Practicum Site Information PRAC 6665

This article covers Assignment 1: Practicum Site Information PRAC 6665.


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Assignment 1: Practicum Site Information PRAC 6665

Assignment 1: Practicum Site Information PRAC 6665

Assignment 1: Practicum Site Information

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Prior to starting the course, you should have applied for a practicum site following the
guidelines for psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) practice. Now it is
time to make it official. For this Assignment, you provide your Clinical Faculty with
information about your practicum site, your Preceptor, and your clinical calendar.
To Prepare
ï‚· Verify that your practicum application has been approved by logging in to
ï‚· Access the Practicum Site Information Form from the Learning Resources.
The Assignment
Complete the designated areas of the Practicum Site Information Form, including your
practicum site and contact information, your Preceptor and contact information, and a
schedule of when you plan to engage in practicum activities onsite.

By Day 2 of Week 1
Submit your completed Practicum Site Information Form.
Submit Your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 1

See also  NRSE 6050 Professional Nursing and State-Level Regulations

To participate in this Assignment:
Week 1 Assignment 1

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (2018). CPT code training module.

American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2019). Discussion paper: Standards of
practice for nurse practitioners.

American Psychiatric Association. (2020). Coding and reimbursement.

American Psychiatric Nurses Association. (2013). Population-focused nurse practitioner
Note: Review the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Competencies.

International Council of Nurses. (2020). Guidelines on advanced practice nursing 2020.

Note: Use this link to log into Meditrek to report your clinical hours and
patient encounters.

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties. (2017). Nurse practitioner core
competencies content.

Walden University Academic Skills Center. (2017). Developing SMART goals.

Walden University Field Experience. (2020a). Field experience: College of Nursing.

Walden University Field Experience. (2020b). MSN nurse practitioner practicum manual.

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Practicum site information
Practicum site information

Walden University Field Experience. (2020c). Walden University School of Nursing:
Practicum orientation and resource guide for students: MSN—nurse practitioner.

Document: Practicum Site Information Form (Word document)

Document: PMHNP Clinical Skills List (PDF)

Document: PMHNP Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form (Word document)

Practicum Manual Acknowledgment
The Practicum Manual describes the structure and timing of the classroom-based and
practicum experiences and the policies students must follow to be successful in the nurse
practitioner (NP) specialties.
ï‚· Field Experience: MSN Nurse Practitioner Practicum Manual

See also  Self- Assessment Paper Using Pamela Hays’ Addressing Model

Click here and follow the instructions to confirm you have downloaded and read the entire
MSN Nurse Practitioner Practicum Manual and will abide by the requirements described
in order to successfully complete this program.

PRAC 6635 Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form

Desired Clinical Skills for Students to AchieveConfident (Can complete independently)Mostly confident (Can complete with supervision)Beginning (Have performed with supervision or need supervision to feel confident)New (Have never performed or does not apply)
Comprehensive psychiatric evaluation skills in: 
Recognizing clinical signs and symptoms of psychiatric illness    âœ“  
Differentiating between pathophysiological and psychopathological conditions âœ“ 
Performing and interpreting a comprehensive and/or interval history and physical examination (including laboratory and diagnostic studies)  âœ“ 
Performing and interpreting a mental status examination✓ 
Performing and interpreting a psychosocial assessment and family psychiatric history âœ“ 
Performing and interpreting a functional assessment (activities of daily living, occupational, social, leisure, educational).  âœ“ 
Diagnostic reasoning skill in:  
Demonstrate knowledge of psychopathology of mental illnesses through discussion for different age groups and mental illnesses  âœ“ 
Developing and prioritizing a differential diagnoses list✓ 
Formulating diagnoses according to DSM 5 based on assessment data âœ“ 
Differentiating between normal/abnormal age-related physiological and psychological symptoms/changes  âœ“ 
Psychotherapeutic Treatment Planning:
Provide psychoeducation to individuals and/or any caregivers âœ“ 
Promote health and disease prevention techniques✓ 
Self Assessment skill:
Develop SMART goals for practicum experiences✓ 
Evaluating outcomes of practicum goals and modify plan as necessary âœ“ 
Documenting and reflecting on learning experiences✓ 
Professional skills:
Maintains professional boundaries and therapeutic relationship with clients and staff âœ“ 
Collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams to improve clinical practice in mental health settings âœ“ 
Identifies ethical and legal dilemmas with possible resolutions   âœ“ 
Demonstrates non-judgmental practice approach and empathy âœ“ 
Practices within scope of practice✓   
Selecting and implementing appropriate screening instrument(s) and interpreting results:
Demonstrates selecting the correct screening instrument appropriate for the clinical situation âœ“ 
Implements the screening instrument efficiently and effectively with the clients âœ“ 
Interprets results for screening instruments accurately âœ“ 
Identifies the need to refer to another specialty provider when applicable âœ“ 
Accurately documents recommendations for psychiatric consultations when applicable  âœ“ 

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Practicum site information
Practicum site information

Summary of strengths:

1.       I approach patients in most respectful manner as possible even when patients appear out of control.

2.       My ability to communicate with patients and peers with active listening and making effort to understand their situation as best as possible.

3.       I am always eager and ready to learn more and keep an open mind to accept changes when needed

Opportunities for growth:

Every moment is an opportunity for growth. Striving to learn and improve my personal and professional life is important. Participation in continued education, accepting constructive criticism and acting on it for improvement, improving job performance by applying learned information to practice, participation in organizations that share the same arena.

Now, write three to four (3–4) possible goals and objectives for this practicum experience. Ensure that they follow the SMART Strategy, as described in the Learning Resources.

1.       Goal: Maintain a schedule of 8 hours per day, 2 days per week for 11 weeks to comply with the 160 required practicum hours for this class.

a.       Objective: set and maintain a schedule of 8 hours per day, 2 days a week x 11 weeks

b.      Objective: allow enough time to finish practicum according to deadline

c.       Objective: Complete the required 160 practicum hours

2.       Goal: By the end of this practicum, I will have a comprehensive and meticulous understanding of the reasoning involved in diagnosing and treating psychiatric patients

a.       Objective: Understand how to diagnose a psychiatric condition

b.      Objective: Develop and implement treatment approach and plan of care

c.       Objective: Apply psychopathology for holistic approach for maximum patient outcome

3.       Goal: To perform the above-mentioned clinical skills confidently and independently by the end of week 11.

a.       Objective: Confident in independently performing comprehensive psychiatric evaluation.

b.      Objective: Confident in independently performing skills required for diagnostic reasoning

c.       Confident in independently developing and implementing psychotherapeutic treatment plan.

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