PMHNP Evaluation NURS 6660 Discussion

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PMHNP Evaluation NURS 6660 Discussion

PMHNP Evaluation NURS 6660 Discussion

Question: 1
The PMHNP is evaluating a 15-year-old male patient who has been referred by his court appointed guardian. He has been in foster care for the last 6 years and maintained a steady pattern of low-level behavior problems such as skipping school and ignoring curfew.

He is not openly defiant and has always been described as a ―loner.‖ He just does not follow most rules. During the mental status examination, the PMHNP notes that his expressions are sometimes inconsistent with the topic of conversation, and he does not seem to be able to transition effectively among levels of emotion. This represents an abnormality in:
A. Mood
B. Affect
C. Thought process and content
D. Judgment and insight

Pmhnp evaluation nurs 6660

PMHNP Evaluation NURS 6660

What is nurs 6660 about?

Walden University School o f Nursing Practicum Manual Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Nurse Practitioner Special izations : ď‚· Adult Gerontology A cute Care Nurse Practitioner ď‚· Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner ď‚· Family Nurse Practitioner ď‚· P sychiatric -Mental Health Nurse Practitioner MSN Practicum Manual: Nurse Practitioner Specializations (April 2017 ) Page ii MSN Practicum Manual: Nurse Practitioner Specializations (April 2017 ) Page iii Walden University 100 Washington Avenue South , Suite 900 Minneapolis, MN 55401 1-800 -925 -3368 Walden University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, . Walden University practices a policy of nondiscrimination in admission to, access to, and employment in its programs and activities.

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Pmhnp evaluation nurs 6660 discussion
Pmhnp evaluation nurs 6660 discussion

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