Assignment 1 Discussion
Potency and efficacy are two of the most misunderstood concepts in the area of drug use. Many overdoses occur because the potency of the newly purchased drug is higher than that of the previously used drug. These concepts apply to drugs of abuse as well as over-the-counter medications.
Steven has a headache. He reaches for some pain relievers in his medicine cabinet. He finds two bottles: acetaminophen (325 mg) and ibuprofen (200 mg). The instructions for the acetaminophen say take 2 tablets
(650 mg total). The instructions for the ibuprofen say take 2 tablets (400 mg total). Steven assumes that because the dose is higher for the acetaminophen, it must work better.
To assist Steven with making an educated decision about which medication to take, complete the following:
- What are potency and efficacy, and how are they different?
- What other factors might influence Steven’s decision?
Write your initial response in 150–200 words
Gender identity—identifying oneself as male or female—is a critical component of an individual’s life-span development. Misconceptions and stereotypes abound with regard to gender, and you may bring personal misconceptions and stereotypes to your work with clients.
As you read the resources this week, what concepts seem especially relevant to you as a social worker? Are you able to identify any personal misunderstandings about the formation of gender identity? What strategies might you use to apply your new understanding to social work practice?
Post a Discussion that includes the following:
- A new understanding you have gained in the resources about gender identity
- An explanation of how individuals’ gender identity affects their development through young and middle adulthood
- A strategy you might use to apply your understanding of gender identity development to social work practice
300-400 Words
Brewster, M. E., & Moradi, B. (2010). Personal, relational and community aspects of bisexual identity in emerging, early and middle adult cohorts. Journal of Bisexuality, 10(4), 404–428.
Maylor, E. A., Reimers, S., Choi, J., Collaer, M. L., Peters, M., & Silverman, I. (2007). Gender and sexual orientationdifferences in cognition across adulthood: Age is kinder to women than to men regardless of sexualorientation. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Pleak, R. R. (2009). Formation of transgender Identities in adolescence. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 13(4), 282–291.