Develop a one-page diagram of theoretical foundation for your project/program, describing how and why your project should achieve the desired outcome. Add references on the second page.

A logic model or program theory is a description or model frequently pictorial of how a program is supposed to achieve its expected outcomes and solve the identified problem for which it was created. It creates a logical links between expected outcomes and the activities designed to achieve them and incorporates the evidence-based theoretical assumptions that explain how the activities will lead to outcomes. A program theory or logic model is NOT the theoretical framework on which your project is based although it may be related to a theoretical framework. A theoretical or conceptual framework is a general theory that explains why some things happen. A program theory or logic model is unique to your project and explains how it is supposed to work.

What Is a Theoretical Foundation? A theoretical foundation is a formal, peer-reviewed theoretical model (or models) that can be used to explain the issue that is driving your research. We often begin dissertations with a nagging question, or an observation that something has been overlooked.
  1. Identify the primary reasons for your program’s existence – this should form your frame of reference from beginning to end.
  2. Review existing information – look for anything that will inform how your program should operate and the outcomes it is likely to achieve.
Program theory modeling uses three components to describe the program: the program activities or inputs, the intended outcomes or outputs, and the mechanisms through which the intended outcomes are achieved (Reynolds, 1998; Rogers, 2000; Rogers et al, 2000; Sedani & Sechrest, 1999).
  1. Analyze The Situation.
  2. Identify Your Organization’s Needs, Problems, Purpose and Goals.
  3. State Program Objectives and Solutions.
  4. Take Stock of Your Resources and Select Methods.
  5. Plan the Details.
  6. Do It!
  7. Evaluate.

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Nurs6051 transforming nursing and healthcare through technology

Assignment Prompt

  1. Develop a one-page diagram of theoretical foundation for your project/program, describing how and why your project should achieve the desired outcome. Add references on the second page. You may arrange items in the diagram in any way you choose, but the diagrams should include each of the following components and show the logical connections between them:
    1. The need or problem to be addressed by the project/program with supporting data
    2. The context for the project/program (attach a reference list with your diagram)
    3. The strategy (ies) proposed to address the need/problem
    4. The evidence base for the proposed strategies (attached a reference list with your diagram)
    5. Factors that will influence the use of strategy
    6. The expected outcomes of the project/program
    7. The resulting impact of the project/program if the outcomes are achieved

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