200 Bullying Essay Topics + [Selection Tip & Best Example]

Bullying is the act of dominating or intimidating a weaker person. Various people have different ideas about the causes of bullying, its impacts on victims, and the solutions to it. Schools sometimes allow students to state and defend their personal views about bullying by asking them to write argumentative essays on bullying.

Although a lot of students find this opportunity to be interesting, they often face difficulties while attempting to come up with a suitable topic. We like helping students get essay topics easily, which is why we took our time to gather the best bullying essay topics.

We have listed these Bullying Essay Topics below, so students should select their essay topics from the list.

Purpose of a Bullying Essay

This sort of task’s main reason is to prompt a superior agreement and more profound thought of understudies’ concern.

The paper is additionally pointed toward featuring certain connected issues and discouraging them. With everything taken into account, the primary reason for this composing task is:

  • Allow understudies to communicate their disposition and inflexible stance to this issue;
  • Cause them to understand that the issue exists;
  • Make individuals think if they have at any point been tormented or if they started animosity themselves;
  • Cause them to dissect the issue, consider forestalling the occurrences, and give proposals.

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How to Select the Best Bullying Essay Topic

  • Brainstorm: If you have a few ideas, list all of them. Also, you can have a sit-down with your peers and discuss the recent trends in school bullying and get some clues.
  • Discuss: You might have a great idea: why not reinforce it by seeking some oversight from your tutor before it is too late. They are always open for discussions and can offer you guidance where possible.
  • Explore: It is integral that you grasp as many details about your possible topic to figure out if you possess enough data from your sources.
  • Eliminate: Get rid of ideas that you don’t like or those that you know sourcing relevant information would be difficult.

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Bullying Essay Topics
Bullying Essay Topics

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Bullying Essay Topics

Best Bullying Essay Topics

  1. Should school authorities frown at bullying?
  2. Can bullying affect the education system?
  3. Bullying prevention programs can’t eradicate bullying in schools
  4. What are the primary causes of bullying?
  5. Bullying is almost the same thing as teasing
  6. Should bullies go to jail?
  7. Why is it a bad thing to bully innocent kids?
  8. Can bullying reduce education standards?
  9. The legal measures to stop bullying
  10. School bullying is a problem.
  11. Should victims of bullying act as bullies to weaker kids also?
  12. Is bullying a serious crime or fun?
  13. Is it proper to fight with a bully while trying to defend one’s rights?
  14. Can bullying lower the self-esteem of victims?
  15. Is bullying a serious matter or a laughing matter?
  16. The public education system promotes bullying
  17. Traditional bullying vs. cyberbullying
  18. How to stop bullying
  19. Effects of bullying in schools
  20. The best way to confront bullies
  21. What are the common motives of bullies?
  22. Should timid kids plead with bullies or report them to authorities?
  23. Bullying is a common behavior
  24. Solving The Problem Of Bullying
  25. Bullying has evolved
  26. Bullying is a misuse of power
  27. Can we call bullying an epidemic?
  28. Bullying in school is more serious than online bullying
  29. The problem of bullying
  30. Bullying is violent and cruel
  31. Should bullies get expelled from school?
  32. Is bullying a form of violence or drama?
  33. Why bullying can’t be stopped
  34. The best way to say no to bullying
  35. Is bullying a big issue?
  36. Can tolerance education reduce the rate at which students bully one another?
  37. Bullying doesn’t have serious effects on schools
  38. Putting a stop to bullying
  39. How should innocent kids respond to bullies?
  40. Do bullies feel proud or ashamed after bullying timid kids
  41. Bullying is a rite of passage
  42. The vicious cycle of bullying
  43. What can make bullies repent of their bad deeds?
  44. Physical bullying vs. verbal bullying
  45. Should bullies get punished?
  46. Is bullying a social issue?
  47. Bullying is part of life.
  48. The effects of cyberbullying on youths
  49. Bullying is a threat
  50. Should innocent kids be afraid of bullies?
  51. Do adults also bully one another?
  52. Why must we prevent bullying?
  53. Why do kids bully one another?
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Argumentative Bullying Essay Topics

  1. Should bullying prevention be a part of education programs?
  2. Do the members of LGBT communities become the victims of bullying more often than other students?
  3. Do violent games increase the level of bullying?
  4. Why should we stop bullying?
  5. Why should bullying carry criminal sanction?
  6. Is enough being done about bullying?
  7. Is bullying at school the main reason for a negative self-image among young men?
  8. Can teachers use social media to solve school bullying?
  9. Does bullying have any advantages?
  10. Should a student who bullies regularly be suspended from school or college?
  11. Bullying is almost the same thing as teasing
  12. Is it a crime to be a bully?
  13. Is bullying overrated in American schools?
  14. Bullying at high school
  15. Is bullying a serious crime or fun?
  16. Should parents get fined if their child bullies other children?
  17. Handling your child getting bullied
  18. Effects of bullying in schools
  19. How should innocent kids respond to bullies?
  20. How kids should save themselves from being bullied
  21. Do bullies feel proud or ashamed after bullying timid kids
  22. How to stop bullying
  23. How should bullies get punished?
  24. Bullying in school is more serious than online bullying
  25. Standing up to a bully
  26. Stricter punishment for bullies
  27. Can tolerance education reduce the rate at which students bully one another?
  28. The legal measures to stop bullying
  29. The impacts of bullying on victims
  30. Peer pressure can force innocent kids to become bullies
  31. The vicious cycle of bullying
  32. The public education system promotes bullying
  33. Bullying is a misuse of power
  34. Is bullying a form of violence or drama?
  35. Bullying is part of life
  36. Bullying is a rite of passage
  37. Bullying is a common behavior
  38. Is bullying a big issue?
  39. Bullying has evolved
  40. Bullying is a recurring issue
  41. Is bullying a serious matter or a laughing matter?
  42. Bullying is a type of behavior
  43. Bullying is a threat
  44. Is bullying a social issue?
  45. Bullying is violent and cruel
  46. Bullying has no cure
  47. Bullying is an old concept
  48. The effects of cyberbullying on youths
  49. Bullying is prevalent among adolescents
  50. Bullying prevention programs can’t eradicate bullying in schools
  51. Should bullies get punished?
  52. Can we call bullying an epidemic?
  53. The effects of cyberbullying on youths
  54. Traditional bullying vs. cyberbullying
  55. Should bullies go to jail?
  56. Different kinds of bullying
  57. Solving The Problem Of Bullying
  58. School bullying is a problem
  59. Can bullying reduce education standards?
  60. Can bullying affect the school calendar?
  61. Can bullying lower the self-esteem of victims?
  62. Can bullying make a child commit suicide?
  63. Can bullying affect the education system?
  64. Can bullying transform an extrovert into an introvert?
  65. What are the dangers of bullying?
  66. What are the primary causes of bullying?
  67. What can make bullies repent of their bad deeds?
  68. Does bullying have some life-changing effects?
  69. Can bullying make kids become tougher?
  70. The problem of bullying
  71. Physical bullying vs. verbal bullying
  72. Is it proper to fight with a bully while trying to defend one’s right?
  73. Putting a stop to bullying
  74. The best way to say no to bullying
  75. Why bullying can’t be stopped
  76. The perils of bullying
  77. Workplace bullying
  78. How can timid kids handle bullies?
  79. How to avoid getting into the traps of bullies
  80. Why must we prevent bullying?
  81. Do adults also bully one another?
  82. Should victims of bullying act as bullies to weaker kids also?
  83. Why do kids bully one another?
  84. What should school authorities do to eradicate bullying?
  85. Should school authorities frown at bullying?
  86. Cyberbullying vs. school bullying
  87. What are the common motives of bullies?
  88. Why is it a bad thing to bully innocent kids?
  89. What makes bullying a serious problem?
  90. Can interfering in other countries’ business be considered bullying?
  91. Why do you hate bullying?
  92. Why is the participation of celebrities in anti-bullying campaigns important?
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Cyber Bullying Essay Topicss

  1. Can cyberbullying cause suicides?
  2. Social awareness about cyberbullying: what can be done?
  3. Do you agree with the statement that a total prohibition on cyberbullying in social media violates the First Amendment?
  4. How can parents reduce cyberbullying against their child
  5. Should teens be afraid of cyberbullying?
  6. What are the reasons why people are being cyberbullied?
  7. How can one overcome Cyber intimidation trauma?
  8. Which investigation is conducted to get the attacker?
  9. Why do people Cyberbully others?
  10. Does Cyber victimization cause more suicidal cases than traditional victimization?
  11. What are the measures taken to avoid being Cyberbullied?
  12. Do our social media accounts lead us to be Cyberbullied?
  13. Is cyberbullying more, less, or equally damaging than bullying in schools?
  14. Should cyberbullying be punishable?
  15. How does bullying affect children in their adult lives?
  16. What behaviors do children who are bullied exhibit?
  17. How do children react when they are bullied?
  18. Should children who defend themselves from bullies be punished?
  19. What role do teachers and administrators play in putting a stop to bullying?
  20. Should schools offer counseling for children who experience bullying?
  21. Discuss children’s behavior at home and how parents can help stop bullying.
  22. Should bullying and its effects be taught in schools? If so, at what age?
  23. What is the best prevention of Cyber discrimination?
  24. What are the consequences of Cyber harassment?
  25. My own experience with Cyber intimidation.
  26. Is cyberbullying among adolescents worth attention from adults?
  27. Is cyberbullying overhyped?
  28. Can cyberbullying cause depression?
  29. Should teachers keep tabs on students’ social media profiles to prevent cyberbullying?
  30. What kind of bullying has a greater effect: cyberbullying or face-to-face bullying?
  31. Who are “trolls”? What do they have to do with cyberbullying?
  32. How has technology affected school bullying (or cyberbullying)?
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Controversial Bullying Essays Topics

  1. The negative impact of bullying on children’s self-esteem.
  2. How has social media changed the phenomenon of bullying?
  3. How can bullying be prevented at the national level?
  4. How does the misunderstanding of masculinity cause bullying?
  5. Why are students less tolerant of differences than adults? Does intolerance cause bullying?
  6. Bullying in sports teams: detail the reasons and consequences.
  7. Compare and contrast bullying against girls and boys.
  8. How do gender stereotypes provoke bullying?
  9. What is common between genocides and bullying?
  10. Can bullying be considered a way to increase one’s self-esteem?
  11. Compare the similarities and differences between slavery and bullying.
  12. How has social media affected body image and bullying?
  13. What is the connection between bullying and sexual assault?

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  1. School rules against bullying: are they efficient?
  2. Should school do more to stop bullying?
  3. Should schools and colleges step in when students misuse social-network sites on school property?
  4. What are effective punishments for bullying at school?
  5. How can kids stand against bullying on their own?
  6. How does bullying affect students’ grades?
  7. Why don’t students stand against bullying when they witness it?
  8. Compare and contrast pranks and bullying. Should pranks be forbidden at schools?
  9. How will implementing school uniforms help to prevent bullying at schools?
  10. What should a student do if he or she becomes a victim of bullying?
  11. Who is responsible for bullying at schools: kids or adults?
  12. How can children with eating disorders avoid bullying?
  13. How can bullying of students with disabilities be stopped?
  14. What long-term effects does bullying at school have?
  15. How can students organize an efficient anti-bullying campaign?

Bullying Essay Example

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200 Bullying Essay Topics + [Selection Tip & Best Example] 3

1. What is the conclusion of the essay bullying essay?

Conclusion – Bullying Essay The essay concludes that bullying is very common these days among teenagers people. The coming of social networking sites is fuelling the fire of bullying to a great extent. The effect of bullying on the human mind can also be seen in the essay how it put a great role in the psychological development of the person.

2. What is a bully?

According to Webster ‘s Dictionary, a bully is someone is however difficult to define bullying as there are different types of bullying. Bullying can be verbal, non-verbal, violent and non-violent. The reactions to bullying are also varied. While some do not mind bullying, some get severely affected by it.

3. How long should an essay on bullying be?

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more. We are providing students with essay samples on long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Bullying for reference. Long Essay on Bullying is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

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