricky.

The benefit of choosing this type of essay is writing from both perspectives to prove your point. The options below will help you get started.

  1. The gun laws have made Australia the safest place on earth
  2. America can become Russia’s new best friend
  3. Women are better than men in every field
  4. Why juggling being a mom and going to work is the easiest thing ever
  5. Why is animal testing not the most fun for them?
  6. Beauty first, brains second. Why do you think that is justified?
  7. Every lost item can be found when your mom is looking for it
  8. Why never pick sides between your wife’s and mother’s fight
  9. Why having a pet is better than having fake friends?
  10. No news is good news until you post about it on social media
  11. Why is the feminist movement overrated?
  12. Babies are cute as long as they are not yours
  13. Eating babies look cute as long as they do not poop

Satire Essay Topics on Social Media

Social media-related topics for a satire essay can be quite catchy as most people will relate to them.

It is a smart direction to go in when writing this type of challenging essay.

Make this process easier by choosing one of the topics suggested below:

  1. Why blocking your family on social media is justified?
  2. The benefits of adding your parents on Facebook
  3. How does social media make me a brilliant student?
  4. How to stalk your boyfriend if he is not on social media?
  5. How is Google able to save your life?
  6. Why are online friends way better than real-life friends?
  7. Benefits of marrying a stranger on the internet
  8. Here is why I rejected my dad’s friend request on Facebook
  9. I followed instructions by a complete stranger online and how it changed my life
  10. Gossip is the currency of social media
  11. How to save yourself from the TikTok virus?
  12. Understanding how the cloud works: how did all of my data fly to the clouds?
  13. Why do social media jargons make you a better fit for your job?

Modern Satire Essay Topics

Modern satirical essay topic ideas can be quirky and much fun to work with. Spice up your essay and writing skills by utilizing the suggestions listed below:

  1. How are teen moms conquering the world?
  2. High-income group people are more stressed than the lower-income ones?
  3. Why should most men become home dads?
  4. How to win an argument with your wife?
  5. How can you survive a day without your smartphone?
  6. Why breaking up via text can save your life
  7. What makes divorce more expensive than a wedding
  8. How to manipulate your girlfriend into breaking up with you
  9. Why your grandpa needs a new iPhone right now?
  10. Why to not love charity?
  11. How I met your mother on Instagram?
  12. How to not flirt with your English literature teacher?
  13. A guide to making your first date awkward
  14. A guy’s valuable insight on girls’ makeup
  15. How to escape back into the friendship zone?

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Satire Essay on Controversial Topics

Writing on a controversial topic? You have an excellent chance of making your audience interested in reading your work.

You can take inspiration from some of the best controversial satire topics for an essay:

  1. Why is freedom of speech not a necessity?
  2. What makes Trump stand out among the previous presidents?
  3. Comics can be a great way to confront terrorist
  4. Why is every Muslim not a terrorist?
  5. How, if legalized, steroids can help athletes?
  6. Why are women better drivers than men?
  7. How legalizing abortion can solve half the world’s problems?
  8. Which type of cancer is the best one?
  9. Ten reasons why Britain can justify making the decisions it did with Brexit
  10. The benefits you can enjoy if your parents are getting divorced
  11. How racism actually gives all of us a reason to bond
  12. Why is dating five girls better than dating one?
  13. Why does animal cruelty not make you cruel?
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Satire Essay Topics on Celebrities

Writing a satirical essay is challenging yet fun, especially when you are writing one on a celebrity.

Who would not want to read a spin on the lives of these renowned personalities? Do your best by picking from the hilarious options below:

  1. Why is being homeless better than being a celebrity?
  2. Why staying married to Kanye is a good idea if you wake up as Kim one day?
  3. Why should Miley Cyrus be every teen’s role model?
  4. The compilation of Trump’s best pieces of advice
  5. Smoking is cool as long as celebrities do it
  6. How to plan a Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas wedding but on a budget?
  7. What makes Chris Brown the perfect feminist?
  8. How are celebrities setting the most realistic beauty standards for teenagers?
  9. Why is Bill Gates, not your dad?
  10. How to be as happy as Kanye West?
  11. Why writing a song about your ex like Taylor Swift can make your life better?
  12. Why are you not dating Megan Fox right now?

Satirical Essay Topics on Global Warming

Are you out of satire essay ideas for an issue as serious as global warming?

Well, tackling such matters with humor is one of the best ways to make people realize their contribution to it.

Look at the examples mentioned in the list here:

  1. Why should you consider global warming a joke?
  2. You can still clean your environment without recycling. Here is how
  3. Skipping brushing in the morning can be quite effective in controlling global warming
  4. Why would it be fun to live on a planet with no Ozone layer
  5. What makes spilling waste in the water worth it?
  6. The obvious choice between housing projects and environmental policies
  7. Human efforts of planting trees while exponentially increasing the rate of deforestation are commendable
  8. Let’s be a little honest; do we actually need the ozone layer?
  9. Why should the rising temperatures all over the world not bother you?
  10. How global warming helps when you are feeling cold?
  11. How to pollute the environment without damaging the ozone layer?
  12. Global warming might be the best way to die

Satirical Essay Topics on Drugs

Worry no more! Read through the options and select the one you like the most:

  1. Little drugs never hurt anybody
  2. You would have come up with an essay topic yourself if marijuana was legalized
  3. You cannot sneeze when you are unconscious
  4. Drugs; the breakfast for champions
  5. Why does Xanax make a perfect dinner?
  6. How drug addiction is better than sex
  7. Temporary relief is always better than permanent health damage in the long run
  8. What is better than escaping reality
  9. Weed is a plant that makes me a florist, not a druggie
  10. Life is short; why waste it being sober?
  11. I am regulating the economy by purchasing drugs. Am I a hero yet?
  12. How are drugs not cool if Justin Bieber does it too?

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Satirical Proposal Ideas/ Satire Essay Topics
Satirical Proposal Ideas/ Satire Essay Topics

Satirical Essay Topics on Texting and Driving

Do you want to make a difference through your work? Writing an essay on a social issue like this can help you in this regard.

The suggestions below are to give you a head start. Let’s begin.

  1. I am not texting while driving. Am I normal?
  2. How not texting while driving can still make you cool?
  3. I believe in the art of multitasking, so what if it can kill?
  4. Why texting while driving is an absolute necessity?
  5. I left my phone at home. How will I drive to work?
  6. There is no arguing the fact that texting makes driving a lot less boring.
  7. I do not own a phone. Can I still drive?
  8. Why does texting while driving makes you the ideal driver?
  9. Name a better combo than texting and driving
  10. Why blame texting while driving? Everybody has got to die anyways
  11. How to go to heaven with texting while driving?
  12. Where is the fun in driving with no texting in between?
  13. Why is getting a ticket unfair if all you were doing was texting while driving
  14. Of course, we have to text while driving; the other person might die if we reply late
  15. Why is giving up your life worth it for texting while driving?
  16. How is texting while driving the best extreme sport for you?

You can also check out Expository Essay Topics Ideas

1. What are the different ways to write satire?

The different techniques that are commonly used in satire are:

  • Irony: Gap between what is said and what is meant
  • Hyperbole: A literary term for exaggerating a particular event or person
  • Vivid Language: Colourful or descriptive language to provide a clearer representation of a situation or individual
  • Parody: Conscious imitation of a serious issue for a satiric purpose

2. What is a good way to start a persuasive essay?

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3. What is the difference between Juvenalian and Horatian satire?

“A modest proposal” is a Juvenalian satire. Classical literature differentiates between Horatian and Juvenalian satire. While Horatian satire is often light-hearted, optimistic, funny or self-deprecating, Juvenalian satire is sometimes not so funny, dark, pessimistic and very abrasive.

4. What are the 3 rules of satire?

If you’re trying your hand at writing satire, here are a few satire writing tips:

  • Your satire does not need to be vicious or obscene. …
  • Try to appear to be serious while delivering satire, as it can be really funny. …
  • Another trick is to take things further than they have already gone. …
  • See if you can turn things around. …
  • The best satire seems light and airy but packs a real punch underneath.

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