Sophia Haddad shadow Health Transcript to get you started on the Pediatric GAS Pharyngitis Shadow Health. CC. My daughter’s sick. High fever and a sore throat.

Pediatric GAS Pharyngitis Shadow Health Transcript – Transcript

Started: Mar 10, 2020 | Total Time:60 min

Your avatarHi, Sophia. My name is Danielle and I will be your provider today.Greet
03/10/20 1:45 AM CDT
Sophia haddadHi there.
Your avatarHi Omar, My name is Danielle, and I will be your provider todayQuestion
03/10/20 1:46 AM CDT
Omar haddadHello.
Your avatarWhat brings you and Sophia in today? (Clarified to What brings you to the office today?.)Question
03/10/20 1:46 AM CDT
Omar haddadMy daughter’s sick. A high fever and a sore throat. (Clarified to what brings me to the office.)
Your avatarWhat brings you in to the officeQuestion
03/10/20 1:48 AM CDT
Sophia haddadI’m here because they sent me home at school because I was cold and tired and the teacher sent me to the nurse, and when I told her my throat had been hurting all morning she called my Baba. He’s the guy over there.
Your avatarI am sorry you are not feeling well, i hope i can helpEmpathize
03/10/20 1:49 AM CDT
Sophia haddadThank you.
Your avatarWhere is the pain?Question
03/10/20 1:50 AM CDT
Sophia haddadIt hurts in the back of my throat. AND my head hurts.
Your avatarWhy are you sick?Question
03/10/20 1:51 AM CDT
Sophia haddadMy throat hurts, and I’m all cold and tired.
Your avatarWhen did you notice the pain?Question
03/10/20 1:51 AM CDT
Sophia haddadI was eating breakfast this morning and it hurt to swallow and I realized my throat hurt all the time.
Your avatarWhen did your fever start? || As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.Question
03/10/20 1:52 AM CDT
Sophia haddadI started feeling all chilly and achy at school, during science class.
Your avatarHow bad does your throat hurt?Question
03/10/20 1:52 AM CDT
Sophia haddadUh. Bad. It hurts kinda bad.
Your avatarDo you have problems talking?Question
03/10/20 1:53 AM CDT
Sophia haddadMy throat hurts worse when I talk.
Your avatarAre you able to swallow?Question
03/10/20 1:53 AM CDT
Sophia haddadI can swallow, but it hurts my throat really bad.
Your avatarDo you drink water?Question
03/10/20 1:53 AM CDT
Sophia haddadI like drinking water. I had some already today.
Your avatarDo you take any medications?Question
03/10/20 1:54 AM CDT
Sophia haddadOnly when Baba makes me. Medicine tastes so bad.
Your avatarIm sorry you feel that wayEmpathize
03/10/20 1:55 AM CDT
Sophia haddadOK. Thanks.
Your avatarMedicines can help us feel betterEducate
03/10/20 1:55 AM CDT
Sophia haddadHmm . . . OK.
Your avatarHow long has sophia been sick?Question
03/10/20 1:56 AM CDT
Omar haddadThe school called me about 2 hours ago saying Sophia had a fever of 102 and a sore throat.
Your avatarWhat was your daughters fever at school?Question
03/10/20 1:57 AM CDT
Omar haddadThe school said her fever was 102. I feel so bad she has that on top of a sore throat.
Your avatarDid she have a fever at home? (Clarified to When did your daughter’s fever start?.)Question
03/10/20 1:57 AM CDT
Omar haddadI’m not sure, to be honest. I didn’t realize she had a fever this morning, but I do know her temperature was 102 this morning at the school clinic. (Clarified to when my daughter’s fever started.)
Your avatarWhen did the pain start?Question
03/10/20 1:58 AM CDT
Omar haddadI didn’t notice the sore throat or the fever this morning. I feel pretty bad for missing it.
Your avatarIts okayEmpathize
03/10/20 1:58 AM CDT
Omar haddadOK, thanks.
Your avatarAre you daughters classmates sick? (No matching questions found.)Question
03/10/20 1:59 AM CDT
Your avatarAre your daughters classmates sick?Question
03/10/20 1:59 AM CDT
Omar haddadThe school nurse said that strep throat is going around at her school. I think a few of her classmates are out sick right now.
Your avatarIs anyone sick in your family?Question (Sophia Haddad Shadow Health Transcript)
03/10/20 1:59 AM CDT
Omar haddadNo one at home has had strep. My wife and I are both healthy.
Your avatarWhat have you done for your daughter’s throat/Question
03/10/20 2:00 AM CDT
Omar haddadI gave Sophia some ibuprofen for her fever. She also drank a little bit of cold water, which I think helped her throat.
Your avatarDid you give your daughter medication recently? || As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.Question
03/10/20 2:01 AM CDT
Omar haddadI gave her the ibuprofen on our way here, as we were leaving school.
Your avatarDoes sophia take any home medicationsQuestion
03/10/20 2:01 AM CDT
Omar haddadSophia doesn’t take any regular medications, thankfully. She really doesn’t handle it well.
Your avatarHow much ibuprofen did sophia receive?Question
03/10/20 2:02 AM CDT
Omar haddadI gave her children’s ibuprofen, the liquid kind. The strength was . . . 100 mg per 5 mL.
Your avatarhow does your daughter handle taking medications?Question
03/10/20 2:03 AM CDT
Omar haddadSophia doesn’t handle taking medicine well. She’s been pretty stubborn about it for a long time.
Your avatarHow does you daughter handle swallowing pills? (No matching questions found.)Question (Sophia Haddad Shadow Health Transcript)
03/10/20 2:04 AM CDT
Your avatarHow does you daughter swallow pills? (No matching questions found.)Question
03/10/20 2:04 AM CDT
Your avatarWhat happened when you tried to give sophia the medication?Question
03/10/20 2:05 AM CDT
Omar haddadWhen I try to give Sophia medication . . . well, life isn’t great. It’s hard to convince her to do it, and when Sophia doesn’t want to do something, she’s really headstrong about it. For example, before we got here, I gave Sophia some ibuprofen. Sophia took the medicine eventually, but she started crying when I told her that she needed to take it. She used to spit medication out, but she doesn’t do that much anymore.
Your avatarIs your daughter up to date on vaccines?Question
03/10/20 2:06 AM CDT
Omar haddadYes, Sophia’s up to date on her vaccinations.
Your avatarHas sophia had any surgeries in the pastQuestion
03/10/20 2:07 AM CDT
Omar haddadSophia had ear tubes put in when she was two, but no surgeries other than that.
Your avatardid you daughter have a tonsillectomy? (No matching questions found.)Question
03/10/20 2:07 AM CDT
Your avatardid your daughter have a tonsillectomy?(Sophia Haddad Shadow Health Transcript)Question
03/10/20 2:07 AM CDT
Omar haddadNo, Sophia’s never had her tonsils removed.
Your avatarWhen is the last time your daughter had a sore throat?Question
03/10/20 2:08 AM CDT
Omar haddadI don’t know the last time Sophia had a sore throat . . . she’s never had strep before.
Your avatarWhen was your daughters last ear infection?Question
03/10/20 2:08 AM CDT
Omar haddadIt’s been a long time. A few years. They stopped shortly after she got her ear tubes put in, when she was two.
Your avatarWhat medications is your daughters allergic toQuestion
03/10/20 2:09 AM CDT
Omar haddadSophia isn’t allergic to any medications.
Your avatarDoes your head hurt/Question
03/10/20 2:10 AM CDT
Sophia haddadYes. I have a headache right now. It feels kind of achy and heavy.
Your avatarDoes your chest feel tight?Question
03/10/20 2:10 AM CDT
Sophia haddadNo, my chest doesn’t feel tight.
Your avatarHave you been coughing a lot?Question
03/10/20 2:10 AM CDT
Sophia haddadNo, I haven’t been coughing at all.
Your avatarAre you vomiting?Question
03/10/20 2:11 AM CDT
Sophia haddadI haven’t thrown up.
Your avatarDo you have any lumps or bumps on your skin?Question
03/10/20 2:11 AM CDT
Sophia haddadYes, I have these red bumps on my chest.
Your avatarDoes you daughter have a runny nose? (No matching questions found.)Question
03/10/20 2:12 AM CDT
Your avatarDoes your daughter have a runny nose?Question
03/10/20 2:12 AM CDT
Omar haddadSophia’s nose hasn’t been runny.
Your avatarDoes your daughter have a cough?Question
03/10/20 2:12 AM CDT
Omar haddadSophia doesn’t have a cough.
Your avatarWhen did you notice your daughter’s rash/Question
03/10/20 2:13 AM CDT
Omar haddadThe school nurse told me about the rash when I picked Sophia up from school a few hours ago. I didn’t notice it before that.
Your avatarCan i take a look at sophias throat and rash/Question
03/10/20 2:14 AM CDT
Omar haddadYes, I suppose. Go ahead.
Your avatarcan I look at the rash? || As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.Question
03/10/20 2:14 AM CDT
Sophia haddadOK, you can look at my rash . . . but I’m warning you, it’s NOT pretty.
Your avatarCan I please look at your throat? (Clarified to Can I look at your throat?.)Question
03/10/20 2:14 AM CDT
Sophia haddadYeah, you can look at my throat. (Clarified to if I can look at your throat.)
Your avatarSophia’s test came back positive.Question
03/10/20 2:17 AM CDT
Omar haddadAlright. Thank you.
Your avatarFollow the instructions on the medicationQuestion
03/10/20 2:17 AM CDT
Omar haddadI’ll be sure to do that.
Your avatarKeep medication in safe place, out of children reachQuestion
03/10/20 2:18 AM CDT
Omar haddadGood call. I don’t think she’d pour it out or something, butoh, you mean she might drink it. Right, that too.
Your avatarCheck to be sure the dose is correctQuestion
03/10/20 2:18 AM CDT
Omar haddadI bet it’s really dangerous to give a kid too much medicine. Better be careful.
Your avatarSymptoms should improve in a couple of daysQuestion
03/10/20 2:19 AM CDT
Omar haddadThat’s really good to hear. I hate to see her like this.
Your avatarSophia will be able to return to school in 3 daysQuestion
03/10/20 2:19 AM CDT
Omar haddadYeah, I can do that. Make sure Sophia takes all of her medicine. No matter how much she doesn’t want to. Make her do the thing she doesn’t want to do. I got it. (Sophia Haddad Shadow Health Transcript)
Your avatarLooks for a rash in here mouthQuestion
03/10/20 2:19 AM CDT
Omar haddadOh, thrush is terrible. I’ll let you know right away if I see any signs of it.
Your avatarStop the medication of you see any signs of an allergic reaction, like difficulty breathingQuestion
03/10/20 2:20 AM CDT
Omar haddadSophia already has some of those things because of the strep. How do I know if she’s also having a reaction to the amoxicillin?
Your avatarHives and if your daughter cant breatheQuestion
03/10/20 2:21 AM CDT
Omar haddadUnderstood.
Your avatarchange the toothbrushQuestion
03/10/20 2:21 AM CDT
Omar haddadShe’s pretty attached to her butterfly toothbrush, but I’m sure we can find another one . . . probably . . .
Your avatarshe can return to school in 3 daysQuestion
03/10/20 2:21 AM CDT
Omar haddadThat’s good to know. Thanks.
Your avatarShe can drink plenty of waterQuestion
03/10/20 2:22 AM CDT
Omar haddadSophia’s pretty good about drinking water. Normally I’d go for tea, but I don’t think I need a caffeinated Sophia stuck at home from school. Bad times for everybody (Sophia Haddad Shadow Health Transcript)
Your avatarHave a good dayQuestion
03/10/20 2:22 AM CDT
Omar haddadOk. See you later.
Pediatric GAS Pharyngitis shadow health transcript