Argumentative business essay topics

Argumentative business essay topics

One of the most difficult parts of writing an argumentative business essay is coming up with a topic and a thesis statement. Here’s a comprehensive list of Argumentative business essay topics.

Business Argumentative Research Topics

  1. It is never too late to revamp your business policies and adopt a new direction for your product line
  2. Businesses that are product-oriented tend to be more successful than those that are market-oriented
  3. Pricing, packaging, and promotion will fail if your product is not quality. Every part of your marketing strategy is important
  4. Companies need to hire employees by offering them better value than their current jobs or situation
  5. Mergers are much better compared to acquisitions because the owner is able to retain some of their ownership
  6. Manufacturing should avoid just-in-time production
  7. Businesses can always revamp their policies or begin in a new direction for their particular product lines
  8. Businesses that focus on products are typically more successful than those who focus on their markets
  9. Every part of a marketing strategy is imperative to the success of a company
  10. The company should hire their employees by offering them a better value than the current job they have
  11. The social and political context of a country directly affect labor turnover and therefore make labor turnover a poor representation of company loyalty
  12. Case studies can allow students to understand real-life situations but because they are theoretical they do not allow students to feel the pressure
  13. Entrepreneurs are required to be more democratic when they work in service-oriented businesses
  14. If working conditions are optima and managers remain cooperative employees will be satisfied with lower pay scales
  15. Leadership is a quality that can be developed through self-improvement and learning
  16. Monetary incentives function as the highest motivational level compared to personal acknowledgment, fringe benefits, or other rewards
  17. Companies must exploit labor in order to maximize profits
  18. Companies to test on animals lose their competitive advantage
  19. Labor turnover is not a good representative of company loyalty because the country’s political and social upsets matter a lot
  20. Case studies help students in understanding real-life situations but they cannot feel the exact pressure because it is only in theory
  21. Entrepreneurs need to be more democratic than authoritative in a service-oriented business
  22. Employees can stay satisfied with a lower salary package if the working conditions are great and the managers are cooperative
  23. Leadership is not only an innate quality but it may be developed by learning and self-improvement
  24. Monetary incentives and benefits provide the highest level of motivation instead of fringe benefits or acknowledgments and rewards.
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One of the most difficult parts of writing an argumentative business essay is coming up with a topic and a thesis statement. Here’s a comprehensive list of Argumentative business essay topics.

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What is the right way of writing an argumentative business essay topics

Read the assignment instructions.

Read the instruction sheet to understand what is needed for your argumentative essay. The instruction will be the pivoting point you use to create the outline. You will know the formatting styles, paper length, and due date. When you got all the instructions at your fingertips, making a working plan will be easier.

Identify the research topic.

Until you know what you are writing about, you can’t start the writing. Look for the best research topic you would love to discuss in your assignment. This applies to those who haven’t been given a specific research topic. 

Brainstorm to come up with the most relevant topic. Additionally, you would get help from recommendations in previous research articles. Always discuss a focused argumentative essay topic.

Do research

It’s an argumentative essay, so there is no shortcut to doing research. As you are researching, look for primary sources, skim them and come up with summary notes. 

You should keep a written record when researching to ensure you don’t omit vital information. Formulate questions you will be answering as you research; that way, the process will be simple.

Have a thesis and paper outline

You have acquired enough knowledge on your research topic and have all the reference materials. Next, you need to have the thesis. 

A thesis sets the objective of your research and is a map for your readers. How are you planning to present our ideas? Following the assignment’s requirements, set an outline that meets all the instructions. 

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Be critical when creating the structure to ensure you have an easy way to present your arguments. Never omit the conclusion and introduction paragraphs. The body sections will vary based on the topic you are discussing but make it appealing to the readers. Business Argumentative Research Topics

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Write original content

After all this preparation, you can start writing. Your summary notes will be guiding your ideas but make sure you don’t copy-paste. 

Rely on what your brain is synthesizing from the research and write those points in your words. 

Add citations when you are referring to other sources to avoid plagiarism problems. Write clear sentences, use understandable grammar, and active voice tone.

Edit and proofread

The rough draft is ready and needs editing before submission. Edit the paper for content, grammar, spelling, and other areas that requires refurbishing. 

Never submit the argumentative essay before re-reading it. Proofreading and editing are the last steps of writing a perfect argumentative essay. 

Through proofreading, you enhance the accuracy, consistency, and relevance of your paper.

Have you been looking for the right way to write an argumentative essay? With these tips, nothing can stand in your way. You have everything to write the best argumentative essay now. 

To help you avoid them, we will highlight what you should include in your research paper introduction.

1. Present your topic

In simple terms, start by writing what your topic is about. We recommended that you start with the broad/general topic and narrow it down. It is also advisable to include a personal reference – if there is one. You should also include your insights, opinions, and personal views. If our topic has jargon that the reader may not be familiar with, make sure that you explain them briefly and clearly.

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2. Provide background information or context

Of course, you have conducted plenty of research on your topic, and you are very familiar with it. You should provide appropriate and relevant information to your readers so that they can be able to understand what your topic is about. Focus on what the reader needs as far as the research paper goes. However, avoid giving too much information.

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3. Define your reasoning

Your readers need to know how and why your research paper topic is relevant to them. Your topic should also be pertinent to your field and society. This is vital since it shows your research paper’s importance to the readers. Argumentative business essay topics

4. Highlight your thesis statement

The thesis statement usually comes at the end of the research paper’s introduction. It refers to the main point or main idea of your research paper. In other words, it highlights what your paper is about. A thesis statement is crucial since it sets the tone for the rest of the research paper. It should be clear, assertive, engaging, and easily understandable by all your readers.

5. Finalize with the outline

An outline is a paragraph of three or four sentences that details your research paper’s plan. An outline helps you organize your thoughts, ensure that there is nothing you are forgetting, and help your research paper’s information continuity.  

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