10 Steps of writing a windshield survey/ community health needs assessment paper in Nursing.
Here are some essential elements that should be included in every windshield survey/ community health needs assessment paper.
These include:
A description of the community being assessed.
This should include information on the population, geography, climate, economy, and social structure of the community.
- Geographical Description – In this part you are required to describe the geographic location  of the selected region or county, the size, major economic activity, available health care facilities, recreational spaces and other  distinctive characteristics. Additionally, describing whether the region is urban, suburban or rural is critical.
- Population Demographics –In this part, you are supposed to describe the targeted population focusing on age, gender, race and ethnicity. You should also compare the identified population characteristics with those of the state and the national level.
- Physical and Social Determinants of Health –In this section, you are supposed to describe the physical, social and economic indicators of the targeted community   and then outline the evident trends. Some of the social determinants that you should include in this section include social and economic factors; education; social and community characteristics; medical care and accessibility to health services and physical environment.
- Under social and economic factors, you can note and compare data on median household income, the proportion of the population living in poverty, the percentage of vulnerable children eligible for free meals and individuals receiving SNAP. Other socio-economic factors that you should examine include unemployment rate and accessibility to adequate and healthy food. Education is another critical social determinant of health and in the report, you should examine graduation rates   and academic attainment of the population.
- Some community and social conditions have profound effects on health and wellbeing of a given population. The conditions include emotional and social support. Make sure you examine the extent at which the population supports its vulnerable groups, including children, elderly and other special groups of people. Availability and access to health care services have considerable effects on health of a community.  Make sure you examine the proportion of the population without health insurance cover, accessibility to primary care, and other critical health care services, including mental and dental facilities.
- Physical environment also plays a significant role in influencing the health of a community. Make sure you examine various indicators of the physical environment in the community such as crime rate, violence, pollution, housing, public transportation, recreational facilities and public parks or spaces.
- After examining the physical and social determinants of health in the identified population, examine the distribution of the identified economic trends in the region. In this case, find out if there are regions with higher proportion of vulnerable population compared to others. This would assist in planning and prioritizing the available health care resources.
2. An identification of the health needs of the community.
This can be done using data from existing studies or surveys, or by conducting your own primary research.
- Various social behaviors and attitudes affect the health of any particular population. They include tobacco smoking, consumption of vegetables and fruits, alcohol intake, level of physical activity and health seeking behaviors, such as undergoing medical screening. In this section, you are required to describe the entire population in regards to each of the aforementioned health behaviors and indicators.
3. In the write up of your community health needs assessment report, make sure you include the notable trend over time, compare the results at state and national level and indicate notable disparities among various groups in the population.
- In this section, you explore data of various health outcomes in the population. They include the leading causes of death, maternal and child health indicators, prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, mental health and substance abuse indicators and health status of the population in general.
- In your research of the identified health outcomes, explore the trends of time, comparison of the data between the state and the country and note of the existing disparities among diverse population groups.
3. An analysis of the factors that contribute to the identified health needs. This should include an examination of both social and environmental factors.
- In this section, you explore data of various health outcomes in the population. They include the leading causes of death, maternal and child health indicators, prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, mental health and substance abuse indicators and health status of the population in general.
- In your research of the identified health outcomes, explore the trends of time, comparison of the data between the state and the country and note of the existing disparities among diverse population groups.
4. Recommendations for interventions to address the identified health needs. These should be based on best practices and evidence-based research.
- Basing on the data you have analyzed from the previous section; you should identify strengths of the targeted county and list the evident health concerns or disparities.
- You should then select one primary health concern of the identified population and elaborate the effect or impact of the health concern on the population. The identified health concern becomes your community diagnosis.
- Support your analysis with data describing the impacts of the identified health disparity on the population.
- In writing this section of your community needs assessment report, describe the probable factors contributing to the identified disparity.
- Community health needs assessments can be complex documents, but they are essential for ensuring that community health nurses have the information they need to effectively plan and implement public health care. Here’s a sample community health needs assessment
5. A plan for how the interventions will be implemented, monitored and evaluated. This should include specific timelines and milestones.
6. Write a Community Diagnosis Statement –
- Create a community diagnosis statement, identifying the health issue and factors causing the issue.
- Ensure you include the evidence demonstrating the magnitude of the issue identified.
- Learn how to create Community Teaching Plan: Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal
7. Align the Report with Healthy People 2020 Objectives – In this section you should list several Healthy People 2020 goals relating to the identified community diagnosis. Ensure you also include the factors contributing to the health issue.
8. Writing Style and Format – Ensure that your report is formatted and references.
9. At thestudycorp.com we can assist you in writing windshield survey/ community health needs assessment paper in APA, Harvard and other styles of your choice.
10. Community health needs assessments can be complex write-ups to compile, but they are essential for ensuring that community health nurses have the information they need to effectively plan and implement public health care.
How to write a windshield survey/ community health needs assessment paper
The windshield survey/ community health needs assessment paper should include the following sections:
- Patient Demographics: This section includes the patient’s age, gender, race, and chief complaint.
- Patient History: This section includes the patient’s past medical history, medications, allergies, and surgical history.
- Physical Examination: This section documents the nurse’s findings during the physical examination of the patient.
- Assessment and Nursing Diagnosis: In this section, the nurse makes an overall assessment of the patient’s condition and formulates a nursing diagnosis.
- Treatment Plan: This section outlines the plan of care for the patient. It includes goals and objectives for the nursing care plan.
- Evaluation: This final section documents the patient’s response to treatment and any changes in condition.
![10 Steps Of Writing A Windshield Survey/ Community Health Needs Assessment Paper In Nursing. [Updated] 1 Here are some essential elements that should be included in every windshield survey/ community health needs assessment paper.](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.af7166077ee2bdfe8f8128d209fbf002?rik=J2JOLxCE3TVmsQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimages.sampletemplates.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2015%2f07%2fCommunity-Needs-Assessment-Example.jpg&ehk=9CPfBSKSCRupdHdn%2bWboZ564O0Z2O%2bPH6w4J1KKzr38%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0)
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