This article provides a solution essay to Plan to Develop Each of the Nursing 8 Competencies.


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Discuss how you plan to develop each of the eight nurse educator competencies mentioned in Utley in your practice as a nurse educator. Identify which of these you already possess as strengths and which you may need to concentrate on developing further. Describe ways you can overcome any barriers or challenges.


Plan to Develop Each of the Nursing 8 Competencies


Across the world, nurses pay a key role in the medical team. This means that a poorly trained does not only impede the interprofessional medical team but is also bound to poor quality healthcare. Clinical teaching is the hub of nursing education and its significance cannot be underestimated. In this setting, the student nurse is prepared for the realities they will encounter in their professional roles. The real life clinical experiences accords the student nurse a chance to improve their skills and become competent practitioners ( Nehrir et al, 2016). Be that as it may, clinical nurse educators (CNEs have the responsibility of teaching student nurses in the clinical setting. Considering the importance of clinical teaching in achievement of quality nursing practices, the CNEs must have competencies so that they have the capacity to handle the challenges they face when teaching student nurses. Consequently, this essay purposes explore a plan on how to develop each of the eight nurse educator competencies. To achieve the goal, this paper examines these eight competencies as mentioned by Utley (2012) before I identify the competencies which are my strengths and the ones that I need to focus ion to develop further.  The paper then, suggests measures and strategies that I can adopt to overcome the barriers or challenges I encounter and concludes with a summary of the main points.

The Eight Nurse Educator Core Competencies

The World Health Organization (WHO) opines that achievement of universal health care is pegged on a competent health workforce. In support of improved competencies the WHO and partner organizations in specific countries have compiled a list of competencies for nurse educators in their endeavor to improve the Member States efforts to enhance education and therefore quality of nursing services.  The first of these core competencies for nurse educators is to facilitation of learning.  This means that the nurse educator is responsible for the creation of a learning environment that is whether in the classroom, laboratory or clinical setting. Only in such environments can the student nurse achieve the desired cognitive, affective as well as psychomotor outcomes (Bastable ,2014).

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This can be achieved by the nurse educator ensuring that there are enough education resources and the student’s prepared before the class through previews, in –class through discussions and demonstrations among other methodologies and post class through takeaway assignments and the like.  The second core competency is use of varied strategies that assess and evaluate the students learning in classroom, laboratory and clinical settings. The assessment and evaluation measures devised should capture all domains of learning. In order to be competent, the nurse educator should utilize current literature to develop practices of assessment and evaluation premised on EBPs. The plans should entail techniques like writing assignments, portfolio review, testing, case studies and simulation for classroom assessment. The nurse educator should also bear in mind the need to accommodate students’ with special needs. These students include but are not limited to those with audio visual and learning impairments.  The nurse educator liaises with the teaching hospital and learning institution to ensure student nurses with these challenges are sufficiently accommodated. The third core competency the nurse educator should have is to be knowledgeable of the education environment in which they practice as well as how the social, economic, political and institutional forces affect their teaching role and there earning of their learners. For that the nurse educator should be open minded and embrace or at the very least the cultural values, preferences and practices of their learners and the community in which they live in.  Managing cultural diversity holds the key to developing this competency. Engaging in scholarship is the next competency that the nurse educator should strive to perfect skills in.

Participating in EBP research studies would not only solve the challenges encountered by learning but would also find sustainable solutions to other problems emerging within nursing. Closely connected to engaging in EBP based scholarship is the pursuit for continuous quality improvements. These roles call for a multidimensional approach so the patient safety and quality of healthcare offered are realized. Once a quality improvement EBP project or program is successfully implement, the sixth competency for the nurse educator is that they now become change agents and change champions so that nursing future is secured particularly in the educational without compromising nursing practice. The nurse educator improves these competences by identifying the barriers to be overcome and facilitators to the QIPs that need to be tapped further. The seventh nurse educator competency is the commitment to participate in curriculum design and evaluation programs outcomes. This is developed through formulating program outcomes in order to design curricula that mirror contemporary healthcare trends where the patient is the focal point of care, participates in the care planning, their preferences are respected and safety guaranteed. The eight and last of these competencies is that the nurse educator has the responsibility of facilitating learn development and their socialization. The nurse educator insulates the values and behaviors expected of the nurse student and the role they are to partake in their future roles as professional nurses.

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The 8 Nurse Educator Core Competencies: My Strengths and Weaknesses

I opted to leave the bedside of elderly patients diagnosed with chronic pain as a geriatric care nurse and be a nurse educator once I realized my passion and the strong competences I have for a nurse educator. . To begin with is the competency to facilitate the learner development and socialization. This is because after a thorough analysis I identified my teaching approaches integrate the principles of Cognitive continuum Theory, adult learning theory, social learning theory also the Novice to Expert model advanced by Benner. The cognitive continuum theory is appropriate in developing the student nurse to be active during learning. I also convert real clinical cases that address the physiological, social and psychological needs of the patients so that student nurse learners how to social size (Nurse League for Nursing, 2012). The second strength is that of function within an educational environment.  This because I am able to identify the influencing factors and adapts my teaching philosophy. My clinical practice has also shaped this to be one of my strong points since I could deal with culturally diverse patients. Informed by the fact the nursing is both a theoretical and practical subject I opted for teaching to acquire more theoretical knowledge and apply it in nursing practice.    The nurse educator competencies that I need to address are pursuit of quality improvement and use of assessment and evaluations.  My conservativeness means that I have a habit of letting things as they are without change). However dynamics of healthcare means I have to change also and embrace change.  The next is use of assessment and evaluations where the written assignment is what I was dwelling on in the past. I plan to include other strategies so that all domains of learning are captured not just the cognitive aspects.

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Plan to develop each of the nursing 8 competencies
Plan to develop each of the nursing 8 competencies

Ways You Can Overcome Any Barriers or Challenges

To overcome the weakness of assessment and evaluation, I plan to be well prepared as use of inadequate teaching materials leads to limited testing techniques (Markaki et al, 2019).  Besides proper time management to address the limited time for teaching, I will have to improve various educational resources and also seek more materials on the internet.  The issue of not being committed is because I have not full y embraced use of emerging technologies and informatics to keep abreast with the new EB treatments and nursing care plans.


In conclusion this paper has established how a nurse educator can develop each of the 8 core competencies. The competencies are to facilitate learning, use assessment and evaluation strategies that are varied, facilitate learner development and social being. Others include a commitment to nursing scholarship, participation in curriculum design and evaluation program outcomes and the pursuit for continuous quality improvement programs guided by the EBP p[process. The last two touch on function within education environment and function of being a change agent and leader. The paper has also identified two of core competencies strengths and weaknesses. Additionally the paper has offered some ways in which to improve my cited identified weak competencies like lack of passion in QIPs and widening of my assessment and evaluation methods. Lastly, the paper has also suggested some ways to overcome the barriers and challenges a nurse educator encounter in their educator role.

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Bastable, S. B. (2014). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (4th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett. Chapter 1.

Louie, K. (2016). The examination of skill acquisition of US nurse educator competencies of novice nurse faculty.

Markaki, A., Moss, J., Shorten, A., Selleck, C., Loan, L., McLain, R., … & Góes, F. D. S. N. D. (2019). Strengthening universal health: development of a nursing and midwifery education quality improvement toolkit. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem27.

National League for Nursing. (2012). The Scope of Practice for Academic Nurse Educators, 2012 Revision. Washington DC: NLN Publishers. Entire book.

Nehrir, B., Vanaki, Z., Mokhtari Nouri, J., Khademolhosseini, S. M., & Ebadi, A. (2016). Competency in nursing students: a systematic review. International Journal of Travel Medicine and Global Health4(1), 3-11.

Utley, R. (2012). Theory and research for academic nurse educators: Application to practice. Boston: Jones & Bartlett. Chapter 1.

QuestionPlan to Develop Each of the Nursing 8 Competencies

Discuss how you plan to develop each of the eight nurse educator competencies mentioned in Utley in your practice as a nurse educator. Identify which of these you already possess as strengths and which you may need to concentrate on developing further. Describe ways you can overcome any barriers or challenges.

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