Fashion Reveals Your True Identity A very good morning to our honourable judges, worthy competitors, teachers and friends. I am standing here today to deliver a speech entitled ‘Fashion Reveals Your True Identity’. Before I begin, let me ask you – what is fashion all about? Stella Blum mentioned, “Fashion is a social agreement,” but Edmund C. Stedman said, “Fashion is potency in art.” To me regardless what you wear, it is called fashion. Fashion is a general term for a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, foot wear, or accessories. “Fashion” refers to current trends in look and dress up of a person, as well as to prevailing styles in behavior. The more technical term, “costume,” has become so linked in the public eye with …show more content…

As all of us know, baju kurung is a loose-fitting, full length dress, consisting of a skirt and a blouse. It is usually worn by Malay women, but now, females from different races in Malaysia walk around wearing the baju kurung. The way you dress communicates your message. It describes your inner character, your social status and your sexuality. The ways you dress share your philosophy and art vision to public in a convincing way. How did you know? Because clothing communicates.If I tell you there’s a teenager bundled up in a snowsuit, mittens, a wool hat and a scarf would you agree with me that the teenager is probably not on his way to a picnic?Clothing and appearance send a message. They can communicate our occupation or an occasion we’re marking. In some of the world’s religions, women are clearly identifiable by their dress.Clothing can communicate something about our socio-economic status. You can look at some people and think, “She looks like a wealthy woman.” Or you might look at another woman and—purely on the basis of her clothing—say, “She doesn’t look like she comes from a financially stable background.” As I said, fashion reveals your true identity. It also shows your frame of mind. With a little help from this little jewellery, anyone and everyone will be able to see how you feel. First popularized in the late 1970s, the mood ring is .

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