This article covers Non-Traditional Family Case Study.


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Non-Traditional Family Case Study

Access and read the “Non-Traditional Family Case Study”   to complete the essay assignment.

Citing three to five scholarly sources, address the prompts in an  essay of 750-1,000 words:

  1. Explain the family structure described in the case study.
  2. Decribe the unique challenges this family faces.
  3. Explain the differences and similarities between    Lorraine’s cultural background and the current family culture    she is in.
  4. How can Lorraine, Mike and John help build    resiliency in Charlie and the twins to ensure their overall health    and function in society?
  5. Lastly, imagine you are the mental    health worker assigned to assist this nontraditional family system.    Use the SAMHSA website to recommend two resources (parenting    classes, resources for military families, etc.) this family could    use to help the children cope with the family situation. Describe    the resources and defend why they are beneficial to this  family.

Acculturating non-traditional expatriates: A case study of single parent, overseas adoption, split family, and lesbian assignees


While much has been written and studied about traditional expatriates – typically senior, Western males in their late 40s or early 50s, with an accompanying female spouse and children – very little is known about non-traditional expatriates and the extent to which their hyper-diversity shapes and impacts on their international assignment experience. In this article, I examine the acculturation experiences of non-traditional expatriates in relation to: (a) the stressors they face when relocating abroad, including the barriers and challenges that arise in deciding whether or not to relocate; (b) how these stressors can be mitigated both by the companies employing them and expatriates themselves; and (c) how their hyper-diversity translates into reality, that is, meaningful outcomes that impact on their international assignment experience. Using case studies of four non-traditional expatriates, including single parent, lesbian, split family, and overseas adoption assignees, I engage in a debate as to whether current theories about acculturation hold true in the case of non-traditional expatriates and where future research on this important topic needs to be directe

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Non-traditional family case study
Non-Traditional Family Case Study


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