This article provides a solution essay to a Final Project Reflection by providing a sample reflection that you can use as a guide.


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For this assignment, review the feedback you received from your instructor on each submission developed during this course. Develop a synopsis of your outcomes for acquiring, developing, training, and leveraging on human capital within


Final Project Reflection

This essay is an overview of the findings on the acquisition, development, training, and human capital leverage in my organization. Besides, this overview includes plans for my preparation for apposition as an HR specialist. These findings are critical for human resources management in an organization and contribute to an organization’s ultimate success.


Acquiring employees is a significant aspect of an organization. This is because it determines how various work components will be done. In my organization, the use of a needs assessment matrix was a critical conception of acquiring employees. The HR department evaluates departmental needs and then aligns them with organizational needs.  The organization’s needs assessment includes identifying required functions, the department in need, job descriptions, roles and responsibilities, existing training, and required qualifications.

Training and Development

Training is a vital activity to ensure that employees have the necessary skills and competency in their roles (Dessler, 2014). Besides, training ensures that employees have the best available knowledge of tackling organizational issues and specific aspects of their roles. Equally, training improves employee retention as it boosts a feeling of value among employees.

Like training, employee development is another significant aspect of HR management activity. Developing employees ensures that future challenges concerning skillset and creativity in performing organizational tasks. Dessler (2014) mentions that developing employees is beneficial to departmental units and the company in the long run. ee

Telespazio is an appraisal program known as Telespazio Performance Appraisal Development (T-PAD) from the assessed organization.  T-PAD facilitates employees’ development and training by evaluating employee performances, skills, objectives, and competencies in their roles. Following the appraisal, the HR department can identify employee roles by assessing skills and knowledge, then matches the identified skills with the most appropriate role.

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An Appraisal system is vital for establishing compensation for the reward system. This facet of the appraisal program is crucial in promoting commitment and enhanced performance. The data collected from the appraisal exercise are set to establish improvement mechanisms. Besides, an appraisal program is vital in upholding transparency, focusing on the assigned tasks, employee involvement, and improving work competency (Profili et al., 2014). Since appraisal programs measure the stakeholder’s views on interaction and human resources procedures, it allows management to evaluate current HR practice prototypes based on stakeholders’ experiences. In this way, stakeholders with positive experiences indicate their level of commitment.

Development programs are primarily significant in achieving sustainable culture and work ethics (Jehanzeb and Bashir, 2013). Along with a robust system, development programs facilitate employee dedication and motivation following an appraisal’s outcomes.  Managers can also use the performance ratings to evaluate employee’s organizational and technical skills. Therefore, managers can identify best-performing employees for appreciation and rewards.

Another accompanying aspect of training and development is appraisal interviews on employees. The findings from the benchmark organization highlighted the role of interviews as an imperative for an evaluation process. The strength of structured interviews is that they can identify employees’ abilities and mechanisms to manage such inherent weaknesses through targeted training. Following employee appraisal is monitoring an evaluation through which the outcome of appraisals is assessed for necessary modification.

Training and development initiatives affect how employees view, interpret and make job-related decisions (Jehanzeb and Bashir,2013).  The outcome from a benchmark organization, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, revealed that training has a significant effect on how medical students perceive clinical situations and respond to them. Besides, training helps incumbent nurses advance their clinical knowledge through teamwork, sharing, experiences, and collaboration.

When designing training programs, it is critical, to begin with, an action plan, which bridges the existing and the desired output from employees while considering set objectives. The action training program is specifically used in departments and areas that require change. An action plan for training employees is accompanied by learning theories, designs, and literature material. An action incorporates the learning styles and readiness of targeted employees.

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Subsequently, training programs are implemented and later reviewed for consistency with set objectives. Training can be conducted in an in-house or outward manner. The implementation considers the availability of facilities and training instruments. Upon execution of training plans, they are assessed and evaluated for efficacy. An example of organizational training is the onboarding program, supported by both management and employees in an enabling environment. Thus, training and development programs support and enhance existing knowledge within a given department in an organization.

The training and development program is supported by organizational management. This ensures that established goals are met through support for new skillsets and the transfer of such skills. As such, an organization must commit and encourage a culture of learning by giving employees the freedom to pursue professional interests. Besides, employees are allowed to establish external training sessions. In such training, an external trainer is brought in to impart new knowledge and skills to employees. Moreover, an organization conducts a reassessment of the existing training and development activities. It updates them to ensure employees’ needs are met, which simultaneously factoring in the program’s underlying strengths and weaknesses.

Training and development can also institute mentoring programs in which new employees are partnered with experienced employees to act as guiders during early days of employment. Besides guidance, mentoring programs allow platforms to share knowledge on specific practices in particular organizations’ roles. According to Hoover et al. (2020), mentoring programs are crucial in establishing a robust workforce in an organization. This is because mentoring programs embody a relatively informal and less rigid platform critical in helping new employees gain confidence in their roles within an organization. It also enables effective education, support, and retainment of employees.

Leveraging On Employee Assets

Logically an employee can get a task done though they do not have expertise in that area.  As a manager, I will gain insight into the employees’ skills by establishing their thoughts and approaches to get tasks done. This will allow me to discover employee preferences and decision-making processes and use the information to assign them specific tasks to excel and grow.

One way of leveraging employee skills is by engaging them in their interests. This technique demands that a manager encourage employees to write down the job aspects that they can do well and not do well. Self-evaluation enables employees to work in an organization to understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, thus, enhancing collaboration and disseminating knowledge among colleagues. It also allows the thoughtful reflection of individual performances and contributions to an organization. As such, accounts of self-evaluation can be used to establish training programs. Equally, self-evaluation facilitates sincerity in one’s ability, and this enables managers to allocate roles depending on a person’s abilities and skills.

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Final project reflection
Final project reflection

Another way of leveraging on employees’ assets is through employee assessments. Assessments are used to identify departmental leaders and employees. It involves a feedback mechanism in which employees provide reports of their thoughts about their colleagues’ particular activities and responsibilities. This information is used to establish broad views on the performance and the trajectory of an organization.  Besides, such information can be used to identify effective and non-effective employees, departments, and managers.


HR management is crucial for the sustainability of an organization. Specifically, acquiring, developing, training, and leveraging employee assets constitutes the human resources department’s basic activities in an organization. These outcomes will be critical to me as I prepare to become a nursing leader in the near future.


Hoover, J., Koon, A. D., Rosser, E. N., & Rao, K. D. (2020). Mentoring the working nurse: a scoping review. Human resources for health18(1), 1-10.

Dessler, G. (2014). Human resource management (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson/Prentice Hall

Profili, S., Sammarra, A., Innocenti, L., & Gabrielli, G. (2014).  Performance appraisal at Telespazio: Aligning strategic goals to people development. International Journal of Case Studies in Management. HEC073, Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2014

Jehanzeb, K., & Bashir, N. A. (2013). Training and development program and its benefits to employee and organization: A conceptual study. European Journal of business and management5(2).


For this assignment, review the feedback you received from your instructor on each submission developed during this course. Develop a synopsis of your outcomes for acquiring, developing, training, and leveraging on human capital within your organization. You are not required to submit each assignment again, but you are required to evaluate your assignment, the feedback you received, and develop a synopsis of your take-away from the process. Integrate any plans for preparing for a position as an HR specialist or manager within an organization.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. (Final Project Reflection)

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