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Swimming Pool Project Proposal

Institutional Affiliation

It is with the desire to make the student among the best and most competitive in both local and national Olympic games that I hereby table this proposal on behalf of the school Board of management. It seeks to request for funding of $359000 so as it can be able to construct a classic modern swimming pool and facilitate the training program for the students. This project is not only going to provide an enabling environment for our students but also for the other students and youths of this region, cater for the highly experienced trainers as well as organize for local competitions.

It has come to our realization that the swimming games are a rapidly growing field in Olympics among the students in High schools locally as well as at the national level. Again, training equips the youths with skills that make it possible for them to be able to survive in the mostly increasing drowning cases due to flooding rivers within this area. In addition, it will put them in a better position and present opportunities to win titles and prizes in the swimming Olympic games.

In the quest to instill the best skills and experience among the students of our school as well as the youths of the region as per the capability and competence so far demonstrated by our students in the fast-participated games that prove our ability to make a difference in the students. If you have any concerns you can reach us through the school address. We greatly appreciate your time and consideration for funding as we anticipate that together we can make a difference in the students swimming Olympics ability.

Yours sincerely,

Project Manager

Executive summary

In the wake of increasing interest and competition in swimming Olympics, the gaming is becoming an interesting sector to shift focus on. The schools that have access to the necessary facilities have become more competitive and are today enjoying the fruits of their performance. Many students are getting sponsorship out of their appealing performance and the schools are getting enormous support from various organization. The program is joining support due to the fact that it develops the skills among the youths as well as making them be able to survive in the currently experienced flooding in the area. Coopersville school is among the institutions in the region that are well known for nurturing students’ talents and skills preparing them to be highly competitive among their competitors. In addition, swimming increases personal physical fitness, improve self-esteem, and become more confident to advance their lives.

The overall goal of the swimming project is to create an enabling environment for the students and youths through the provision of the necessary facilities, equipment and training to make them be highly competitive in the local and national Olympic games and bring meaning and quality to their lives. The school is having less than 20% number of students who are participating in the swimming games, however, their performance is incapable of making them proceed to great heights. Even with this performance, they have been relying on unreliable preparatory practices since they have been using facilities from other institution which has made developing their capabilities to their full potential a challenge. First is due to the fact that the availability of the facilities may not necessarily coincide with the formulated school schedule. The other thing is that the number of students being who the school is able to take to the swimming pool for the swimming practices is limited due to the costs associated with it. In addition, there is no guarantee for high-quality training since the trainees in the other school’s swimming facility may not have met the standards for the qualified trainees and due to the fact that the time of training and the one given to each particular trainee may not be sufficient to ensure they get the best swimming abilities. By creating a 100% enabling environment, the school is aiming at increasing the participation of the student in the game increase by 80%, provide quality training which anticipates achieving 90% win of all local and national of all the Olympic games.

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Coopersville school is located in Abbington, a city that has the highest population in the state and its well for its highest poverty levels. As the crime rate has increased over time in the area with increasing incorporation of youths in criminal activities. Majority of the children in the city live in poverty and the most of the people in the community living in a stressful condition which act as a driving factor into the crime and hence setting up the project will not only benefit the students but also the community at large. In addition, the interest and participation in the swimming Olympics have increased within the neighboring schools with our students willing to participate but lacking the necessary capacity to do so within the stipulated time. Swimming improves the physical fitness of the students, helps them to make fun and live a positive life which increases their performance and quality of lives.

Our swimming project once completed will be put under a competent management team that will work towards achieving the goals and objectives of the project. The pool will majorly serve and provide an opportunity to students of the school, other students in the neighborhood as well as youths to advance their abilities, improve their health and become highly competitive.

The whole project is anticipated to take a duration of one six months since the time of the beginning of the construction work while the expected budget is $489000, of which the extra $130000 will be raised through the school funding and parents’ contributions. Your grant of $359,000 will enable us to establish the program and serve more than 80% of the students to have a quality life. Thank you for your consideration.


Problem statement

Being in Abbington area where surrounding schools are becoming highly successful and competitive in swimming Olympics, the gaming is becoming very popular and common among the area youths and the students require a nearby facility which they can access with ease and has the required equipment. While scholars understand that it’s not every child is born an Olympic swimmer or perhaps no matter the kind of motivation that is given to youths or the drive, achievement of a moderate success can be quite hard for a person without the availability of an enabling microenvironment (Rieckmann, 2017). It is believed that when all the necessary swimming equipment and facilities are available at a given locality, it has inherent motivation where the people get to make practice, at times out of self will or more importantly of peer influence from those who already like the gaming activity. However, it’s not only the availability of the necessities but also making them more affordable and accessible to the members of which it’s intended to serve.

When the students from this locality want to do swimming practice to increase competence, they have to move all the way to the neighborhood district schools for their activity. The implication of this is that there is a lot of careful strategic planning that should be done to make the program a success. First is to establish rapport with the institution or school that has a swimming pool so that time is allocated entirely for the students from our department. Like this, when the swimming pool is available for this might collude with the program or the schedule (Loucopoulos, & Kavakli, 2016). Another thing is that the transporting students may only take a limited number of the student due to the financial costs are associated with it and that limits the potential capacity building within the many interested students. This poses problems to the development of the career among the highly capable students.

Having the project within the school compound will have an advantage of overcoming challenges such as transport and capacity limitations of the students participating in swimming Olympics. In addition, quality training, the thing that is intended in the whole project may not be a guarantee. The belief that swimming facilities and other equipment are available is all that it takes for students to receive proper training is erroneous and unjustified as it may be the case when students are taken for training in other places. Studies have found that individual-centered training is progressively becoming acceptable among scholars and being adopted by institutions. For example, in this case, quality training will major on getting to give a chance to each particular student, observing them and identifying where the gap maybe during the swimming. moreover, the students should be allowed time to express what is their feeling regarding the whole exercise, what challenges they are facing in the exercise and establish whether there is interest in the game. This quality time with the students helps to identify limitations that the students may be having and help them to find or come up with solutions that are suitable and can work best for each one of them. This kind of training is very difficult to have especially when the training is taking place elsewhere.

The other thing is that when the project is under the school management, there is more control over its operation. Unlike the other swimming pools, for the one that is a project of the school will be having its own goals and objectives to meet, which may differ from the others. It will be easier for the management to target on producing of results, quality rather than the exercise, quantity as it is with the other case. Due to the fact that the goals and objectives are under the control of the school, it will be possible to make necessary changes when a given action is taken is not producing the desired outcome. Again, the coaches and managers of the pool will be required to produce results and thus the pressure given to them will provoke performance and consequently lead to quality training and make the school very competitive as compared to the others.

The students who have participated in swimming have proved to have improved performance in not only games but also in their studies. Apart from the benefit physical fitness of the activity acts as a crime reducing measure as many of the youths spend their free time doing the games. Therefore, if the project is initiated it will serve to better the gaming talents of the students and youths in the neighborhood, improve their health, life quality as well as reducing the high crime rates in the area.

Program description

Coopersville school is located in Abbington city, a region that is in the surrounded by other cities for which games have taken shape and attracting a lot of interest from various institutions. Many gaming activities have taken place and a lot of competitions have been organized in the wake of developing talents and skills among youths and many young growing people. Among the games that have attracted a lot of interest from financiers, stakeholders, governmental as well as non-governmental institutions are the swimming Olympics.

In the past few years, the game was taking place in less than 10 schools out of close to fifty schools in the entire region. By the time it started, a few schools had access or had an available swimming pool within their area. Other schools had to use the facilities from other schools from where an arrangement was made and our school was among them. However, many schools went ahead to develop swimming facilities in their institutions which become independent and begun to make their own devised training of students and youths from the neighborhood. Another issue is that many stakeholders and institutions realized the threat posed by the increasing floods. It was proposed that the swimming games in schools from such areas be incorporated into the co-curriculum activities for the students and this to be extended to training youths from the neighborhood. This was not only made to develop the skills and talents of the youth but also to act as a positive control measure whereby people could use the skills to their rescue and own safety in the event any floods occur or they find themselves in a situation that demands the application of these skills.

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However, with time many discovered that swimming games were one among the highly rated and enjoyable in the world. With this discovery, it becomes so obvious that a lot of changes tool place with the shift occurring to favor this type of Olympic games. The practice became more official and rigorous and a significant number of students taking part in the games become more and more, competition after competition. Therefore, Coopersville school was not long left behind as the wave of the increasing popularity of the game was over and training began taking a considerable number of best-selected students to competitions.

However, there were challenges of numerous challenges for the schools that were beginning the training to amass and develop skills to compete locally leave alone nationally. The only available facilities for the training were quite a distance from our institution and training adequately and efficiently became a major challenge. Nevertheless, there are significant achievements that have been made by our school from various competition participation. For a total of ten swimming Olympic games that have been organized, our school has managed to win in two of the games. In addition, our school has managed to get five Olympic prizes being the third leading schools from the region to win the awards.

The various achievements that the school has made becomes the bases that if the students are provided with quality training, then the performance would become an appealing one. It was from this aspect that the school management took it upon themselves to establish a committee that was mandated with the role of investigating what strengths and weaknesses the school team had and has to work on in order to bring about better performance. The committees’ research involved interviewing the school staffs, the games in-charge and the student participants on what challenges they have been facing in regard to the swimming games as well as collecting the information about their opinions regarding what the school management could do in order to make the school better placed and a center of swimming Olympic games.

The findings of the research committee established that the students did not receive enough time to practice. There are only two schools in the city that the school had a choice to use due to the closeness to our school. Despite the fact that they are the ones close to the school, the distance remains considerably long and transporting of students to the area would cost the school and thus even if the training is to be undertaken, the school would do it in the manner which was possible within the available resources. In addition, the fact that the training was to be carried out would not provide the sole solution to the existing problems. The students required advanced training from highly qualified coaches whom the school may obtain instead of depending on the coaches from the facility. It was noted that the participating students required a student-centered training in which the need of each individual participant would be met and this was possible if the people carrying out the training exercise would be close to the students.

As it was with the report, the major challenge with this program would be the lack of available facility and having a program in place that would create an enabling environment to give chance to effective and positive practicing for the students. Therefore, there committee’s recommendation was to construct a swimming pool facility in the school. It was noted that if the facility is established in our school, it’s going to serve an area of approximately 50 miles since the other swimming pools are far away. In addition, the swimming pool facility will be a modern type facility and it’s expected to have a high capacity for training a greater number of students at a once. Again, it would act as an alternative training center to the already existing swimming pools which will help reduce pressure on them and make training in this Olympic game more meaningful and quality. This will also provide an opportunity for the schools and youths to get a different experience in the training and talent development process. Apart from this, the given that this kind of practice is recommended as part of the physical exercise in life when the young people will take part in them, it will improve be suitable for maintaining their health and making them physically fit to take up various tasks.

Goals and Objectives

The goal of the Olympic swimming programs is to ensure the provision of a positive or enabling atmosphere for each student-athlete to improve, develop and make fun or enjoy the swimming sport. In addition, the school wishes to offer the best instruction to the trainees by employing the best coach who are highly trained, professional and experienced. Moreover, each practice will be made in a way that best fits the interest of the swimmer. Moreover, it looks forward to a competitive environment with the programs having challenges so as to achieve greater heights.

The specific objectives of the program include providing quality training and competition to all swimmers, which will be achieved by having all the necessary facilities that every swimmer requires. In addition, the program seeks to provide an enabling environment that will grow the trainers’ ability and capacity by 100%. The ultimate desire in establishing the program is to make the willing trainee practice every time they are free and able in order to sharpen their skills (Thomas, et. al, 2016). By construction of a swimming pool facility in the school and acquisition of all the gaming equipment, enough to serve the numerous students that we have in our school as well as the near neighborhood, they will be able to access and use the facility to the best of their ability. In this way, the school will be able to meet the set goals of becoming a highly competitive institution and producing the best swimming competitors (Kasale, et. al, 2018).

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Methods used

Coopersville school has devoted to using various methods in the quest to meeting their overall goal in 2019 in the swimming Olympics. Depending on the findings of the success of the various projects established around Abbington where our school is placed, the method used can be said to be effective. Through benchmarking and maximizing on the close relationship that the school has with the various institutions that have been very successful, it wishes to get the best expertise.

The objective of the school swimming pool project is to make the school the center for excellence in regard to the swimming Olympics in local, state and at the national level now and beyond by providing the students with enabling environment so as to make the participants gain exceptional skills in swimming and become highly competitive.


The school management shall select the most experienced surveyors, planning and designing company, construction contractors, the coaches, and instructors. This will happen following a period of rigorous exercise of advertisement for the tenders, taking interviews and selection based on experts input and advice.

The contracted companies that shall be given the opportunity to undertake various tasks and shall be required to make a report of what they intend to do and how the plans they have for the project that can enable them to meet the deadline. This report shall be used in the assessment and evaluation process for the project against time to establish compliance. The information will also be used to inform actions taken from the findings from time to time.

Given that there are different materials that can use in the construction of the swimming pool, any choice should be well validated and especially where several alternatives are available, reasons must be served to the management in writing why particular purchase and supplies from a particular company are made but not the other just to make sure the quality check is maintained. This practice where a particular choice is accounted for will limit the chance of having use of low-quality products and services.

The served reports shall be given to external auditors who will make their recommendations to be tabled before the stakeholders in meetings that shall be held regularly for the appropriate decision-making process. Depending on whether the report is adopted, the necessary action shall be taken which will either give the go-ahead to purchase or get a certain service or require them to seek for the products and services from other suppliers whose quality of better or recommendable.

Four groups of student participants shall be formed to take part in the exercise which shall be placed under a coach. The coaches are then required to begin the training, each taking each particular group and ensuring that they impart proper skills to the participants. The coaches shall be made to make reports to the administration as findings from various performance assessment as well as administered exams. The results from this kind of the tests shall be used to come up will individual-centered training for the students and other youths. It will also help identify challenges that each participant at a personal level. After 3 weeks training period, the groups shall then be allowed to have a competition, both internal and at times external so that the school can help can rate the performance of their participating students.

The student’s groups shall be selected through random sampling, required to write experience stories to help detect changes in attitude and be able to detect areas of where changes are needed. This exercise shall be carried out continuous and more stress made for non-performing or flopping students to be able to identify what the underlying cause could be. The ones isolated shall be taken through special sharing and training sessions to help them develop their skills and be at the same level as others.

The best performers in the competitions shall be celebrated and awarded as well as being supported for various personal activities while maintaining performance. They shall also be able to meet and compete successfully with students from surrounding schools. This will help in making the best swimming Olympic team for both local and national competitions and make the school produce the best swimming skills and talents from the region.


Evaluation of the progress and value addition of the swimming project of the Coopersville school will present an opportunity for the management and stakeholders to be able to measure both short-term and long-term goals and outcomes achievements. The performance indicators of the project which measures the short term outcomes or progress shall involve the administrators collecting data on what has been accomplished, what is available for what purpose, who is accountable for what in the project as well as giving their quality input about the project as well as identifying whether the progress is within the time planned to complete the tasks. Ideally, this includes the reports that will be received from various contractors who have been given the tender regarding their plan and products used. In addition, the administrators shall contact external auditors who will assess the quality indicators as claimed by the contractors and validate or dispute them (Giorgi, et. al, 2017). The report shall be presented to the school management, board, the district, and regional administrators as well as the sponsors and project facilitators.

The other area will be in measuring the long-term outcomes. The long-term goal in establishing the project was to make the students gain the skills and competence in swimming Olympics so that they can become highly competitive not only within the area but also in the countryside. In so doing, the exercise shall be done in several phases. The first one would be a medical doctor or qualified health professional assessment of the student’s participants for their physical fitness including but not limited to flexibility, aerobics, endurance and weight (Lyngdoh, & Dhaliwal, 2018). The students that will be found have a moderate to high physical will be allowed to continue with the practice and focus on perfecting their performance as they at less risk while the one with low fitness will be allowed to perform the activity under regular check to help them be able to improve. The other outcome would be the use of competition to determine how best the training is suited. The internal competition will help in selecting the best team to take up the competition at the local and national level. When the training is quality and standards, the team is expected to be best placed to win the swimming games failure to which forms the bases for lack of meeting the performance expectations. Competition is the comparison that is arranged between two or more teams under the same and being under the same jury that determines the best performing one. In addition, the other long-term indicator for evaluation of the success of the project shall be determining the number of successful candidates that the training session produced over time since one of the objectives is to have close to 100% participation in the exercise and have them impacted with quality swimming skills among the students. The more the students get involved in the training program and graduating fully trained, the more the projects gets close to actualizing this particular objective.

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The instructors and coaches shall be allowed to use their own established assessment check-in which they should observe the students while underwater for the skills that have been taught and learned. Out of this, the best baseline performance shall be established for the students participating in the exercise (Jiao, et. al, 2016). Some of the skills learned include being able to paddle from the middle of the pool to the sides, holding the breath in water, and being able to tread water for at least a minute. The students shall also be required to write their own story about the experiences that they are having so that any changes in attitude for the training shall be established (Samset, & Christensen, 2017). Moreover, written exams about swimming shall be administered to the student’s participants with the minimum score being expected to be 80% and above. In addition, the parent’s satisfaction with the program shall be established from interviews where performance index shall be set at 80% and above.

Budget for the project


The swimming pool construction will begin with the preparation of the area or the sit. All necessary clearance of the trees and the obstructions on site shall be cleared with the tractors, the land shall then be ready for excavation. The excavator shall be used to sink the land and the soil carried to a different locality (Franz, & Leicht, 2016). The swimming pool shall be sunk with a depth of 5 meters. However, the length of the pool is anticipated to be 4 meters at the deepest end and 2 meters at the shallow end. The pool shall slope from the low end at 2 meters then they go deep progressively for 2 meters. This process digs and trims the pool into the design that is suitable for the type of use specification (Stone, et. al, 2017).


In addition, the steel mesh or grid used is aimed at making the floor or sides be strong and reinforced. The steel should be reinforced using with the wires to tie the steel at some intersection. The sharp steel ends are bend and block spacers placed at the bottom for ensuring it will exist between the Gunite. Good plumbing should be done using a high-grade pipe ensures that they don’t leak or deteriorate. The Gunite is a mixture of sand, cement, and rocks that are put on the steel for reinforcing the pool (Hof, et. al, 2018).

Finalizing and total Budget

After the basement is laid in place, there is the need to put a material that is waterproof and does not allow water to seep into the ground. Tiles and coping are placed on the top to make the pool waterproof for water retention. At this point, the pool is ready but requires to be allowed time for curing. Here, ducking appropriate material is placed on the pool and allowed 2 to 7 days for curing although the duration depends on the time of the year (Erdogan, et. al, 2017). Conclusively, the cost for the construction material is $ 359,000.

As it is seen setting up the project would be highly beneficial not only to the school but also to the community at large. It will enable the school to nurture, grow and develop swimming talents and skills in order to promote the general individual health, well-being and social welfare of the society.

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