Best Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals
Best Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals

90 Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals

Looking for a good argumentative essay topic about animals? You’re in luck! We’ve put together a list of 20 topics that will get you started.

Argumentative essay topics about animals can be divided into three categories: animal rights, animal welfare, and animal testing. Each one of these topics could be argued from multiple perspectives.

Animal rights is the belief that animals should have the same basic rights as humans, including the right to life and liberty. Animal welfare is the view that animals should be treated humanely and with compassion, and that their well-being should be given consideration. Animal testing is the use of animals in scientific experiments to further our understanding of health and disease.

Best Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals
Best Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals

All three of these topics are controversial, which makes them perfect for an argumentative essay. So without further ado, here are 20 argumentative essay topics about animals!

20 Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals

  1. . Zoos are inhumane and should be banned.
  2. Animal testing is cruel and should be outlawed.
  3. Pets should not be allowed in public places.
  4. Service animals should be exempt from laws banning animals in public places.
  5. Hunter education should be mandatory for all hunters.
  6. Trapping should be banned because it’s inhumane.
  7. Fur coats should be banned because of the cruelty involved in obtaining the fur.
  8. The exotic animal trade should be banned because it’s cruel and often results in the animal’s death.
  9. Animal hoarders should be required to get help for their mental health issues and have their animals seized.
  10. It should be illegal to breed dogs for physical characteristics that cause them health problems.
  11. Puppy mills should be outlawed because of the inhumane conditions the animals are kept in.
  12. Animal fighting should be banned because it’s cruel and often results in the animal’s death.
  13. The use of animals in entertainment should be banned because it’s cruel.
  14. Factory farming should be banned because of the inhumane conditions the animals are kept in.
  15. Animals should not be kept in zoos because it’s cruel and they’re often not able to live a natural life.
  16. It should be illegal to hunt animals for sport because it’s cruel and often results in the animal’s death.
  17. The use of animals for research should be banned because it’s cruel and often results in the animal’s death.
  18. It should be illegal to buy or sell ivory because it contributes to the poaching of elephants.
  19. It should be illegal to buy or sell endangered animal parts because it contributes to the decline of those species.
  20. The ownership of exotic animals should be banned because it’s cruel and often results in the animal’s death
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50 Argumentative Essay Topics on Animals

  1. Is it morally justifiable to keep animals in captivity for conservation purposes?
  2. Should hunting be banned globally, or are there circumstances where it’s acceptable?
  3. Is declawing cats a form of animal cruelty that should be outlawed?
  4. Should bullfighting be preserved as cultural heritage or banned for animal welfare reasons?
  5. How has the animal welfare movement impacted legislation and public perception of animal rights?
  6. Is consuming meat ethically defensible in the face of environmental and animal welfare concerns?
  7. What are the most effective strategies for protecting endangered species in their natural habitats?
  8. Do modern zoos serve a valuable educational purpose or exploit animals for entertainment?
  9. How do humans psychologically and emotionally benefit from interacting with animals in zoos?
  10. Should factory farming be phased out in favor of more ethical and sustainable agricultural practices?
  11. Is animal testing necessary for medical advancements, or are there viable alternatives?
  12. Should the use of fur in fashion be globally banned, considering both ethical and economic factors?
  13. How do pets contribute to human mental health and well-being?
  14. What is the true environmental impact of animal agriculture, and how can it be mitigated?
  15. How has the human-animal relationship evolved throughout history, and what does this tell us about our society?
  16. Does our treatment of animals reflect our moral progress as a species?
  17. Should we prioritize the welfare of all animals equally, or is it justifiable to focus on certain species?
  18. What legislative changes are necessary to ensure humane treatment of all animals?
  19. How do cultural differences impact animal welfare practices around the world?
  20. Is veganism the most ethical dietary choice, or are there other sustainable options?
  21. Should exotic pet ownership be banned to protect both animals and ecosystems?
  22. How effective are current wildlife conservation efforts, and what improvements can be made?
  23. Is it ethical to use animals for therapeutic purposes, such as in animal-assisted therapy?
  24. Should circuses featuring animal acts be prohibited worldwide?
  25. How does the illegal wildlife trade impact global ecosystems and economies?
  26. Is genetic modification of animals for human benefit ethically justifiable?
  27. Should all countries adopt and enforce universal animal welfare standards?
  28. How do different religious perspectives influence attitudes towards animal rights?
  29. Is it ethical to keep animals as service animals for people with disabilities?
  30. Should governments allocate more resources to protecting marine life and ocean ecosystems?
  31. How does animal agriculture contribute to antibiotic resistance, and what are the potential solutions?
  32. Is it morally acceptable to use animals in sports and entertainment (e.g., horse racing, dog shows)?
  33. Should animal abusers face stricter legal penalties, including jail time?
  34. How can we balance human needs with wildlife conservation in areas of human-wildlife conflict?
  35. Is it ethical to use animals for scientific research that doesn’t directly benefit them?
  36. Should pet breeding be more strictly regulated to prevent overbreeding and genetic health issues?
  37. How do invasive species impact local ecosystems, and what are the most ethical ways to manage them?
  38. Should governments provide more funding for alternatives to animal testing in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals?
  39. Is it ethical to keep highly intelligent animals (e.g., dolphins, elephants) in captivity for any reason?
  40. How can we ensure the ethical treatment of animals in the food industry without significantly raising food prices?
  41. Should animal welfare be a consideration in international trade agreements?
  42. Is it morally justifiable to use animals for labor (e.g., working dogs, draft horses)?
  43. How can we balance the needs of expanding human populations with habitat preservation for wildlife?
  44. Should the development of lab-grown meat be prioritized as an ethical alternative to traditional animal agriculture?
  45. Is it ethical to use animals in military and law enforcement operations?
  46. How can we address the psychological impact on workers in industries that involve animal slaughter?
  47. Should animal rights be enshrined in national constitutions or international declarations?
  48. Is it ethical to keep animals in aquariums for educational and conservation purposes?
  49. How can we effectively address the issue of stray animal populations in urban areas?
  50. Should companies be required to disclose their animal testing practices to consumers?
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10 Animal topics for research papers

There are many different animal topics that you can choose to write about for your research paper. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Animal testing: Is it necessary?
  2. The pros and cons of zoos
  3. Are exotic animals good or bad pets?
  4. The link between animal abuse and domestic violence
  5. How do we define “humane” treatment of animals?
  6. Should there be more regulations on the breeding of animals?
  7. The impact of climate change on wildlife
  8. How humans can coexist with dangerous animals
  9. The ethical debate surrounding the consumption of animal products
  10. Are there alternatives to using animals for research purposes?

Animal topics for essay

There are many different animal topics that you can choose to write about for your essay. Here are some ideas to get you started:

-The pros and cons of keeping animals in captivity
-The ethical considerations of animal testing
-The impact of human activity on endangered species
-The complex social hierarchies of animal societies
-The fascinating world of animal communication
-The incredible adaptability of animals to changing environments-The unique and important role of animals in ecosystem

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