Review the collateral information of Case Scenario 2. In the Assessment Data section, review the raw data of the IORNS. Appropriately interpret the scores. Based on your review of Therapeutic Risk Typologies, provide a recommendations report for parole.

Prompt: Review the collateral information of Case Scenario 1. In the Assessment Data section, review the raw data of the MMPI-2. Appropriately interpret the scores. Based on your review of Therapeutic Risk Typologies, provide a one- to two-page recommendations report for child protective services. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Mental Health/Diminished Capacity Assessment (Case Scenario 1) a) Assess the extent to which the case study data set meets the Daubert standard (psychometrics). In other words, what is the known or potential

error rate? Has the data been derived using reliable methods? Is the data valid and reliable with regard to the scientific method? b) Evaluate the interview information contained in the scenario for its implications in the risk assessment and recommendations process.

Substantiate your claims with specific research. c) Evaluate the collateral information contained in the scenario for its implications in the risk assessment and recommendations process.

Substantiate your claims with specific research. d) Create a recommendations report for risk management based on the above elements. Justify your position with specific scholarly research. e) Be sure your recommendations report aligns with the ethical guidelines of a professional psychology association. Note: You do not need to

belong to an organization, but rather may view the ethical guidelines on the website of the organization of your choice. Guidelines for Submission: The recommendations report should follow these formatting guidelines: 1–2 pages, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three citations in APA format. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions.

See also  Non-Traditional Family Case Study

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Mental Health/Diminished Capacity: Daubert

Comprehensively assesses the extent to which the case study data set meets the Daubert standard

Assesses the extent to which the case study data set meets the Daubert standard but with gaps in accuracy or detail

Does not assess the extent to which the case study data set meets the Daubert standard


Mental Health/Diminished Capacity: Interview


Evaluates interview information appropriately for its implications in the risk assessment process and substantiates claims with specific research

Evaluates information but evaluation is not appropriate to the situation, or does not substantiate claims with research

Does not evaluate interview information


Mental Health/Diminished Capacity: Collateral


Evaluates collateral information appropriately for its implications in the risk assessment and recommendations process and substantiates claims with specific research

Evaluates collateral information but evaluation is not appropriate to the situation, or does not substantiate claims with research

Does not evaluate collateral information


Mental Health/Diminished

Capacity: Recommendations

Proposes appropriate recommendations and justifies with research

Proposes recommendations that are not appropriate to the situation, or does not justify with research

Does not propose recommendations


Mental Health/Diminished

Capacity: Ethical Guidelines

Employs appropriate ethical guidelines of a professional organization in making recommendations

Employs ethical guidelines but guidelines are not appropriate to the situation or are not supported by a professional organization

Does not employ ethical guidelines


Articulation of Response

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or syntax

See also  describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or syntax that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or syntax that prevent understanding of ideas

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