Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal – Assignment Overview

Learners are required to develop an evidence-based practice project proposal. The project begins in NUR-550 and concludes in NUR-590. The project will be completed in sections throughout both courses and culminates in NUR-590 where the project elements are synthesized into a final written paper that details the evidence-based practice project proposal.An overview of the evidence-based practice project assignments in both courses is outlined below. This document serves only to provide context for the overall project and how the assignments overlap. Refer to each assignment in the classroom for the assignment criteria and rubric information.

Learners are required to develop an evidence-based practice project proposal. The project begins in nur-550 and concludes in nur-590.
Learners are required to develop an evidence-based practice project proposal. The project begins in nur-550 and concludes in nur-590.

NUR-550 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal – Assignment Overview

Topic 1: Identification of Nursing Practice Problem•

Learners select a topic of interest for the evidence-based practice project proposal. •The selected topic must be a nursing practice problem that is supported by current research. Learners introduce the proposed nursing practice problem using a modified PICOT template. The PICOT template will be completed in Topic 3.•Upon submission, the nursing practice problem will be evaluated by the instructor to ensure it meets the necessary criteria and approved. If the proposed nursing problem is not approved, the instructor will provide feedback to the learner for changes or revision. evidence based practice project proposal example

Topic 2: Research Design Comparison•

If the original proposed nursing problem in Topic 1 was not approved, learners utilize feedback from the instructor to make changes or revisions prior to beginning this assignment. •Using the approved nursing practice problem, learners search for translational and traditional research articles that demonstrate support for the proposed nursing practice problem. Learners then compare the research designs among traditional and translational research.•Unless specified by the instructor, the articles selected for this assignment may be used for the Topic 5 and Topic 7 assignments where learners gather, evaluate, and synthesize substantial research in support of the nursing practice problem.

Topic 3: PICOT•

Learners make any final changes or revisions pertaining to the proposed nursing practice problem and the PICOT submitted in Topic 1.•Learners complete the final PICOT. The PICOT must be supported by additional research.2•The final PICOT will be used as the framework for the evidence-based practice project proposal. As such, learners will use the information from the PICOT for all subsequent assignments associated with the evidence-based practice project proposal in this course and in NUR-590 where learners will synthesize all of the sections into a final written paper detailing the evidence-based practice project proposal.

Topic 4: PICOT Paper•

Learners revise the Topic 3 PICOT based on instructor feedback, if required.•Based on the revised PICOT, learners write a formal paper describing the elements of the PICOT. •Learners apply the information from this assignment to all subsequent assignments associated with the evidence-based practice project proposal in this course and in NUR-590 where they will synthesize all of the assignments into a final evidence-based project proposal for the proposed nursing practice problem.

Topic 5: Evaluation of Literature Table•

Learners conduct a search for additional research that demonstrates support for the nursing practice problem/PICOT. Learners use the “Literature Evaluation Table” to document and evaluate the literature they selected. The instructor will provide feedback to the learner for changes or revision regarding the articles.•Learners may include previous research articles (that meet the criteria for this assignment) from the previous assignments completed in this course.•The literature evaluated in this assignment will be used to complete the “Benchmark – Literature Review” assignment in Topic 7.

Learners are required to develop an evidence-based practice project proposal. The project begins in nur-550 and concludes in nur-590.
Learners are required to develop an evidence-based practice project proposal. The project begins in nur-550 and concludes in nur-590.

Topic 7:Benchmark – Literature Review •

Prior to beginning this assignment, learners make any changes or revisions to the articles as per instructor feedback on the Literature Evaluation Table assignment.•Learners synthesize the selected literature for the reader and explain how the research demonstrates supports the developed PICOT. •The literature syntheses developed in this assignment will be used to demonstrate support for the evidence-based practice project proposal in NUR-590.•Learners will resubmit their Benchmark – Literature Review assignment from NUR-550 to their assigned instructors in Topic 1 of NUR-590 for review. Prior to submitting this assignment in NUR-590, make any changes or revisions as per instructor feedback in this course to ensure the selected articles will support the final written paper in Topic 8. evidence based practice project proposal example

Topic 8: Benchmark – Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis

This assignment is not considered part of the Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal. Refer to the assignment instructions in Topic 8.3

NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal – Assignment Overview

Topic 1: NUR-550 Literature Review – Resubmission•

Learners submit their Benchmark – Literature Review from NUR-550 for review.•Learners will use the articles/research from this assignment to demonstrate support for the final written paper in Topic 8 detailing the evidence-based practice project proposal.

Topic 2: Organizational Culture and Readiness•

Learners assess the culture and readiness of the organization in which the evidence-based practice project is proposed. •The instructor will provide feedback to the learner for changes or revision needed regarding the assignment. These should be incorporated in the final written paper in Topic 8.

Topic 3: Benchmark – Framework or Model for Change•

Learners present the model or framework that will be used to guide the process for the evidence-based practice proposal.•The instructor will provide feedback to the learner for changes or revision needed regarding the assignment. These should be incorporated in the final written paper in Topic 8

Learners are required to develop an evidence-based practice project proposal. The project begins in nur-550 and concludes in nur-590.
Learners are required to develop an evidence-based practice project proposal. The project begins in nur-550 and concludes in nur-590.

Topic 5: Implementation Plan•

Learners develop the implementation plan. In addition to the written paper, learners attach all necessary forms, tables, graphs or illustrations in an appendix at the end of the paper.•The instructor will provide feedback to the learner for changes or revision needed regarding the written assignment and the documents attached in the appendix of the paper. These should be revised accordingly and incorporated in the final written paper or attached to the appendix of the paper in Topic 8.

Topic 6: Evaluation Plan•

Learners create an evaluation plan for the evidence-based practice proposal.•The instructor will provide feedback to the learner for changes or revision needed regarding the assignment. These should be incorporated in the final written paper in Topic 8.

Topic 7: Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Presentation•

Learners synthesize the assignments from NUR-550 and NUR-590 into a recorded PowerPoint presentation that can be used to disseminate the evidence-based practice project proposal in clear and professional manner to a local association or clinical site/practice to inform important stakeholders about the evidence-based practice project proposal.4

Topic 8: Benchmark – Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Final Paper •

Learners synthesize the content from all evidence-based practice project assignments completed in NUR-550 and NUR-590 into a final written paper.•All necessary revisions and corrections suggested by the instructors should be competed and evident in the paper.•In each preceding course, learners have been directed to the Student Success Center for assistance with APA style, and have submitted the “APA Writing Checklist” with written papers to illustrate adherence to APA style. This final paper should demonstrate a clear ability to communicate a written project in a professional and accurately formatted paper using APA style evidence based practice project proposal example


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