This article provides a solved sample about Reducing Hispanic Pediatrics and Screentime to Reduce Pediatric Obesity.


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Write an abstract* (1 page in length) briefly describing your whole proposal. Be sure to use subheadings.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

Describe the problem health behavior and the target population.

Summary of the program goal and objectives.


Reducing Hispanic Pediatrics and Screentime to Reduce Pediatric Obesity


Pediatric obesity is one of the most chronic childhood conditions globally. The intervention aims to reduce the BMI scores of obese pediatrics using a multimodal non-pharmacological intervention. The intervention’s objectives are to incorporate a healthy dietary intake, physical activity, and caregiver participation to resolve childhood obesity. The participants daily to eat not less than five fruits and vegetables, not more than two hours of screen time, one hour of physical activity, and zero sugar drinks intake or the 5-2-1-0. Quantitative methodology of a quasi-experimental design with no comparison group where the same participants’ BMI measurements were collected before the intervention and after the intervention in 4 weeks. .Use the RULE approach (Resist the righting reflex, understand the patient’s motivations, Listen with empathy, and empower the patient) of motivational interviewingin a project implemented using an appropriate EBP model to guide its implementation as its theoretical framework to execute multimodal lifestyle interventions to treat pediatric obesity. A paired t-test will be used to compare the pre-and post-implantation pediatric BMI data over the four weeks intervention period.The success of the multimodal non-pharmacological intervention program will lead to reduced BMI of children diagnosed as obese.

Keywords: BMI, Healthy Habits, Pediatric Obesity,  RULE approach, 5-2-1-0 approach.


Health behaviors are a current and critical determinant of health and psychological well-being. Health behaviors refer to behavioral habits and actions linked to health maintenance, health enhancement, and health restoration. Such behaviors include but are not limited to alcohol consumption, sexual behaviors, smoking, diet, doctor visits, physical activities, screening, medication adherence, and vaccination. Most importantly, it is believed that health behavior research among unhealthy and healthy residents are crucial areas where health psychology can and has assisted in improving health (Conner & Norman 2017). As a result of unhealthy behavior, child obesity is a critical health issue. It is imperative to develop a framework that incorporates a healthy dietary intake, physical activity, and caregiver participation to resolve childhood obesity.

The Problem of Health Behavior and Target Population

Pediatric obesity is on an upward trajectory in the US, with the onset commencing as early as infancy. Failure to address obesity through lifestyle modifications and other non-pharmacological interventions leads to adulthood obesity. Besides the across lifespan obesity risk, obese children are prone to chronic health issues as adults. The health issues include asthma, heart disease, Type 2Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), and learning and behavioral problems. Among Hispanic communities, the average monthly income is $2000. Obesity is caused by a combination of factors, with food insecurity being among the leading. An annual income of $2400 makes the Hispanic mothers feel food insecure and therefore overfeed their children. Another contributing factor is that these children spend many hours on the screen compared to the White majority (Kara, 2018). The target population is obese children of Hispanic origin living in a Latino community in Texas.

Summary of the Program Goal and Objectives

The program’s overarching goal is to reduce the BMI of obese children by increasing the screen time hindrance in pediatrics, reducing the rate of epidemic pediatric obesity, and adopting a healthy nutritional intake among the Texas Hispanic C\community. The two main objectives are to reduce the number of pediatrics who become obese by 10% by demonstrating access to a class that educates on unhealthy dietary habits using the RULE approach of motivational interviewing (Stormshak et al., 2020). The behavioral objective is to increase Hispanics’ access to physical activities through programs like Let’s Move and the 5-2-1-0 approach. There is a need to ensure that Hispanic children have a safe playing environment to reduce incidences where parents entertain their children through TV, contributing to these children’s sedentary lifestyles (Doherty et al., 2015).

Program Implementation and Evaluation

The proposed intervention program herein referred to as the Multimodal Nonpharmacological Intervention Program (MNPIP) will adopt two strategies. The approach combines a healthy diet and increased physical exercises as captured in the 5- 2-1-0 approach and then uses the RULE-motivated interviewing approach to discourage more than two hours of screen time for children. Khalsa et al. (2017) aver that the 5-2-1-0 approach to combat obesity encompasses the four main healthy messages targeting the participants and the community. Five stands for the five types of fruits and vegetables the child is supposed to take every day, while two means the child should not exceed two hours of screen time per day. One recommends that the child have a minimum of one hour of physical, while zero means the child’s dietary intake will have no sugar drinks at all. Instead, the children are encouraged to take plenty of water and consume low – fat milk.

Having noted that the Hispanic community whose first language is Spanish, the investigator anticipates using the RULE – motivational interviewing approach to educate and inform the community on the dangers of unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyles. The RULE approach entails counseling that doubles as an education intervention in this context are the patient’s motivation to modify their unhealthy lifestyle habits using four tenets as the guiding beacons. Under the RULE acronym, R stands for resist righting the reflex where the participants are advised not to take unhealthy foods like refined sugars even when the craving strikes. U- means the caregiver has to understand the patient’s motivations and offer alternative and beneficial motivations to replace those discarded. L reminds the change agent that their role is to listen with empathy and avoid being judgmental. Only by facilitating the nurturing of the first three tenets will the patient be ready to change and become empowered.

The EBP project will be initiated in a community-based healthcare facility in South East Texas that offers comprehensive medical care to patients of all ages. Stakeholders include the project leader, project advisor, healthcare professionals, pediatric patients, and their families/caregivers. The inclusion criteria will be children of both gender below six years, their families/ guardians and caregivers, and a BMI equal to greater than the 95th percentile for children of the same age and sex. BMI is computed by dividing the individual’s weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters. However, it is age and sex-specific in children and is therefore referred to as BMI. Only those pediatrics and parents who agree to part in the six sessions during the 12 weeks of MNPIP will be included. Individuals with pharmacological treatments, having significant comorbidities, and children diagnosed with mental health disorders will be excluded.

After recruitment, the intervention implementation will commence in phases. The preparation phase will involve incorporating the Lets Go 5-2-1-0 healthy habits, and the RULE approach will be included for all the participating children and their families. The MNPIP will then enter the implementation phases in six sessions, each lasting two weeks. Session 1 will comprise of individualized MI session using the RULE approach. Session 2 will entail assessing the participants’ understanding of BMI and discussing the components of 5-2-1-0. Session 3 focal point will be the five fruits and vegetables every day, while Session 4 will limit screen time to two hours daily. Session 5 will then address incorporating a minimum of 1 hour of physical activity, with the sixth and last session narrowing its focus on zero –sugar drinks. At the end of each session, every participant’s BMI will be taken, and complete the health habits questionnaire.

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Reducing hispanic pediatrics and screentime to reduce pediatric obesity
Reducing hispanic pediatrics and screentime to reduce pediatric obesity

To evaluate the project outcomes, the pre-implementation data will be compared to post-implementation data, and the data analyzed using SPSS Version 22. The primary outcome to be evaluated will be the BMI of all the participating children using the facility’s Seca 216 plastic wall mount Stadiometer. They will be measured without shoes and wearing only light clothing. The BMI will then be auto computed within the EHR, where the project leader and sponsor will verify the BMI data accuracy. The secondary outcome will be the lifestyle changes in healthy habits within the context of dietary intake, screen time, and physical activity using a self-reported healthy habits questionnaire. The participants will be asked to recall the child’s daily diet and physical activity habits and complete the self-report questionnaire.

The contribution the Results/Findings from the MNPIP Will make to the Field of Health Sciences.

The EBP findings will impact the way pediatric care in the primary setting is offered once the findings indicate a multimodal non-pharmacological intervention using the RULE approach acts, and the Let’s Go 5-2-1-0 approach. The reducing pediatric obesity protocol will be developed if the project is sustainable and adhered to in future pediatric care.


In conclusion, successful implementation of the MNPIP will demonstrate the efficacy and the need to use the RULE approach and the Lets Go 5-2-1-0 to reduce the incidence and rate of pediatric obesity among the Hispanic community living in South East Texas. The project findings and conclusions will then be published and disseminated to other facilities to implement screen-free periods and expanded for more children extending to 18.


Doherty, M., Santiago-Torres, M., Cui, Y., Schoeller, D., LaRowe, T., Adams, A., & Carrel, A. (2015). The association between screen time and weight status in Hispanic children. BAOJ obesity & weight loss management1(1).

Kara, H. G. E. (2018). A Case Study on Reducing Children’s Screen Time: The Project of Screen-Free Week. World Journal of Education8(1), 100-110.

Khalsa, A. S., Kharofa, R., Ollberding, N. J., Bishop, L., & Copeland, K. A. (2017). Attainment of ‘5-2-1-0’obesity recommendations in preschool-aged children. Preventive medicine reports8, 79-87.

Stormshak, E. A., DeGarmo, D., Garbacz, S. A., McIntyre, L. L., & Caruthers, A. (2020). Using Motivational Interviewing to improve parenting skills and prevent problem behavior during the transition to Kindergarten. Prevention Science, 1-11.

Question – Reducing Hispanic Pediatrics and Screentime to Reduce Pediatric Obesity

By now if you put together your SLP papers from Module 1 to 3, you have a program/intervention proposal to address a health behavior problem. Carefully read through your SLP papers from Modules 1 through 3.

As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. (Reducing Hispanic Pediatrics and Screentime to Reduce Pediatric Obesity)

Reducing hispanic pediatrics and screentime to reduce pediatric obesity
Reducing hispanic pediatrics and screentime to reduce pediatric obesity

Write an abstract* (1 page in length) briefly describing your whole proposal. Be sure to use subheadings.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

  1. Describe the problem health behavior and the target population.
  2. Summary of the program goal and objectives.
  3. Briefly describe your strategies for program implementation and evaluation.
  4. Discuss what contribution the results/findings from your proposed program will make to the field of health sciences.

*With an abstract, in-text citations and a matching reference list are not included.

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