TEXAS NURSE PRACTITIONERS Position Statement: Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice Texas Nurse Practitioners (TNP) support Board of Nursing (BON) authorized prescriptive authority for nurse practitioners as a way to increase access to care for all Texans. Nurse practitioners (NPs) are registered nurses with advanced clinical training (masters or doctoral level) and national certification in identified specialty areas.

TEXAS NURSE PRACTITIONERS Position Statement: Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice Texas Nurse Practitioners (TNP) support Board of Nursing (BON) authorized prescriptive authority for nurse practitioners as a way to increase access to care for all Texans. Nurse practitioners (NPs) are registered nurses with advanced clinical training (masters or doctoral level) and national certification in identified specialty areas.

National certification provides a mechanism for standardizing NP practice, while ensuring NP competencies. National certification and BON oversight ensures that the health and safety of the public is protected. The American Medical Association agrees that determination of the scope of practice, as well as the education and credentialing of a profession is the responsibility of that particular profession, as documented in their own policies (AMA, 2009).
BON authorized prescriptive authority will allow NPs to utilize advanced education in the delivery of comprehensive health care to the full extent of their certification and scope of practice. Outcomes research over the last twenty years confirms that NPs deliver safe, economical, high quality health care to clients of all ages with acute and chronic illnesses (Bauer, 2010).

American Medical Association (2009). AMA Scope of Practice Data Series, Nurse Practitioners. Retrieved November 13, 2010 from http://www.aanp.org/AANPCMS2/publicpages/08-­- 0424%20SOP%20Nurse%20Revised%2010-­-09.pdf Bauer, J.C. (2010). Nurse practitioner as an underutilized resource for health reform: Evidence-­-based demonstrations of cost-­-effectiveness. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 22:228-­-231. Doi: 10.1111/j.1745-­-7599.2010.00498.x

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The post TEXAS NURSE PRACTITIONERS Position Statement: Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice Texas Nurse Practitioners (TNP) support Board of Nursing (BON) authorized prescriptive authority for nurse practitioners as a way to increase access to care for all Texans. Nurse practitioners (NPs) are registered nurses with advanced clinical training (masters or doctoral level) and national certification in identified specialty areas. appeared first on NURSING HOMEWORKS.

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