A concise summary of how the National Committee for Quality Assurance and the Joint Commission requirements on cultural competency impact the organizations accreditation

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Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.


HE005: Key Drivers of Change

  1. Imagine you are a student in healthcare administration who is doing an internship in a large primary care organization in an urban city in Florida. The organization has multiple locations and several types of services within a culturally diverse and underserved community. You are asked to prepare a brief about national issues related to eliminating healthcare disparities and improving wellness. Your brief will provide suggestions and initiatives that could improve patient outcomes in the organization and the community.

Include the following:

Your Response

The United States of America considers optimal healthcare systems to its citizens very crucial and of utmost consideration. Different regions and states within the U.S. have a specialized medical approach for handling patients and offering treatment to chronic diseases. Most patients suffer from at least one chronic illness, and the number of patients gradually increase. These patients get diagnosed with heart disease, cancer, respiratory disease, pneumonia, and poor nutrition among rampant cases (Holman, & Lorig, 2004). The aging population has weakened the immune system making it easy for disease infection, consequently resulting in deaths. With the rise in chronic diseases among the American people, the number of deaths and those infected are at an all-time high. Chronic diseases have increased treatment costs drastically within the health care system. There is a need, therefore, to adopt viable medical practices towards proper management and prevention of chronic diseases.

The United States is a diverse nation bringing together people of different cultures, races, and ethnicity. These attributes bring about divisions within healthcare systems and healthcare providers when offering their services. Cultural competence is where the healthcare systems and providers can provide services that meet the needs of patients from different social and cultural backgrounds. Health care systems that incorporate cultural competency to their workforce get an assurance of improved and quality health care to patients. There is also enhanced equality in service provision for patients coming from other races and ethnicities. Racial and ethnic health disparities have adverse outcomes for people deemed marginalized within a population. Studies show that many African Americans and Latinos receive less attention and care compared to Whites and get burdened by chronic diseases (Arend, Tsang‐Quinn, Levine, & Thomas, 2012). These chronic illnesses include obesity, stress and anxiety, asthma, cancer, and related heart conditions.

The Cultural Linguistically Appropriate Services are essential in attending to health matters in patients. Both communication and language used by a medical practitioner in addressing one’s medical needs are important towards ensuring quality service. CLAS entails processes where information is shared between patients and health providers, and their roles and responsibilities are laid out understandably. In ensuring that there is effective communication between a patient and a healthcare provider, differences relating to culture, language exchange, and health literacy should be ironed out. Culturally and linguistically appropriate services, therefore, are essential in maneuvering through the differences undermining effective communication.

The set conditions by the National Committee for Quality Assurance and the Joint Commission ensure that patients receive quality health care and improved communication, notwithstanding barriers that present themselves. Hospitals and health care systems should incorporate patient’s data collection for better understanding and service delivery. Data collection makes it possible for proper planning and consideration towards accreditation. Patients with minimal health literacy and English proficiency should have the upper hand when it comes to service delivery and receive improved attendance (Viswanathan, & Salmon, 2000). Cultural competency requirements create and improve professionalism and culture within a healthcare system.


 0 Not Present1 Needs Improvement2 Meets Expectations3 Exceeds Expectations
Sub-Competency 1: Explain how demographics have shaped the present-day healthcare system.
Learning Objective 1.1: Summarize the changes in patient population, patient demographics, and chronic disease in the United States.Summary of the changes in patient population, patient demographics, and chronic disease in the United States is missing.  Report provides a limited or incorrect summary of the changes in patient population, patient demographics, and chronic disease in the United States.Report accurately summarizes the changes in patient population, patient demographics, and chronic disease in the United States.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Report includes data on trends for at least two specific populations and chronic diseases.
Learning Objective 1.2: Explain how health disparities, cultural competency, and health equality impact health outcomes.  Explanation of how health disparities, cultural competency, and health equality impact health outcomes is missing.Report vaguely explains how health disparities, cultural competency, and health equality impact health outcomes.Report thoroughly explains how health disparities, cultural competency, and health equality impact health outcomes.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Report includes specific examples of how cultural competency can impact health disparities and close the gaps of health inequality.
Learning Objective 1.3:   Explain how the Cultural Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) influences effective communication.Explanation of how CLAS influences effective communication is missing.  Report provides a limited or incorrect explanation on how CLAS influences effective communication between patient, PCP, and the organization.   Explanation is not supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.Report clearly explains how CLAS influences effective communication between patient, PCP, and the organization.   Explanation is supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Report includes relevant information about current practices and procedures.  
Learning Objective 1.4: Summarize how the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) and the Joint Commission (JC) requirements on cultural competency impact accreditation.Summary of how the NCQA and the JC requirements on cultural competency impact accreditation is missing.  Report vaguely summarizes how the NCQA and the JC requirements on cultural competency impact accreditation.   Summary is not supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.Report thoroughly summarizes how the NCQA and the JC requirements on cultural competency impact accreditation.   Summary is supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Report infers why it is important to align practices and procedures to requirements for accreditation.  

Your explanation should include the following:

       Include BOTH the web links AND the images for each advertisement within your Assessment document.

Your Response

The United States register high numbers of deaths annually from chronic illnesses to accidents and unprecedented events. These deaths are taken into account and noted to help in-state statistics of the number of deaths in a year. The leading cause of death is heart disease caused by adopting unhealthy lifestyles, for instance, taking foods with high calories occasionally and other unhealthy foods. Heart disease averages 23.5% of total deaths. Cancer cases are also on the rise and account for 21.3% of total deaths (Preston, 2013). Unintentional injuries make up 6%; chronic illnesses add up to 5.7%, while stroke and cerebrovascular diseases contribute to 5.2%. The state of Minnesota has violent deaths from cancer cases, which average 22% and as the 36th leading state. The second cause of death is heart disease, at 19% of total deaths in the state. Accidents and unintentional injuries came third with 9%, Alzheimer’s disease at 6.2%, and chronic illnesses making up 5.0%.












 Product advertisements impact health outcomes; Unhealthy

Most business organizations are profit-oriented and do not look into the impacts they have on people around them. For example, the publication of e-cigarettes is appealing to anyone, vulnerable children. Besides improved and boosted sales, the advertisement pushes individuals into smoking and other unhealthy behaviors, thus negatively impacting on general health. Adverts on junk food are appealing to the eye, yet the food has long term effects on one’s health ((Caspi, Davey, Nelson, Larson, Kubik, Coombes, & Nanney, 2015). Strokes and heart attacks are aggravated by incorporating junk foods into eating schedules and having no exercise at all.

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How the national committee for quality assurance and the joint commission requirements on cultural competency impact the organizations accreditation
How the national committee for quality assurance and the joint commission requirements on cultural competency impact the organizations accreditation

Product advertisements impact health outcomes; Healthy

Healthy advertising of products and services is vital in persuading people to adopt good living practices (Larson, Davey, Coombes, Caspi, Kubik, & Nanney, 2014). Promoting vegetables with high nutritional value and adding them into meals helps in reducing high blood pressure and ensuring even flow of blood into and out of the heart. A healthy lifestyle means a low risk of heart attacks and distress. Advertising entails the dissemination of information across media platforms with the aim of reaching out to as many people as possible. Television ads, Facebook, street banners are some of the media used to facilitate healthy advertising.


Sub-Competency 2: Explain how socio-economic and healthcare trends have impacted the U.S. healthcare system.
Learning Objective 2.1:   Compare the leading causes of death in the United States to state-level causes of death.  Comparison of the leading causes of death in the United States to state-level causes of death is missing.  Response vaguely compares the top five causes of death in the U.S. and the top five causes of death in a specific state.   Response does not include a link to or citation for the data.  Response accurately compares the top five causes of death in the U.S. and the top five causes of death in a specific state.   Response includes a link to and/or a citation for the data.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response provides insight on how the trends/data between country and state are alike or different.
Learning Objective 2.2: Identify evidence of advertisements that target consumers in the U.S. healthcare system.Identification of advertisements that target consumers in the U.S. healthcare system is missing.    Response identifies five advertisements for unhealthy and healthy products or services but does not include images for all.   Response includes a vague rationale as to why each of the products or services is healthy or unhealthy.  Response identifies five advertisements for unhealthy products or services.   Response identifies five advertisements for healthy products or services.   Response includes images for each advertisement.   Response includes a valid rationale as to why each of the products or services is healthy or unhealthy.   Response includes a link and/or citation to the data.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response includes an explanation of how the advertisement targets a specific population, community, or subculture and the potential negative effects of the advertisement.
Learning Objective 2.3: Summarize how product advertisements impact health outcomes.  Summary of how product advertisements impact health outcomes is missing.  Response vaguely summarizes how product advertisements impact health outcomes.   Summary is not supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.Response clearly summarizes how product advertisement impacts health outcomes, using specific examples from the identified advertisements.   Response includes a link and/or citation to the data.   Summary is supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response provides examples of how legislation has tried to curb consumption of unhealthy products or services.

Your Response

Pharmaceutical research and manufacturing- research and innovation within the health care system allows for better assessment of patient’s needs and preferences. The study also leads to the invention of new and more effective drugs to diseases (Coccia, 2014). It, therefore, improves health quality and saves a life.

Information Technology- Information technology advancements are crucial in managing complex healthcare procedures that require a lot of time and investment. The use of computerized and electronic health records ensures effective and efficient service delivery for patients. Improved technology renders the healthcare system safe and costs affordable in its services.

Patient-centered care- Health care systems should prioritize a patient’s needs and address them in the shortest time possible. Improved patient-centered care contributes to reduced mortality rates and proper handling of patients who require specialized treatment in health centers (Barry, & Edgman-Levitan, 2012). It also gives a better understanding of a patient’s cultural background.

Medical supply industry- For effective service delivery in a health care facility, the supply of medical services is crucial. It allows for the proper administering of essential services to patients and maintains a conducive working environment. The supply industry also ensures shortages do not hamper healthcare procedures and service delivery. 

Health care marketing- marketing is a technique where available health care services get advertised to people who have limited awareness of some medications. This outreach program gives the public an edge in understanding vital medical services and availing themselves for regular checkups. Marketing enables a healthcare system to be able to advertise itself and services provided hence gaining a higher rating.

Long term care- long term care activities help in the recovery of patients who have challenges fitting into healthy lifestyles after medical treatments. They help in doing necessary activities such as wearing clothes, showering, and using the bathroom. Long term health care services can be offered at home or within a healthcare facility.

Labor unions- These unions provide health care providers access to favorable working conditions from their employers. The organizations play a crucial role in healthcare systems as they can suspend services in situations where medical practitioners are underpaid or mistreated. They also ensure the safety of the workers as long as they have a membership in the union.


Sub-Competency 2: Explain how socio-economic and healthcare trends have impacted the U.S. healthcare system.
Learning Objective 2.4: Summarize how various healthcare related industries affect healthcare.Summary of how industries affect healthcare is missing.Response includes a limited or incorrect summary of how industries affect healthcare.Response thoroughly summarizes the impact of the following industries on healthcare: pharmaceutical research and manufacturing, information technology, regenerative medicine, patient-centered care, medical supply industry, healthcare marketing, long-term care, and labor unions.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response provides additional insights on the positive and/or negative impact these industries have on providers and patients.   Response is supported by references to two relevant academic and/or professional resources.

They should include:

Your Response

Chronic disease refers to conditions either mental or physical that can span up to one year requiring long-term care. Chronic diseases need specialized monitoring, management, and treatment. The United States estimates that most of its population have one or more chronic conditions. The most prevalent conditions are cancer, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, heart disease, arthritis, obesity, and respiratory diseases. These diseases account for 54% of the total population representing 133 million Americans. Most affected are adults and the elderly who have gradually weakened immune systems, thus increasing their chances of contracting the diseases. Research shows that there is a gradual increase in the number of new cases and could become a national disaster in the future. Impacts of chronic illnesses on an individual can either be mild or disastrous leading to ultimate death or include disability, low quality of life, and long term hospitalization.

Chronic diseases have proved to be a challenge across different sectors of the economy. School going children, people working in various industries, and the elderly are affected. These chronic conditions negatively affect the usual way of life besides being a burden to caregivers. Attending to the rampant cases of chronic diseases is costly and expensive for both individuals and the economy in general. According to research conducted on the U.S. population, the treatment of chronic conditions accounts for nearly 75% of total spending on healthcare services translating to $5300 per person.

Trends of chronic diseases in the U.S. population calls for urgent legislative and policy changes to address the menace. Lack of useful systems that match the needs of the sick poses danger to health conditions and life. There is a need to set standards for treatment and monitoring plans to ensure quality healthcare for vulnerable populations.


Sub-Competency 2: Explain how socio-economic and healthcare trends have impacted the U.S. healthcare system.
Learning Objective 2.5: Explain the impact of chronic healthcare issues on the healthcare industry.Explanation of the impact of chronic healthcare issues on the healthcare industry is missing.Talking points include a vague introduction of the specific chronic disease and the population it affects.   Talking points include vague or incomplete explanations about chronic disease, financial impact, healthcare industry impact, and/or one legislation or policy change.Talking points include a succinct introduction of the specific chronic disease and the population it affects.   Talking points include a thorough explanation of national and state trends on chronic diseases.   Talking points include a clear explanation of the financial impact of the chronic disease on the healthcare industry.   Talking points include an accurate overview of how the chronic disease impacts the healthcare industry.   Talking points include one legislation or policy change that would improve health outcomes for patients with chronic diseases.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response provides additional examples of legislative policies that relate to successful prevention programs.    

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How the national committee for quality assurance and the joint commission requirements on cultural competency impact the organizations accreditation
How the national committee for quality assurance and the joint commission requirements on cultural competency impact the organizations accreditation

Your Response

Video conferencing

Incorporation of virtual care in the health care system is beneficial and has many advantages compared to the current state of service delivery. Video conferencing using smartphone apps and online management systems is cost-effective and saves on time. Besides, patients in highly remote areas are connected effectively to service providers. The use of remote analysis and related monitoring services increases savings and significantly cuts on costs.

One of the significant disadvantages of the video conferencing program is the high initial costs of set-up. Set up involves restructuring the responsibilities of staff, acquiring equipment, and training. This will cut on workforce rendering a more significant part unemployed

Store and forward

Store and forward is whereby secure emails help to transfer health records, pictures, and related information to health providers. The store and forward program aid quick service delivery by sending data to a health practitioner and receiving feedback in time.

 There is a disadvantage with network connectivity, especially in remote areas. Patients from poverty-stricken regions not connected to electricity and other connectivity means. There is a need to improve the best health practices, health laws, and privacy protection within the system.


Sub-Competency 3: Analyze the impact of technology on the delivery and affordability of healthcare services.
Learning Objective 3.1: Explain the benefits and barriers of using telemedicine to deliver healthcare services.Explanation of the benefits and barriers of using telemedicine to deliver healthcare services is missing.Response includes a limited or incorrect explanation of the benefits and barriers of using telemedicine to deliver healthcare services.Response includes a clear explanation of at least two benefits and two barriers related to the use of telemedicine to deliver healthcare services.   Response includes specific examples and relevant information regarding the use of telemedicine.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response provides insight on future telemedicine trends in healthcare.

Reference: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, National Center for Health Workforce Analysis. (2013). Projecting the supply and demand for primary care practitioners through 2020. Retrieved from http://bhpr.hrsa.gov/healthworkforce/supplydemand/usworkforce/primarycare/

Your Response

The deficit in PCPs is due to a fast-rising population of the elderly, high expenses for enrolling for medical school, and existent barriers to allowing foreign doctors to operate. Most of the challenges are experienced in rural areas with populations that are served at low rates, thus little or no considerations. There is a need to adjust policies for doctors so that quality health care and professionals are improved. 

Addressing shortages

The existent Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act establishes the following steps to direct primary care physicians and Registered Nurses;

  1. Increasing Graduate Medical Education (GME) opportunities with a focus on primary care and surgery practices
  2. Increasing funding for graduate medical education programs
  3. Setting up health centers that are fully functional and affordable to people living in disadvantaged backgrounds.
  4. Establishing platforms where grants for up to five years target small-scale employers.

Patient-centered medical home

The patient-centered medical home is an initiative that is geared towards boosting standards and reducing the costs of healthcare. In this context, active members are subjected to a flexible system where everyone works towards achieving set goals of improving health care. Understanding a patient’s needs and their preferences is key to delivering quality health care.

Impact of shortage

The shortage of PCPs and RNs impacts negatively on populations and the general public. There is an acute shortage in inner-city and rural areas. This renders people unable to pay for services and afford vital healthcare services. Most nurses are centered in emergency care areas; hence outreach to persons in rural and somewhat marginalized regions is challenging. This calls advances in technology and mainstreaming the healthcare system to people in rural areas.


Sub-Competency 4: Explain how the shortage of healthcare workers impacts the healthcare delivery system.
Learning Objective 4.1: Explain the reason for a shortage of PCPs in rural and inner-city communities.    Explanation of why there may be a shortage of PCPs in rural and inner-city communities is missing.  Response vaguely explains why there may be a shortage of PCPs in rural and inner-city communities.   Response is not supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.Response accurately explains why there may a shortage of PCPs in rural and inner-city communities.   Response is supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.  Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response provides insight on incentives or programs that could attract providers in those communities.
Learning Objective 4.2: Explain how the PPACA addresses the shortage of PCPs and RNs.Explanation of how the PPACA addresses the shortage of PCPs and RNs is missing.Response includes a limited or incorrect explanation of how the PPACA addresses the shortage of PCPs and RNs.Response accurately explains how the PPACA addresses the shortage of PCPs and RNs.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response infers how the shortage is impacting the current PCP and RN workforce.
Learning Objective 4.3: Describe programs that address the shortage of PCPs and RNs.Description of programs that address the shortage of PCPs and RNs is missing.Response describes one program that addresses the shortage but does not include what action the program is taking to address the issue.Response describes one program that addresses the shortage of PCPs and RNs.   Response includes what action the program is taking to address the shortage of PCPs and RNs.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response describes more than one program that addresses the shortage of PCPs and RNs.   Response includes additional recommendations for recruitment and retention for PCPS and RNs.
Learning Objective 4.4: Analyze how the shortage of PCPs and RNs impacts healthcare delivery.Analysis of how the shortage of PCPs and RNs impacts healthcare delivery is missing.Response provides a vague analysis of how the shortage of PCPs and RNs impacts healthcare delivery.   Response is not supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.Response provides a critical analysis of how the shortage of PCPs and RNs impacts healthcare delivery.   Response is supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.  Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response provides specific examples of the impact of the shortage on patient cost, quality, and access to healthcare.

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How the national committee for quality assurance and the joint commission requirements on cultural competency impact the organizations accreditation
How the national committee for quality assurance and the joint commission requirements on cultural competency impact the organizations accreditation

Your Response

The initial stages of TB management involve detection and giving reports on persons with infectious diseases. In most cases, discovery is not easy as they are diagnosed once they are diagnosed in the hospital setting. The next step undertaken is securing and protecting people close to the patient from avoiding infection. This involves screening the close people and assuring them of any alarming signs. The third stage towards containing TB is taking action on reported cases and securing the broader population. Action is taken by administering treatment to prevent latent infection from going into advanced stages of active TB. The last step is setting mechanisms to reduce prevalence among persons with active TB by identifying areas with a high risk of transmission and administering infection-control strategies.

Addressing methods of transmission

CDC takes TB to spread globally with utmost seriousness, especially in areas of high prevalence. TB is complicated and broad; thus should be well studied and mechanisms put in place to address high transmission rates. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention have in place steps towards finding a cure and containing the spread of infectious disease. The Organization has the following measures in place, 

  1. Effective and efficient methods of diagnosing TB in well-established and equipped lab units.
  2. Conducting research studies and adopting innovative approaches to reducing Tb prevalence globally.
  3. Availing HIV testing kits to patients to establish the strength of their immune systems and administering effective medication


Sub-Competency 5: Analyze global trends and their impact on the U.S. healthcare system.
Learning Objective 5.1: Describe how the CDC tracks, determines prevalence, and promotes prevention of TB in the United State.Description of how the CDC tracks, determines prevalence, and promotes prevention of TB in the United States is missing.Response provides a limited or incorrect description of how the CDC tracks, determines prevalence, and promotes prevention of TB in the United State.Response accurately and succinctly describes how the CDC tracks, determines prevalence, and promotes prevention of TB in the United States.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response accurately describes specific programs the CDC is involved with that help prevent TB in the United States.
Learning Objective 5.2: Describe how the U.S. healthcare system addresses methods of transmission that impact the spread of TB globally.    Description of how the U.S. healthcare system is addressing methods of transmission that impact the spread of TB globally is missing.Response vaguely describes how the U.S. healthcare system is addressing methods of transmission that impact the spread of TB globally.     Response is supported by few or no references to academic and/or professional resources.  Response accurately describes how the U.S. healthcare system addresses two methods of transmission that impact the spread of TB globally.     Response is supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.  Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response accurately describes how the U.S. healthcare system addresses at least three methods of transmission that impact the spread of TB globally.   Response describes best practices for antibiotic-resistant TB.

Your Response

Every year, thousands of U.S. residents travel abroad to seek medical solutions because of many reasons. Some travel for medication not present in the U.S., for instance, heart transplants. Non-residents fly out to their home countries to seek further or specialized treatment because they are cheaper, or they have a preference for specific institutions. Finding medication abroad is advantageous in that one gets affordable and quality services than the U.S., where costs are incredibly high.

The main challenge comes after the medical procedures are over, and one returns home. Follow-up is a crucial step towards recovery and not availed once you leave the medical institutions. One may experience complications relating to medical procedures and can get costly in maintaining the situation. The U.S. is on the process of developing a system where patients can receive follow-up services on they are back from medication.


Besides traveling for medical consultations and medical procedures, many people envy tourism infrastructure in countries like Thailand, Singapore, and Taiwan, among the most common destinations. Some patients prefer institutions with sustained reputation and clinical excellence handling their health matters as they are sensitive and considerate. In the U.S., residents travel abroad to seek reproductive-related solutions, cancer treatment, and orthopedics among professional athletes. Treatment characteristics elsewhere cannot be replicated back at home in terms of trained medical staff, infrastructure, and expenses, thus the preference.


Sub-Competency 5: Analyze global trends and their impact on the U.S. healthcare system.
Learning Objective 5.3: Describe why U.S. citizens are traveling abroad for medical treatment.Description of why U.S. citizens are traveling abroad for medical treatment is missing.Response describes why U.S. citizens are traveling abroad for medical treatment but does not provides examples of medical treatments obtained abroad.Response accurately describes why U.S. citizens are traveling abroad for medical treatment.   Response provides examples of medical treatments obtained abroad.   Response is supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response provides data showing what medical treatments are most often provided to citizens traveling abroad.    
Learning Objective 5.4: Describe differences you in medical tourism in different countries.Description of differences in medical tourism in different countries is missing.Response inaccurately describes differences in medical tourism in two countries, or describes medical tourism in only one country.   Response is not supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.Response accurately describes differences in medical tourism in two countries.   Response is supported by references to academic and/or professional resources.  Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:   Response includes differences in medical tourism in three or more countries.


Holman, H., & Lorig, K. (2004). Patient self-management: a key to effectiveness and efficiency in care of chronic disease. Public health reports119(3), 239-243.

Arend, J., Tsang‐Quinn, J., Levine, C., & Thomas, D. (2012). The patient‐centered medical home: history, components, and review of the evidence. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: A Journal of Translational and Personalized Medicine79(4), 433-450.

Viswanathan, H. N., & Salmon, J. W. (2000). Accrediting organizations and quality improvement. Am J Manag Care6(10), 1117-30.

Preston, S. H. (2013). Mortality patterns in national populations: with special reference to recorded causes of death. Elsevier.

Caspi, C. E., Davey, C., Nelson, T. F., Larson, N., Kubik, M. Y., Coombes, B., & Nanney, M. S. (2015). Disparities persist in nutrition policies and practices in Minnesota secondary schools. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics115(3), 419-425.

Larson, N., Davey, C. S., Coombes, B., Caspi, C., Kubik, M. Y., & Nanney, M. S. (2014). Food and beverage promotions in Minnesota secondary schools: secular changes, correlates, and associations with adolescents’ dietary behaviors. Journal of school health84(12), 777-785.

Coccia, M. (2014). Emerging technological trajectories of tissue engineering and the critical directions in cartilage regenerative medicine. J. Healthcare Technology and Management14(3), 194-208.

Barry, M. J., & Edgman-Levitan, S. (2012). Shared decision making—The pinnacle patient-centered care.

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