34 Ideas for Your Capstone Project in 2023

The first step in writing a top-notch capstone project is to select the right topic and then narrow it to a specific focus. However, you are probably stuck with writing your nursing capstone project and need help figuring out where to start. Worry not, for we have compiled the best capstone ideas.

This guide has been prepared by a team of academic writing experts at Studycorp. We believe that having the right bearing will help you ace your project. So read through to identify the best ideas for your 2023 capstone project.

What is a Capstone Project?

Ideally, a capstone project is also referred to as a culminating project or a senior exhibition and is mainly found in colleges and universities. A capstone project is used to evaluate your understanding of the different parameters of your course. As a nursing student, this project allows you to demonstrate your problem-solving, presentation, and soft skills.

Importance of a Capstone Project

  • It helps to encourage independent thinking.
  • Allows you to practice doing a detailed analysis.
  • Test your teamwork abilities.
  •  Learn how to meet deadlines.

Tips To Choose a Topic From Scratch

Often, your professor may give you a topic for your nursing capstone project. However, what should you do if asked to choose one yourself? Below are steps to guide you in selecting the ideal topic.

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Brainstorm ideas- You should brainstorm at least ten topics of interest that you have covered in the last four years. You can source your ideas from classmates or online spaces.

Narrow down topics- After you have identified a range of topics, narrow them down by asking yourself if

  • It meets your degree’s requirements- Your topic should cover a significant portion of your nursing study.
  • It is relevant to the profession you intend to join- you should always select a topic aligned with your professional goals and objectives. Thus, ensure that your topic is aligned with what you want to do in your profession.
  • It has enough research, data, or other supporting material to develop your project.- Ideally, it is difficult to develop a capstone project if you do not have the necessary materials to support your idea. In this case, always ensure you select a topic with published data to do the necessary groundwork. 
  • It is provocative, and interesting-Always choose a fascinating topic that your professor will enjoy reading through. An interesting topic will capture your instructor, keeping them glued to your project. You are more likely to get a higher grade as your ideas flow easily. A fascinating topic will keep you motivated when you feel stuck.

Build on Your Topics

Dig deeper into your selected topics- Once you have selected topics that meet the above criteria, you should explore the available knowledge for each topic. This step will help you assess how easy or challenging a topic will be, based on the available data. In this case, you should select the topics with high volumes of published data and discard those with sparse information.

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Identify problems in your field- A capstone project aims to address significant research problems in your field of study. In this case, you should identify a topic that addresses a particular nursing problem and propose a solution. This approach will help you to find an angle for your capstone project. As a result, you will have met your project’s objectives and identified a flow for your work.

Develop a hypothesis- while the capstone project aims to address a real-world problem,  you should develop a hypothesis that your project will test. After that, you can now develop your project based on the ideal topic.

Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

  1. Addressing issues on mental health such as stigmatization.
  2. Therapy to manage depression among young adults
  3. Ways to enhance nurse safety in mental health facilities.
  4. A behavioral approach to combat noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes and Cancer
  5. Strategies to address nurse shortages in healthcare institutions.
  6. Role of anesthesia nurses in palliative care.
  7.  The best approach to monitoring patients with heart conditions remotely.
  8.  Review of nursing roles to address the nurse shortage.
  9. A review of the best critical care practices in medical emergencies.
  10. Evidence-based practice for nurse leaders.
  11. Effects of nurse shortage on patient outcomes.
  12. A global approach to vaccination as a preventive measure.
  13. Postpartum depression theory.
  14. Role of nurses in policymaking.
  15. Effect of nursing ethics on patient outcomes.
  16. Does nursing ethics affect nurses’ rights?
  17. Benefits of using social care as a platform to provide care to patients who cannot afford healthcare in facilities.
  18. Why developing countries should integrate social care to improve healthcare outcomes.
  19. Why should nurses be inclined towards social care in their professional sphere?
  20. What fundamental rights can be infringed on in the nursing profession?
  21. Best practices in providing healthcare to critical care patients.
  22. Evidence-based practices for nurse leaders.
  23. Patient-focused care.
  24. Effectiveness of asthma care education to nurses.
  25. The role of a nursing practitioner in primary care.
  26. What is the importance of integrating practical and theoretical knowledge in nursing?
  27. What is the best strategy to manage the psychological turmoils of a patient before having serious surgery?
  28.  Challenges faced by nurses while delivering healthcare to poor communities.
  29. Review of the best critical care practices in medical emergencies
  30. Best approaches to pain management during surgery
  31. Preventive interventions for patients with ADHD
  32. Ways to improve healthcare in ambulances
  33.  A new approach to diagnosing diseases in the nursing field
  34. The interrelation between the quality of nursing and hospital personnel shifts.
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Video Guide


What are the five parts of a capstone project?

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion

Where can you find a good project idea?

  • From creative topics
  • Research projects of previous students in your course
  • Problems in your immediate environment
  • Events that have occurred repeatedly in your environment.

What should you do before you write your capstone project?

You should ensure you have covered sufficient coursework and identified a faculty member to serve as your supervisor.

How long should your capstone project be?

Your capstone project should be at least 25 pages.

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