This article provides a sample solution for Public Health Problem โ€“ Diabetes.


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This week, you will develop a needs statement, which provides factual information for understanding the health problem. A problem statement is one of the most crucial parts of your concept paper. This is the first section your audience will read, and it will set the tone for your proposed program. A well-written problem statement should include the nature of the problem, who the problem affects, the current impact of the problem, and future consequences of the problem, if left unaddressed.


Public Health Problem โ€“ Diabetes


           Tackling Diabetes as a significant public health concern is more imperative as the need to prevent it from spreading further into communities and homes grows each every day. Addressing Diabetes as a public concern mentions that it is not only regarding impose a threat to individuals solely but also the society at large. It means that Diabetes in one way or the other impacts the lives of relatives of the infected, the economies of nations, communities, and much more. When that is done, proper projects can be strategized to help find a long-lasting solution. However, it is imperative to note that the more the public this concern is regarded, the more complicated it becomes to address it through the help is far-reaching. In essence, the proposed program seeks to find a long-lasting solution to the problem that has become a primary public concern. The general public’s future health condition is highly dependent on how well the concern is addressed at this point.

           Although much effort to control diabetic outcomes has long centered on a clinical perspective, the growing attention on the same proves that public attention is much more critical in improving the nation’s health status (Al-Lawati, 2017). As such, the program shall educate the public on the benefits of remaining disciplined and observing protocols related to the program; since it encompasses the growth of all people with or at risk of Diabetes. To have a fast-moving and heathy country, health conditions must be stabilized, which is the primary goal of this program. It shall ensure that the public is well educated on the merits of friendly nutrition and healthy physical exercises. Notably, the health expenditure for the person with Diabetes doubles the cost for those who do not have Diabetes. Such expenditures could be secured for better projects if this program becomes a success when everybody else sticks to the routine and tackle this severe condition jointly as a public concern that has to be eliminated.

Adverse Effects of Diabetes to Public Health and Well-being

General effects on Health and Wellbeing

           Diabetes links closely to multiple other health conditions. Locally collected data shows that an adjusted mean quite minimal in people with Diabetes compared to non-diabetics. Similarly, the number self-reported for the diabetic prescribed medication in people with Diabetes is higher than those without it. Reportedly, about 55% of male diabetics seem to have prescribed medication as compared to 35% of those who are non-diabetic (Al-Lawati, 2017). The variation of the same in women is slight but remains substantial.

Cardiovascular Illness

           A higher glucose concentration in the body often damages the arteries in the end. Subsequently, various cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart illnesses occur. People with Diabetes, in this case, are at the risk of developing such conditions as twice as non-diabetics, which is likely to claim their lives. Notably, cardiovascular diseases, according to the available data, accounts for about 44% of diabetic deaths, most specifically in people with Type 1 diabetes, about 52% in persons with T2DM (Fearne, 2020). Compared to non-diabetics, persons suffering from Diabetes are considered to have an all-cause mortality rate, most specifically, when they cardiovascular infections. As opposed to the general public, persons ailing from T2DM face a two-fold risk of stroke. This is often more critical, especially during the first five years, when a diagnosis is underway. The implementation of the program, such as conditions, shall be minimized since very few to no people risk getting that far. Doing physical exercises is a sure way to keep the body reactive prone to diabetes and related sicknesses, and so is the consumption of less diabetic foods. Other examples of health conditions that are closely connected to Diabetes that have been found to increase the mortality rates of diabetics include kidney disease, eye disease, amputation, mental conditions, neuropathy, oral health conditions, and pregnancy-related illnesses.

Anticipated Improvements Health Outcomes

           The program is designed to better the health conditions of both diabetics and non-diabetics. Through education of the general public, massive actions are expected to happen across the nation, thereby showing the togetherness in battling it as a significant public health concern. The education given shall include timed programs that keep everyone in place. Through that, it anticipated that even the asymptomatic individuals who consider themselves healthy might remain healthy or begin the right medication and keep safe from the further danger of the disease.

           Through regular check-ups and strict observation of routine, experts and patients shall be able to keep track of either the deteriorating health conditions of diabetics or if the statuses become better by the day. Some of the most expected health outcomes in patients include obese related type 1 and type two patients. Often, obese-related patients end up disabled or finally succumb to the disease, but through this program, their conditions are expected to become better with time (Fearne, 2020). Also are diabetics who also suffer heart-related diseases, high blood pressure, kidney illnesses, and general wellbeing.

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Public health problem โ€“ diabetes
Public health problem โ€“ diabetes

           The program is designed to help nations battle Diabetes with joints efforts of mostly preventing it from infecting the healthy quarter and simultaneously, bettering the conditions of the infected. The program’s success shall also mean that societies shall be freed from unnecessary costs of having to treat Diabetes and incur many costs in the process. It shall mean that productiveness in workplaces shall resume back to normal as offices will have diabetes-free individuals who are ready to work. Learning in schools shall also improve for the younger generations, and most importantly, mortality rates shall have been lowered significantly.   


Fearne, C. (2020). Diabetes: A National Public Health Priority: A National Strategy for Diabetes

Al-Lawati, J. A. (2017). Diabetes mellitus: a local and global public health emergency!. Oman medical journal32(3), 177.


This week, you will develop a needs statement, which provides factual information for understanding the health problem. A problem statement is one of the most crucial parts of your concept paper. This is the first section your audience will read, and it will set the tone for your proposed program. A well-written problem statement should include the nature of the problem, who the problem affects, the current impact of the problem, and future consequences of the problem, if left unaddressed.

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