Nursing capstone is the last test given to students in their final academic year. Writing a capstone, you can either work individually or in a group. You will do literature reviewing, collect data through empirical experiments and analyze the results to develop a solid conclusion. Grading capstone, the instructor awards you marks based on your presentation skills and the document content quality. 


How is a Nursing Capstone Graded? 1

What are the grading criteria? 1

Oral presentation evaluation 1

Rubric evaluation 1

Bottom line 2

What are the grading criteria?

Nursing schools use different capstone grading criteria. Capstone is awarded the A-C alphabetical grades or pass/ fail. The alphabetical methods include number percentage grouping, which guides the instructor when granting the score. 

Oral presentation evaluation

During oral capstone presentation, the individuals are evaluated according to; 

Rubric evaluation

In addition to presentation evaluation, your capstone document undergoes a rubric marking. Your capstone gets thorough scrutinizing from introduction to conclusion and the points culminated to give the overall score. Read on for an example of a typical capstone rubric evaluation.

Bottom line

The nursing capstone grading system depends on your institution’s policies. These policies are available and accessible on the school’s website. Moreover, the instructor presents the evaluation forms to students before they start the capstone.