Good Argumentative Essays topics on Technology [+ Essay Prompts]

To be effective, the Argumentative Essay topics on Technology must be well-organized and must include elements such as an introduction, clear arguments, a strong conclusion, and potentially a call to action. If you’re not sure where to start, take a look at some of the following Argumentative Essays topics on Technology:

Argumentative Essays Technology Topics Ideas

  1. Is Bitcoin the future of financial transactions?
  2. Is technology making us more alone?
  3. Is technology responsible for the rise of mental problems like Depression?
  4. Has technology made us weak and over-dependent on it?
  5. Is social media really connecting the people?
  6. Will artificial intelligence take over human intelligence in the coming 30 years?
  7. Are online classes, The future of classrooms
  8. Will Technology lead to the extinction of the human race?
  9. Is technology killing our own creativity?
  10. Will robotic technologies take over millions of jobs
  11. Has technology made more harm than Good?
    Technology Argumentative Topics
  12. Can Technology make man immortal ?

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Great Argumentative Essays topics on Technology

  • Pros and Cons of electric cars.
  • How reusable rockets will change space exploration technology.
  • How technological advancements are responsible for climate change.
  • Effects of technology in education.
  • Cryptocurrencies are better than conventional banking systems, Agree or Disagree.
  • Role of technology on mental health.
  • How social media has impacted human relationships.
  • How 5G technology will change our world.
  • Is blockchain, the next revolutionary technology after the internet?
  • Benefits of Nanotechnology in health care
  • Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy.
  • How social media algorithms are making us addicted to it

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Argumentative Essay topics Technology

  • Advantages of Technology essay.
  • Disadvantages of Technology essay.
  • Will robotics technology ever be equal to human intelligence?
  • Role of technology in depletion of natural resources.
  • How has technology helped in food production?
  • How has technology shaped modern human civilization?
  • How technology has strengthened the healthcare system
  • How technology helped in the efficient utilization of natural resources.
  • How has technology connected people?
  • Role of technology in the spread of democracy and equality

Simply having an opinion and some facts about your topic is not enough – you need to use your critical thinking skills to structure your argument in a way that will persuade your audience to see things your way.

Argumentative Essay About Technology In Education

Education and Technology: Why Technology is Good or Bad for Children? Essay Prompt: Why technology is good or bad for children? How important is technology in education for K-12? How should technology be used in the classroom for K-12?

Benefits and Future Trends in Technology
Essay Prompt: What technology do you find most beneficial to use in your work or school setting? Least beneficial? Why do you find this tool useful or not? Then, using your imagination, look to the future and think about how this tool could be enhanced even further….

Education and the use of Technology Education – Admission Essay
Essay Prompt: Over the years, new technological innovations have come up that have been crucial in the improvements in modern education. Specifically, the education sector has gained tremendously from digital media and technology (Kusumawati, 2019). Argumentative Essays topics on Technology

Write about how Technology and digital media has impacted modern education.

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Issues Associated with the Process of Selection and Implementation of New Technology
Essay Prompt: Technology is revolutionizing every single day. New and modified types are launched now and then. And it is essential for facilities and, in this case, health centers to stay up to date with new technology. However, the introduction of new technology may face a lot of challenges.

Impact of Wireless Technology Devices in Schools. Education Essay
Essay Prompt: Over the last fifty years, mankind has witnessed a rapid evolution and advancement of communication technology that if presented to a resident of another time, say, the 18th century, they would incredulously label it as magic.

Argumentative Essay on Mobile Technology in Classrooms.
Essay Prompt: Mobile phones nowadays are part of the norm of society. It has various uses that apply to daily activities, both for work and leisure. But using mobile phones has been a longstanding issue without any standard regulation as to whether it should be allowed when students are inside their classrooms.

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Technology Essay Topics with Prompts

  1. can humankind survive without Technology? Would humans, without Technology, remain a higher life form?
    Essay Prompt: Technology has transformed society, with both positive and negative impacts. A simple observation of people will affirm that they are wholly dependent on technology for their day-to-day life.
  2. Application of Digital Technology to Social Research
    Essay Prompt: The application of digital technology to social research is quickly evolving, deliberative, and reflective field. The utilization of Internet technologies and tools as research goals, tools, and policies for studying and developing creative methodological practices is at the heart of this development.
  3. Applications and Benefits of Blockchain Technology. Argumentative Essays topics on Technology
    Essay Prompt: Blockchain is the technology that is commonly used in enabling the existence of cryptocurrency. On the other hand, Bitcoin is the best-known cryptocurrency that led to the invention of blockchain technology.
  4. The Technological Future I want to see
    Essay Prompt: We all witnessed how technology gradually alleviated the means of our living. Moreover, its development paved the way for making life easier, increasing work efficiency, and enhancing our quality of life.
  5. Harms and Benefits of Privacy, Whistle Blowing, and Winner-take-all Society
    Essay Prompt: In the 21st century, scholars have raised questions touching on the ethical use of technology, especially concerning privacy. Despite a constant outcry emanating from privacy violations, stakeholders have done little to address the concerns.
  6. Accounting Essay Assignment. Effect of Changing Information Technology to Accounting Culture
    Essay Prompt: In the current economic world, the most critical issue is the changing nature of accounting practice driven by the adoption of information technology. This has made several accounting processes become obsolete and that creates a demand for a working current situation.
  7. Technology Experimentation. Technology Essay.
    Essay Prompt: The incorporation of new technology into a company’s business processes is certainly an unavoidable necessity in order to keep up with the ever-changing business environment.
  8. Using technology and protecting patient information and confidentiality.
  9. Technology is not as inevitable as it sounds
  10. The Usage of Technology in Today’s Society. Social Sciences Essay
    Essay Prompt: Today’s society cannot deny the impact and influence that technology has brought. With advancement, there are new or increased influences on how individuals go about activities. Some impacts may be short term, others are long term. So much change in the world is tied and based on technological advancement…
  11. Surveillance and Privacy Concerns in Counter-terrorism
    Essay Prompt: To fight terrorism, various strategies have been employed by those protecting states and the world at large. Surveillance is one of the main strategies adopted in counter-terrorism warfare.
  12. Becoming too Dependent on Technology – (Argumentative Essays topics on Technology)
    Essay Prompt: Are human beings becoming too dependent on technology? Choose a side and defend your thesis.
  13. Impact Of Technology Proliferation In The World Today
    Essay Prompt: This essay analyses some of the common impacts of the technology proliferation in the world today. Technology growth and changes that have been observed in the world today cannot be ignored as they are occurring exponentially. (Argumentative Essays topics on Technology)
  14. How Technology Shapes Up People’s Identity
    Essay Prompt: The technology significantly shapes people’s identities. As individuals from different parts of the world embrace it, they tend to forget their cultural beliefs and social norms. In particular, technology influences the way people express themselves in society. Moreover, it affects individuals’ learning.
  15. Cutting-Edge Research and Technology” Engineering Essay
    Essay Prompt: Immunotherapy is a form of cancer medication mechanism that strengthens the general defense mechanism of the body to fight cancer. Immunotherapy, also called biological therapy uses substances of the body or from laboratory to boost the immune system. The process works by either slowing. (Argumentative Essay topics on Technology)
  16. The Social Construction of Reality
    Essay Prompt: Perhaps the new technology era will be advantageous to the research subject. Ethnography is the study of social experiences via storytelling, and it can benefit from the use of technology. Technological advancements in the digital realm have the potential to expand ethnography’s scope.
  17. Black Mirror Response: Technology, Communication and the Future
    Essay Prompt: How does technology enhance or detract from personal communication? Does technology warp our sense of reality? Is our concept of reality changing because of technology?
  18. Using Technology in Healthcare Information System and Big Data
    Essay Prompt: Technology continues to have a significant impact in the world today. Almost every function of daily life has become digitalized. The result has been eased operations, cost efficiencies, and saved time. In healthcare, technology has been the driving force behind several improvements. (Argumentative Essays topics on Technology)
  19. Overdependence on Technology Hurts Family Values
    Essay Prompt: The advanced technology plays a significant role in today’s community owing to its various applications towards making it easier for people to carry out their daily life activities. Daily chores such as cleaning of houses, laundry, as well as cleaning of utensils can be done using machines and other forms of…
  20. How does Technology affect your communication
  21. Technology and Insights Leading to Innovation
    Essay Prompt: The modern world is ever-changing; new technologies and inventions are changing the way people conduct business worldwide.
  22. “The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child” and “Is the Internet hurting children?”
    Essay Prompt: According to this post, children nowadays are perceived to rely heavily on technology as a substitute for their play, resulting in limited creativity and imagination.
  23. Information Technology in Criminal Justice. Law Essay
    Essay Prompt: Identification is key in law enforcement and criminal justice. For many law officers and justice administrators, data is central to effective law enforcement and administration of justice….
  24. Impact of Technology in Healthcare
    Essay Prompt: In the modern-day world, technology plays a critical role in everyday life. This has prompted players in different sectors of the economy to adopt technology in their industries. The result has been an improvement in the quality of goods and services produced. Within the healthcare industry, technology has (Argumentative Essay topics on Technology)
  25. End of Life Issue and Technology
    Essay Prompt: Perhaps the hardest decision for someone to make in life is to decide whether to let someone die or let it live forever paralyze with the help of technology. With the help of technology this day, many medical problems have been solved, while some others can be easily cured with the use of technology….
  26. Technology essay on Traditional and Virtual Organizations
    Essay Prompt: Banks and airlines are just two examples of traditional organizations dependent on technology. Are these organizations different from virtual organizations?
  27. Technology Against Humanity Technology Essay
    Essay Prompt: It is no doubt that technology has brought about convenience and efficiency to almost every aspect of humans’ daily lives. Researchers argue that new technologies, particularly the industry 4.0 technologies with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) at the forefront, have the potential of attacking humanity.
  28. Adoption of New Technology Systems
    Essay Prompt: Even though technology adoption can improve productivity in the workplace, there is a need for the technology to be well suited for workplace settings.
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Good Argumentative Essays topics on Technology [+ Essay Prompts] 2
  1. The Concept of Green Technology
    Essay Prompt: The article shows how Green technology has evolved. The concept of green technology evolved in the 1970s when the social-ecological movement started in industrialized nations. The authors in the article acknowledge GT as a technology that will be applied in diminishing the negative impact.
  2. How Digitization of Healthcare Records Helps Improve EBP Projects
    Essay Prompt: Over the recent past, there has been a continued utilization of technology in various sectors of the healthcare industry in efforts to promote the provision of cost-effective and quality care. Technology has been an integral part in the successful implementation of many healthcare projects either through.
  3. Technology Development in Healthcare
    Essay Prompt: Due to technology development, nurses must not only know how to take care of patients but also learn how to use technology appropriately and safely in their daily routines. In my assignment, I will discuss computer technology, which is one of the most common applications that is being used in nursing.
  4. Storage Technology: Rising Demand For More Storage
    Essay Prompt: In a move to reform the industry relative to storage technology, Intel is planning a release of new oblong shaped solid state drives that will take on a small form factor.
  5. The Assistive Technology for Elderlies and its Various Applications
    Essay Prompt: The new assistive technology and the elderly may not seem to get along, so it becomes the responsibility of a healthcare professional to introduce the elderly to the assistive technology he is going to use to serve them better. The easiest and quickest way to let them know how to use the assistive…
  6. Citizen Participation through Technology
    Essay Prompt: The article by Kakande (2019) explains that citizens can utilize technology to encourage citizen involvement by using systems that allow people to reach and engage their political leaders or register to participate in diverse civic duties that impact their society. (Argumentative Essay topics on Technology)
  7. Social Media and Real Life: An Analysis
    Essay Prompt: The rapid advancement of technology significantly affects how people communicate in different parts of the world. Technology has facilitated bloggers who are individuals who inform others using social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, or websites.
  8. Technology implementation in curbing depression. Technology Essay
    Essay Prompt: In most cases, people have only understood depression as a mental disorder affecting the physical functioning and also the general well-being of a person.
  9. How Technology Is Used to Gather Patient Information Coursework (Argumentative Essay topics on Technology)
    Essay Prompt: Technology has helped improve health care outcomes and practices significantly. The use of various technological innovations such as data mining helps health practitioners gather health patterns to predict certain diseases in the future. Currently, many organizations depend on technology.
  10. Political Economy: Machines Taking Away Our Jobs
    Essay Prompt: Continued developments in technology in the manufacture of machines could pose a looming threat to the employment of a significant percentage of the population.
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