How to Choose A Good Dissertation Topic

A dissertation is a long piece of writing (15,000 – 25,000 words) based on research and data that the student has collected. To graduate from university or college, students have to submit a dissertation. The purpose of dissertation writing is to showcase your understanding of the subject, scholarly mastery and advance your field of study through your research. Your dissertation topic needs to be original and interesting. Original meaning should not be copied from other people’s work – what is known as plagiarism. We have developed a reputation as the go-to dissertation writing service through years of offering coursework writing services to undergraduate and graduate students.

Selecting a dissertation topic is an agonizing process for students. This is because of the uncertainty surrounding such a dissertation. Has it been researched before? Will I get adequate material for my dissertation? Will I be able to collect data? How long will it take to write my dissertation? These are just some of the questions that students grapple with. It does not help that a good topic is the lynchpin of your whole dissertation. Without one, your whole dissertation falls apart. 

With our 10 + years of experience offering professional academic writing serviceswe know where students go wrong with their dissertation topics. Therefore, we are going to share some useful tips on how to choose a good dissertation topic:

  • Research prudently: Research is the backbone of a dissertation. By researching well, you will be able to develop a good topic that is precise, up to date, and unique.
  • Manageability: You should be comfortable with the dissertation topic you choose. A common mistake that students make is choosing a difficult dissertation topic believing it will help them score more marks. Choose a dissertation topic that is reflective of your ability.
  • Be interested in the topic: Your dissertation topic should be something that you are interested in. That way, you will enjoy the research process and the writing process, which takes a long time.
  • Originality: Your dissertation topic should be able to contribute to your field of study. There is no need to conduct a research on a topic that has been exhaustively studied. Find a hole in the existing literature or approach an already existing topic from a new perspective. Consult your tutor if you are not sure about how to go about it.
  • You should be able to collect data: Students make the mistake of picking a topic where it will be a challenge to collect data. When selecting a topic, make sure that your data is obtainable.
  • Precision: You should be as precise as possible with your topic selection. Narrow down your area of interest to avoid ambiguity and vagueness
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Where to search for potential topics.

Dissertation topics rarely emerge out of the blue; therefore, you have to search for them actively. Here are some of the sources:

  • Your interests: One of the best places to look is within yourself: your interests, passions, and hobbies. These can be a very good place to start in your dissertation writing journey.
  • Your tutor: Seek the advice of your tutor on the topics that may be appropriate for you. He/she should be able to assist you all through the dissertation writing process.
  • Journals: This is a scholarly piece of writing that addresses professional groups such as doctors, psychologists, accountants, etc. You can find relevant and up-to-date topics that your dissertation can be based on by reading the latest journals.
  • Dissertations: By reviewing previous dissertations, you can find some topics of interest, which can then inform your dissertation’s topic.
  • Attending oral dissertation defenses: During these defenses, students and tutors often suggest topics for further research. You may then choose one of these topics as your own.
  • The internet: A tremendous amount of data exists on the internet, and it would be a good place to start.
  • Seminars: Seminars on different fields occur frequently. By attending a seminar on your field of study, you may find a suitable dissertation topic.
  • References in your field:  Many materials exist in your field of study. They include handbooks and bibliographies. You can access them via the internet or the library.


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