Generating Calendar in Python

This article provides a sample solution on Generating Calendar in Python Plus other Homework Solutions.


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Homework 1:  Generate Calendar

 <pre>def calendar(n, s):

#this will convert string value to a corresponding integer

 if s == “Su”:

 d = 0

 elif s == “Mo”:

 d = 1

 elif s == “Tu”:

 d = 2

 elif s == “We”:

 d = 3

 elif s == “Th”:

 d = 4

 elif s == “Fr”:

 d = 5

 elif s == “Sa”:

 d = 6

 print (“Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa”)

 for j in range(d):

 print (” “, end = ” “),

 i = 1

 while i <= n:

 if i < 10:

 print (“”,i,end=” “),


 print(i,end=” “),

 if(i + d) % 7 == 0:

 print (” “)

 i = i + 1

n = int(input(“Input the number of days in the month (28-31): “))

s = input(“Input the starting day (Su=Sun, Mo=Mon,…): “)


1b) Year 2020 Calendar

 # Program to display  2020 calendar and User to enter the specific month to display

# importing calendar module

import calendar

yy = 2020  # year

# To take month input from the user

 mm= int(input(“Enter year: “))

# display the calendar

print(calendar.month(yy, mm))

1c) A short program for January 2020 Calendar

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    # Program to display  Jan 2020 calendar 

    # importing calendar module

    import calendar

    yy = 2020  # year

    mm = 1    #month

    # the header will be January 2020

    print(calendar.month(yy, mm))

2, loop over 30 days of September

 def date_iter(year, month):

    for i in range(1, calendar.monthlen(year, month) + 1):

        yield date(year, month, i)

      for d in date_iter(2020, 9):


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Generating calendar in python
Generating calendar in python

b)  Genialize your calendar to 100 year

 days = [“su”, “mo”, “tu”, “we”, “th”, “fr”, “sa”]

months = [“January”, “February”, “March”, “April”, “May”,

“June”, “July”, “August”, “September”, “October”, “November”, “December”]

      old_length_s = 0

      length_current_month = 0

      month_header = “”

      title = “”

      data = dict()

      for year in range(startYear, endYear):

      s = “|”

      # data[year] = dict()

      for month in months:

    old_length_s = len(s)

    s += ” “

    # data[year][month] = dict()

    cal_data = subprocess.Popen(“cal ” + str(month) +

    ” ” + str(year),shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

    week_loop = 0

    for line in iter(cal_data.stdout.readline, b””):

    if week_loop > 1: #this is after month name and day_names

      char_num = 0

      day = 0

      date = “”

      for c in line:

      date += c

      if char_num > 1: #every three characters

      char_num = 0

      if len(date.strip()) > 0: #somefields are blank in each month’s first week

      # data[year][month][int(date)] = days[day]

      if days[day] is “su”:

      if int(date) < 10:

      s += ” * “


      s += ” *  “

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      s += ” ” + str(date.strip()) + ” “

    date = “”

      day += 1


      char_num += 1

      week_loop += 1

    # print len(s)

      if month is “February” and len(s) is 223:

      s += ”    “

      s += ” |”

    if first_year is True:

      length_current_month = len(s) – old_length_s

      blankspace = (length_current_month/2) – len(month)/2

      if len(month)%2 is not 0:

      month_header += ” “*blankspace + month + ” “*(blankspace-1)

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Generating calendar in python
Generating calendar in python


      month_header += ” “*blankspace + month + ” “*blankspace

    if month is “June”:

    s += “|  ” + str(year) + ”  ||”

      month_header += ”            “

      actual_title = str(startYear) + ” to ” + str(endYear-1)

      title = ” “*((len(s)-7)-(len(actual_title)/2 -1 )) + actual_title

      # print s

    if first_year is True:

      first_year = False





      for c in s:

    if c is not “|”:

      dividing_line += “-“

      decade_divider += “=”


      dividing_line += c

      decade_divider += c

    if str(year)[-1] is “0”:











      print(“* = sunday”)



def Main():


      startYear = int(sys.argv[1])

    year_interval = int(sys.argv[2])

      endYear = startYear + year_interval

      getDaysData(startYear, endYear)

Read More: – Generating Calendar in Python

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