This article covers NUR 590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Presentation


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NUR 590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Presentation

NUR 590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Presentation

Organizational Readiness

Time limitation was a major barrier to implementation. Staff reported a heavy workload, which left them with no time to review new evidence. Time constraints resulted in limited experience in implementing EBP. Facilitators observed was on-site providers who are ready to champion EBP regardless of the time constraints faced (Schaefer & Welton, 2018). To enhance integration, providers will be trained on EBP to improve their confidence and motivation. The training will help them outline areas that require improvement. Research will then be executed on the identified weak areas and possible solutions tabled for approval. Policy to guide on implementation will then be created to help in adopting the approved solutions.

Assessment Description

The dissemination of an evidence-based practice project proposal is an important part of the final project. Dissemination of your project to a local association or clinical site/practice informs important stakeholders of evidence-based interventions that can improve clinical practice and ultimately patient outcomes.

For this assignment, develop a professional presentation that could be disseminated to a professional group of your peers.

Develop a 12-15 slide PowerPoint detailing your evidence-based practice project proposal. Create speaker notes of 100-250 words for each slide. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice-over or a video. Refer to the topicNur 590 evidence-based practice project proposal presentation

NUR 590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Presentation

Resources for additional guidance on recording your presentation with Loom. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning and an additional slide for References at the end. Be sure to consider your personal demeanor and tone during the recorded presentation.

Include the following in your presentation:

  1. Introduction (include PICOT statement)
  2. Organizational Culture and Readiness
  3. Problem Statement and Literature Review
  4. Change Model, or Framework
  5. Implementation Plan
  6. Evaluation Plan
  7. Conclusion

You are required to cite a minimum of six peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. NUR 590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Presentation

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.


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Loom is a free video recording tool that allows you send messages through shareable videos. For assistance on installing the software or usag

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Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Presentation – Rubric

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6 points

Criteria Description


5. 5: Excellent

6 points

NUR 590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Presentation The introduction is succinct, captures the attention of the audience, clearly identifies PICOT statement and the fundamental aspects of the evidence-based practice project proposal that will be the main talking points and for the presentation.

4. 4: Good

5.52 points

The introduction is adequate. The PICOT statement and the fundamental aspects of the evidence-based practice project proposal that will be the main talking points and PICOT statement for the presentation are discussed.

3. 3: Satisfactory

5.28 points

The introduction omits key aspects of the PICOT and fundamental aspects of the evidence-based practice project proposal that will be the main talking points and PICOT statement for the presentation.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

4.8 points

The introduction generally presents the PICOT statement and most of the fundamental aspects of the evidence-based practice project proposal that will be the main talking points and for the presentation.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

An introduction is not included.

Organizational and Cultural Readiness

12 points

Criteria Description

Organizational and Cultural Readiness

5. 5: Excellent

12 points

The organizational culture and readiness are thoroughly discussed and provide insight into the organization challenges.

4. 4: Good

11.04 points

The discussion on the organizational culture and readiness is incomplete.

3. 3: Satisfactory

10.56 points

The organizational culture and readiness are adequately discussed and provide the necessary insight into the organization challenges.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

9.6 points

The discussion on the organizational culture and readiness is not included.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

The organizational culture and readiness are generally discussed and provide insight into some of the challenges faced by the organization.

Problem Statement and Literature Review

18 points

Criteria Description

Problem Statement and Literature Review

5. 5: Excellent

18 points

The problem describes the issue using evidence-based support from the literature review to rationalize and justify the problem. The research from the literature review is current, relevant, and used to provide adequate rationale and support throughout.

4. 4: Good

16.56 points

The problem statement summarizes the issue and uses evidence-based support from some of the literature review to rationalize and justify the problem. The research from the literature review provides general support overall.

3. 3: Satisfactory

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Practice project proposal presentation
Practice project proposal presentation

15.84 points

The problem statement is consistent throughout the presentation and concisely describes the issue using strong evidence-based support from the literature review to rationalize and justify the problem. The research from the literature review is current, relevant, and used to provide excellent rationale and support throughout.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

14.4 points

The problem statement outlines the issue. Support from the research from the literature review is inconsistent.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

The problem statement is not clearly stated. Research from the literature review is not included.

Change Model or Framework

12 points

Criteria Description

Change Model or Framework

5. 5: Excellent

12 points

The selected model or framework and its application to the proposed implementation are thoroughly described.

4. 4: Good

11.04 points

The selected model or framework and its application to the proposed implementation are adequately described.

3. 3: Satisfactory

10.56 points

The selected model or framework and its application to the proposed implementation are generally described.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

9.6 points

The selected model or framework is and its application to the proposed implementation are only partially described.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

The selected model or framework and its application to the proposed implementation are not described.

Implementation Plan

12 points

Criteria Description

Implementation Plan

5. 5: Excellent

12 points

The implementation plan is thoroughly described and provides the details for the various aspects.

4. 4: Good

11.04 points

The implementation plan is generally described and provides an overall outline for the various aspects.

3. 3: Satisfactory

10.56 points

The implementation plan is adequately described and provides the details for the various aspects.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

9.6 points

The implementation plan is not described.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

The implementation plan is only partially described.

Evaluation Plan

12 points

Criteria Description

Evaluation Plan

5. 5: Excellent

12 points

The evaluation plan is thoroughly described and provides the details for the various aspects.

4. 4: Good

11.04 points

The evaluation plan is adequately described and provides key information for the various aspects.

3. 3: Satisfactory

10.56 points

The evaluation plan is outlined and provides general information for most aspects.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

9.6 points

The evaluation plan is only partially described.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

The evaluation plan is not described.


6 points

Criteria Description


5. 5: Excellent

6 points

The conclusion is short, clear and summarizes the key points of the presentation in a powerful and memorable way. NUR 590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Presentation

4. 4: Good

5.52 points

The conclusion summarizes the key points of the presentation in a concise manner.

3. 3: Satisfactory

5.28 points

The conclusion outlines the broad aspects of the presentation.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

4.8 points

The conclusion mentions some aspects of the presentation, but there are some key aspects missing.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

A conclusion is not presented.


6 points

Criteria Description


5. 5: Excellent

6 points

Research is supportive of the rationale presented. Sources are distinctive. Addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria.

4. 4: Good

5.52 points

Research is timely and relevant, and addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria.

3. 3: Satisfactory

5.28 points

No outside sources were used to support the assignment.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

4.8 points

Research is adequate. Sources are standard in relevance, quality of outside sources, or timeliness.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

Few outside sources were used to support the assignment. Limited research is apparent.


12 points

Criteria Description

Presentation PowerPoint, speaker notes, Loom voice over or video.

5. 5: Excellent

12 points

The submission is presented effectively, and all of the required elements creatively contribute to the presentation of the concepts. NUR 590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Presentation

4. 4: Good

11.04 points

The submission is presented effectively and contains all of the required elements.

3. 3: Satisfactory

10.56 points

The submission contains minor inconsistencies that are not overly distracting. Presentation contains a majority of the required elements.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

9.6 points

The submission is ineffective, contains multiple inconsistencies, or is missing a few of the required elements.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

The submission is incoherent, contains major inconsistencies, is not presented effectively, or is missing a substantial amount of the required elements.

Aesthetic Quality

6 points

Criteria Description

Aesthetic Quality

5. 5: Excellent

6 points

Design is cluttered. Materials detract from the content or the purpose of presentation is low quality.

4. 4: Good

5.52 points

Design is appropriate and integrates a variety of objects, charts, and graphs to amplify the message.

3. 3: Satisfactory

5.28 points

Design is clean. Skillful handling of text and visuals creates a distinctive and effective presentation. Overall, effective and functional audio, text, or visuals are evident.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

4.8 points

Design is fairly clean, with a few exceptions. Materials add to, not detract from the presentation. Materials used were quality products and easy to see or hear.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

Design detracts from purpose. Text and visuals are too simplistic, cluttered, and busy. Little or no creativity or inventiveness is present.


6 points

Criteria Description


5. 5: Excellent

6 points

Synthesis integrates ideas but does not adequately form a cohesive whole. Combination of elements at times is confusing.

4. 4: Good

5.52 points

Synthesis is unique. Synthesis shows careful planning and attention to how disparate elements fit together. The combination of elements is verified.

3. 3: Satisfactory

5.28 points

Synthesis integrates ideas to form a cohesive whole. Combination of elements is logical and justified.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

4.8 points

Synthesis integrates ideas inadequately. The combination of elements is not logical.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

Synthesis does not successfully integrate ideas to form a cohesive whole. The combination of elements is not logical and/or verifiable. NUR 590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Presentation

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Practice project proposal presentation
Practice project proposal presentation
Mechanics of Writing

6 points

Criteria Description

Mechanics of Writing Includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use.

5. 5: Excellent

6 points

The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

4. 4: Good

5.52 points

Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech.

3. 3: Satisfactory

5.28 points

Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

4.8 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is employed.

Documentation of Sources

6 points

Criteria Description

Documentation of Sources Citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style.

5. 5: Excellent

6 points

Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

4. 4: Good

5.52 points

Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.

3. 3: Satisfactory

5.28 points

Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

4.8 points

Sources are not documented.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.Total 120 points

Propose strategies for disseminating your evidence-based practice project proposal. Consider the necessary stakeholders who need to review or approve the proposal (both internal and external) and what methods you will use to communicate.


Dissemination is spreading evidence-based practice information to a variety of clinical settings to increase understanding and adoption of new or changed evidence-based practice. Proposing evidence-based practice projects in a diverse but related setting allows for the uptake of stakeholder support that would increase resources to conduct more complex studies and implement enhanced interventions. Stakeholders are very important as not only can studies require financial backing for equipment, clinical resources and personnel, but also require stakeholders that can understand the gravity a project or proposal has on improving patient related health outcomes (Cunningham-Erves, Mayo-Gamble, Vaughn, Hawk, Helms, Barajas & Joosten, 2020).

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Practice project proposal presentation
Practice project proposal presentation

Considering my evidence-based project, internal stakeholders would primarily be health care facilities and specifically the outpatient/public nutrition department. Approval would be needed from a health care facility in order to obtain consents and access to the target population and because consent and privacy must be ethically followed approval from a health care facility may already have detailed policies regarding such proposals. Direct communication with administration and the nutrition department will be ideal to maintain good faith in stakeholder support as the project is tailored towards the nutritional field (Warren, Constantinides, Blake & Frongillo, 2021).

External stakeholders would include support from those outside of the health care facility such as local or public dieticians/nutritionists, patients, and public education programs. You can also include digital or virtual stakeholders that could support structured and guided ways to use technology for diet modification and nutritional information. While direct communication for public services and patients can be facilitated, technological stakeholder support may need technical communication for improvements and utilization (Warren, Constantinides, Blake & Frongillo, 2021).


Jennifer Cunningham‐Erves, Tilicia Mayo‐Gamble, Vaughn, Y., Hawk, J., Helms, M., Barajas, C., & Joosten, Y. (2020). Engagement of community stakeholders to develop a framework to guide research dissemination to communities. Health Expectations, 23(4), 958-968.

Warren, A. M., Constantinides, S. V., Blake, C. E., & Frongillo, E. A. (2021). Advancing knowledge about stakeholder engagement in multisectoral nutrition research. Global Food Security29.


This is insightful Abe, evidence-based practice refers to the thorough, problem-solving approaches that are based on the research outcomes. Before engaging in the evidence-based practices, there is always the need to undertake research processes and ensure that the clinical outcomes are viable or applicable. Evidence-based practices are done to ensure the quality of healthcare delivery (Warren et al., 2021). Data is considered an important resource when it comes to the implementation of evidence-based practices. Dissemination of evidence-based practices refers to the approach of implementing and spreading the evidence-based practice that have been developed. The process of disseminating evidence-based practice may involve different clinical settings to enhance the understanding as well as the adoption of new practices. Successful implementation of evidence-based practices requires support from different stakeholders including the management, staff, the community, healthcare professionals, and patients (Watt, 2018). The contribution of stakeholders is essential in ensuring the success of evidence-based practices. There are both internal and external stakeholders who may be involved in the dissemination of evidence-based practices. Internal stakeholders include healthcare professionals while external stakeholders may involve the community and sponsors.


Warren, A. M., Constantinides, S. V., Blake, C. E., & Frongillo, E. A. (2021). Advancing knowledge about stakeholder engagement in multisectoral nutrition research. Global Food Security29

Watt, A. (2018, August 15). 5. Stakeholder Management – Project Management.

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