150 MBA Capstone Project Ideas for 2025

MBA Capstone Project Ideas and Topics To Write About

Completing an MBA is no small feat. In addition to completing coursework, students must also complete a capstone project in order to graduate. The capstone project is designed to showcase the student’s knowledge and skills learned throughout their MBA program.

MBA Capstone Project Ideas

If you’re looking for ideas and topics for your MBA capstone project, look no further! This article will provide you with some great ideas that you can use for your project.

List of 50 MBA Capstone Project Ideas

  1. Develop a new product or service for your company.
  2. Create a marketing plan for your company’s product or service.
  3. Conduct a customer satisfaction survey and analyze the results.
  4. Develop a social media strategy for your company.
  5. Write a business plan for a new venture.
  6. Develop a financial plan for your company.
  7. Write a human resources policy manual for your company.
  8. Research and write a report on a current business topic of interest to your company.
  9. Develop an advertising campaign for your company’s product or service.
  10. Write a public relations plan for your company.
  11. Design a new company logo or update an existing one.
  12. Create a company website or update an existing one.
  13. Develop a direct marketing campaign for your company’s product or service.
  14. Write a market research report on a current business topic of interest to your company.
  15. Plan and execute a special event for your company (e.g., a grand opening, trade show booth, etc.).
  16. Develop a sales training program for your company’s sales force.
  17. Write an operations manual for your company.
  18. Develop a quality control plan for your company’s products or services.
  19. Create a customer service training program for your company’s customer service representatives.
  20. Research and write a report on a current industry trend of interest to your company.
  21. Develop a business continuity plan for your company.
  22. Write a human resources policy manual for your company.
  23. Develop an environmental health and safety plan for your company.
  24. Create a corporate giving program for your company.
  25. Plan and execute a fund-raising event for your favorite charity.
  26. Develop a social media strategy for promoting your company’s product or service.
  27. Write a marketing plan for launching a new product or service.
  28. Conduct customer focus groups to gather feedback on a new product or service concept.
  29. Write a report on your findings from customer focus groups testing a new product or service concept.
  30. Develop a promotional campaign for a new product or service launch.
  31. Plan and execute a trade show booth display to promote your company’s products or services.
  32. Develop an advertising campaign for a new product or service launch.
  33. Write a public relations plan for promoting a new product or service launch.
  34. Create point-of-purchase displays to promote your company’s products in retail stores.
  35. write an article about your company’sproducts or services for a trade publication.
  36. Develop a direct mail campaign to promote your company’s products or services.
  37. Plan and execute a grand opening event for a new retail store location.
  38. Develop a social media strategy for promoting your company’s grand opening event.
  39. Write a press release about your company’s grand opening event.
  40. Create a TV commercial to promote your company’s products or services.
  41. Produce a radio commercial to promote your company’s products or services.
  42. Plan and execute a media relations campaign to promote your company in the news.
  43. Develop an online marketing strategy to promote your company’s products or services online.
  44. Create banner ads and other online advertising to promote your company’s product or service online.
  45. Optimize your company’s website for search engine visibility to attract new customers online.
  46. Write and distribute press releases about your company’s product or service launches, events, etc., online and offline.
  47. Develop a blog and post regular entries about your company, its products, services, industry, etc.
  48. Create and maintain active social media accounts for your company (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).
  49. Plan and execute a direct marketing campaign to promote your company’s products or services.
  50. Research and write a report on a current business topic of interest to your company.
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MBA Capstone Project Topics

Choosing a capstone project for your MBA can be a daunting task. But never fear! We have compiled a list of fifty potential topics and ideas to help get you started.

  1. Developing a marketing plan for a small business
  2. Creating a business model for a new startup
  3. Conducting a feasibility study for a proposed new product or service
  4. Analyzing the competitive landscape for a particular industry
  5. Evaluating the financial performance of a publicly-traded company
  6. assessing the impact of political, economic, or social factors on business operations
  7. Developing an international expansion strategy for a multinational corporation
  8. Investigating the root cause of customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction
  9. designing and implementing a lean manufacturing process
  10. Streamlining the supply chain for a manufacturing company
  11. Implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system in a manufacturing company
  12. Creating a human resources plan for a small business
  13. evaluating the effectiveness of training and development programs in an organization
  14. designing and conducting employee engagement survey
  15. Writing a research paper on any business-related topic of your choice
  16. Develop a new business process for your company.
  17. Implement a new software system for your company.
  18. Write a business continuity plan for your company.
  19. Develop a crisis management plan for your company.
  20. Create an employee handbook for your company.
  21. Develop an onboarding program for new employees at your company.
  22. Write a job description for a new position at your company.
  23. Conduct a salary survey and write a report on the results.
  24. Develop a benefits package for employees at your company.
  25. Write an Employee Code of Conduct for your company.
  26. Develop a performance management system for your company.
  27. Write a report on best practices for recruiting and hiring employees.
  28. Develop a retention strategy for your company.
  29. Conduct an exit interview with departing employees and write a report on the results.
  30. Write a paper on the legal aspects of human resources management.
  31. Develop a plan for managing workplace conflict at your company.
  32. Write a report on effective communication in the workplace.
  33. Develop a plan for managing change in the workplace.
  34. Write a report on employee motivation and morale in the workplace.
  35. Develop a wellness program for employees at your company.
  36. Write a report on employee stress and its impact on the workplace.
  37. Develop a plan for managing work-life balance in the workplace.
  38. Write a report on the impact of technology on the workplace.
  39. Develop a social media policy for your company.
  40. Write a report on effective teambuilding in the workplace.
  41. Develop a plan for managing remote employees.
  42. Write a report on cross-cultural communication in the workplace.
  43. Develop a plan for managing diversity in the workplace.
  44. Write a report on ethics and compliance in the workplace.
  45. Choose any other topic related to business management and write a research paper on it.
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Current MBA Capstone Project Ideas

MBA students are often required to complete a capstone project as part of their degree program. A capstone project is typically an intensive research project that addresses a real-world problem or challenge faced by businesses or organizations. Students may work on their projects individually or in teams, and they may have the opportunity to present their findings to faculty, peers, and/or industry experts.

The following is a list of thirty ideas for MBA capstone projects:

  1. Develop a marketing plan for a new product or service launch
  2. Conduct a customer satisfaction survey and analyze the results
  3. Develop a social media strategy for a business or organization
  4. Create a financial plan for a small business
  5. Analyze the impact of a change in the tax code on businesses
  6. Study the feasibility of starting a new business in a specific industry
  7. Research and write a white paper on a hot topic in business or management
  8. Developa human resources plan fora small business
  9. Evaluate the effectiveness of a sales training program
  10. Designa customer loyalty programfora retail company
  11. Evaluate the risks and rewards of expanding into international markets
  12. Compare and contrast two differentbusiness models
  13. Develop a business plan for a new venture
  14. Write a case study on a successful or unsuccessful business
  15. Research and write a report on a current trend in business
  16. Developa social media policyfora company
  17. Analyze the financial statements of a publicly traded company
  18. Develop a marketing campaign fora new product or service
  19. Evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign
  20. Conduct market research fora new product or service
  21. Create a brand identity fora new business
  22. Designa customer retention programfora business
  23. Develop a sales strategy fora new product or service
  24. Write a business plan fora new small business
  25. Evaluate the risks and rewards of starting a franchise
  26. Research and write a report on sustainable business practices
  27. Develop an employee handbook fora small business
  28. Write a case study on an ethical dilemma faced by a business
  29. Research and write a report on the impact of technology on businesses
  30. Develop a business continuity plan fora small business
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