
Classical conditioning involves a learned association (when one thing happens, you expect another thing to happen because they have been paired together several times). We all encounter instances of classical conditioning in life every day. We are often so used to these learned associations that we don’t pay them much attention. Operant conditioning involves an increase or decrease in a behavior based on pleasant or unpleasant consequences. The terms reinforcement or punishment are used in operant conditioning.

Watch this video:

  1. [CrashCourse]. (2014, Apr 21). How to train a brain – Crash course psychology #11 [Video file]. Retrieved from

Thoroughly discuss the following questions:

  1. Using your own example, explain a situation that demonstrates classical conditioning. Identify the key elements of classical conditioning, including the neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, and conditioned response. Explain how these components are labeled before conditioning, during conditioning, and after conditioning has occurred. Remember that neutral means there is no meaning at first, unconditioned means unlearned (natural), and conditioned means learned.
  2. Define operant conditioning.
  3. Give an example of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment.
  4. What is the difference between negative reinforcement and punishment?
  5. Define the schedules of reinforcement in operant conditioning and give an example for each schedule.
  6. Finally, compare and contrast classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

Important guidelines to follow:

Write at least a 300-word, well-developed and well-written response. Use APA Formatting Guide to create accurate citations and documentation to give credit for any resource material used in your response. Your assignment is due October 3rd in class.

Grading Criteria

To maximize your score, you must answer all questions and follow instructions.

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