Patient-Centered Therapy -Discussion & Response – Solved

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Patient-Centered Therapy

Consider the foundational aspects of this therapeutic modality, unconditional positive regard, authenticity, and genuine presence.

As founded by Carl Rogers, the core aspects of patient-centered therapy include empathy, congruence, and unconditional positive regard (UPR). According to Rogers, empathy involves understanding clients’ feelings and thoughts as they experience them (cited in Reeves, 2018). On the other hand, he described congruence as an act of a counselor being genuine and real in his/her actions towards a client. In essence, congruence helps relieve a client’s negative attitudes towards the counselor as the inherent genuine and warm approach builds a client’s positive attitude and allows them to feel valued. Lastly, Rodger defines UPR as the aspect that allows clients to open up and speak about their difficulties without fear of criticism or judgment.

What aspects of this therapy modality are appealing to you or not appealing to you?

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The most appealing aspect of person-centered therapy is unconditional positive regard. With URP, counselors encourage their clients to share their opinions, emotional state, and actions without fear of upsetting the therapist. I believe that counselors should listen and passively be part of their client’s pain. I also share in the clichéd school of thought that a problem shared is half solved. In a sense, sharing your situation as a client provides a sense of relief, knowing that you have someone who can support you in your difficult moments and pursuit of your growth and fulfillment of your potential.

Do you see any correlations between this therapy modality and the nursing care you have provided for years?

Rodger’s patient-centered therapy correlates significantly with the contemporary care modalities, patient-centered care. The two modalities share individual approaches to delivering care with a primary focus on a client /patient’s well-being. For instance, patient-centered care focuses on collaborative care with the patient, involving them in their care and treatment plants (Kuipers et al., 2019). Besides, patient-centered care embodies effective communication between patients and medical personnel, which is also evident in patient-centered therapy.


GoodTherapy. (2016). Unconditional Positive Regard. Available at (Accessed 9 June 2021).

Kuipers, S. J., Cramm, J. M., & Nieboer, A. P. (2019). The importance of patient-centered care and co-creation of care for satisfaction with care and physical and social well-being of patients with multi-morbidity in the primary care setting. BMC health services research19(1), 1-9.

Reeves, A. (2018). An introduction to counseling and psychotherapy: From theory to practice. Sage.

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Discussion Post Response A

What an elucidating post! Mainly, I savor your summary on the origin of patient-centered and its connection to the modality’s significance. While I did not consider this viewpoint in my post, I believed it is an excellent addition to my knowledge of patient-centered therapy. Your post also highlights Rodger’s patient-centered therapy’s core concepts, which critically demonstrates your knowledge on the topic. However, I would love to read your exposition on the practicality of the core components of patient-centered therapy. For instance, what is your view on the importance of genuineness or empathy in a practical therapy setting? I would also like to hear your viewpoint on how counselor uses URP in their day-to-day encounters. Moreover, I find discussion on the negative aspect of patient-centered therapy much revealing. I did not consider patient-centered therapy to have a non-appealing facet, but through your post, I agree that incapacitated clients cannot benefit much from the modality (Meranius et al., 2020). Do you think there are other flaws in the modality? I would like to know more.


Meranius, M., Holmström, I., Håkansson, J., Breitholtz, A., Moniri, F., Skogevall, S., . . . Rasoal, D. (2020). Paradoxes of person-centered care: A discussion paper. NursingOpen, 1321-1329.

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Patient-centered therapy
Patient-centered therapy

Discussion Post Response B

I enjoyed reading your post. Particularly your appealing aspect of patient-centered therapy. I accede to your exposition on the complexity of an individual and the concept that only a person can effectively understand themselves. Typically, an individual knows the extremities of his/her being and not any other. In this sense, an individual’s maladaptive behavior (as you have elucidated) is only changeable from a subjective position and effort (Patel et al., 2016).  Therefore, enhancing comfortability is crucial in establishing an environment that allows a client to express themselves and resolve their difficulties with the help of a counselor. To add to this, there are three core aspects of patient-centered therapy, which exemplify its significance such as congruence, empathy, and unconditional positive regard. It is evident, and you have elucidated exclusively, that patient-centered therapy shares significantly with approaches with patient-centered care from the nursing concept.

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Patel, M.M. (2016). The theory and rhetoric of person-centered therapy from the view of Carl Rogers. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 3(21),58-61.

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