What are the various theories about the causes of the problem/s? Based on this, what do you think is/are the most important causes/s of the problem/s?

n this course, you have learned that social policies are formulated to solve social problems considered important by a mass of voters, media, and political actors. Social policy is but one solution to the problem—not necessarily the most rational, effective, or socially just. Social policies are human creations and, as such, can be changed. In this paper you will analyze a social policy as a tool for social justice.

Research one social welfare policy using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.

Analyze the policy and address the following:

The social problem addressed by the policy

  1. What is/are the problem/s to be solved in the most fundamental terms?
  2. What is the history of the problem/s in the United States?
  3. What are the various theories about the causes of the problem/s? Based on this, what do you think is/are the most important causes/s of the problem/s?

The policy objectives, value premises, expectation, and target populations

  1. Policy objectives—overt and covert objectives: What are the stated objectives of the policy? In your judgment, what are the covert objectives of the policy?
  2. What are the values underlying the policy objectives? What values are revealed by the overt and covert objectives?
  3. What did the policymakers expect would be the result of the policy?
  4. Target segments of the population at whom policy is aimed: Discuss the direct target of the policy in terms of size and other demographic characteristics. Who are the indirect targets of the policy?
See also  Discussion: Big Data Risks and Rewards

Effects of the policy

  1. Intended effects: What effects did the lawmakers intend?
  2. Unintended effects: What effects did the lawmakers not foresee?
  3. Distinguish between short-range (less than five years) and long-range (over five years) effects of the policy.

Implications of the Policy

  1. Changes in the distribution of material resources: Are there any changes to the distribution of material resources, including income and other tangible benefits, as a result of the policy for direct or indirect target groups?
  2. Changes in distribution of services, rights, and statuses: Are there any changes in services, rights, or statuses as a result of the policy?

Alternative Policies

  1. What alternative policy/policies would more effectively address the social problem discussed in the policy analysis while advancing social justice?

Write a 3 page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Make sure to include research in addition to the textbook from credible, scholarly sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc.

By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.

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