100 Great Education Debate Topics

Education Debate Topics and Ideas to get you started. It can be difficult to choose an education debate topic that is both interesting and relevant, but this list of 100 education debate topics should help get you started!

Education debates can cover a wide range of topics, from early childhood education all the way to the college level. Whether you are looking for debate topics for a class or for a public forum, there is sure to be an education debate topic on this list that interests you!

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Education Debate Topics

  1. Is homeschooling a viable option for all children?
  2. Are charter schools better than public schools?
  3. Should school uniforms be mandatory in all schools?
  4. Are private schools better than public schools?
  5. Should colleges and universities be free to attend?
  6. Is online education as effective as traditional classroom education?
  7. Are standardized tests an accurate measure of a student’s knowledge?
  8. Should the No Child Left Behind Act be reformed or repealed?
  9. Is year-round schooling a good idea?
  10. Are charter schools unfairly funded?
  11. Do charter schools create a two-tiered education system?
  12. Are private schools creating a classist society?
  13. Do standardized tests put too much pressure on students?
  14. Should the Common Core State Standards be adopted by all states?
  15. Is the Education Savings Account program a good way to fund education?
  16. Should the government get out of the business of funding education altogether?
  17. Is sex education a necessary part of the public school curriculum?
  18. Should creationism be taught in public schools?
  19. Should evolution be taught in public schools?
  20. What role should religion play in public schools?
  21. Are for-profit colleges and universities bad for students?
  22. Is college tuition too high?
  23. Should student loan debt be forgiven?
  24. Are online courses as good as traditional courses?
  25. Is tenure a good thing or a bad thing for educators?
  26. Should teachers be armed in the classroom?
  27. Is corporal punishment an effective form of discipline?
  28. Are charter schools held to different standards than public schools?
  29. Do private schools have an unfair advantage in college admissions?
  30. Should affirmative action be banned in college admissions?
  31. Is the current system of college admissions fair?
  32. Should standardized test scores be a factor in college admissions decisions?
  33. Should colleges and universities consider race or ethnicity in their admissions decisions?
  34. Should legacy preferences be eliminated from the college admissions process?
  35. Do for-profit colleges and universities take advantage of students?
  36. Should the federal government do more to regulate for-profit colleges and universities?
  37. Are online courses as good as traditional courses?
  38. Is distance learning a good option for all students?
  39. Do homeschooled students have an unfair advantage in college admissions?
  40. Should the government provide free community college for all Americans?
  41. Is vocational training a better option than a four-year degree for some students?
  42. Should all students be required to complete community service hours before graduating high school?
  43. Arecharter schools held to different academic standards than public schools?
  44. Do private schools have an unfair advantage in college admissions?
  45. Should the federal government do more to regulate for-profit colleges and universities?
  46. Should all students be required to take a gap year before attending college?
  47. Is the current system of college admissions fair?
  48. Should standardized test scores be a factor in college admissions decisions?
  49. Should colleges and universities consider race or ethnicity in their admissions decisions?
  50. Should legacy preferences be eliminated from the college admissions process?
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As you continue, thestudycorp.com has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.

Educational Debate Topic Ideas

Education Debate Topics and Ideas to get you started. It can be difficult to choose an education debate topic that is both interesting and relevant, but this list of 100 education debate topics should help get you started!

  1. Should schools be teaching vocational skills instead of academic subjects?
  2. Should the school day start later?
  3. Should students be able to choose their own classes?
  4. Should schools ban homework?
  5. Should standardized tests be abolished?
  6. Are charter schools a good idea?
  7. Are private schools better than public schools?
  8. Is homeschooling a good option for families?
  9. Should Religion be taught in schools?
  10. Are single-sex schools better than co-ed schools?
  11. Should all schools be bilingual?
  12. How can we make sure all children have access to quality education?
  13. Is it necessary to go to college to be successful in life?
  14. How can we reduce the drop-out rate in high schools?
  15. What should be done about overcrowded classrooms?
  16. Is corporal punishment an effective way to discipline children?
  17. Are after-school activities important for students?
  18. What is the best way to deal with bullying in schools?
  19. How can we make sure all children receive a well-rounded education?
  20. What is the best way to teach childrenabout sex education?
  21. Should schools be teaching financial literacy?
  22. How can we make sure all students have access to technology?
  23. What is the best way to deal with cheating in schools?
  24. Should schools be teaching character education?
  25. How can we make sure all children are physically active?
  26. Should schools be doing more to promote healthy eating habits?
  27. What is the best way to deal with disruptive students in class?
  28. How can we improve teacher training and professional development?
  29. What is education policy in your country?
  30. Is your country’s education system effective? Why or why not?
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As you continue, thestudycorp.com has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.

Controversial Education Debate Topics

Education Debate Topics and Ideas to get you started. It can be difficult to choose an education debate topic that is both interesting and relevant, but this list of 100 education debate topics should help get you started!

  1. Is homeschooling a good or bad idea?
  2. Should schools be allowed to teach creationism alongside evolution?
  3. Is it necessary for all students to learn a foreign language?
  4. Should the school day be shorter or longer?
  5. Should students be required to wear uniforms?
  6. Are charter schools a good or bad idea?
  7. Should schools be more focused on academics or on extracurricular activities?
  8. Are private schools better than public schools?
  9. Are single-sex schools better than co-ed schools?
  10. How much homework should students be given?
  11. Should teachers be armed in schools?
  12. Is corporal punishment an effective form of discipline?
  13. Should prayer be allowed in school?
  14. Are year-round schools a good idea?
  15. Is it a good idea to have standardized tests?
  16. Should sex education be taught in schools?
  17. Should evolution be taught in schools?
  18. Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?
  19. Should students be allowed to grade their own work?
  20. Is competition among students a good thing or a bad thing?

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