Coworkers are among the best people to write a letter of recommendation for graduate school. When writing the letter, it is integral to include the name of the company (employer), the duration and the roles served together. Equally, it is essential to highlight the capacity and competence levels of the coworker. Besides the  work duties, include personal and professional attributes of the individual, underlining at least one specific example that shows the extensive capacity of the individual.

Below is a Sample letter of recommendation coworker, prepared by a sales Manager, in support of an employee who is applying to graduate school. You can use the sample as a guide for your letter for recommendation for graduate school for a coworker. 

Sample Letter of Recommendation Coworker

To Whom It May Concern:

I am pleased to write this recommendation on behalf of Mr. John Smith. Mr. Smith began working for GoodWell Textile Co., Ltd. in February of 2009. As the Sales Manager of this company, I have seen Mr. Smith work studiously and with intelligence. He has established good relationships with his colleagues, and during his time in this company he has developed strong leadership and interpersonal skills that have been unanimously praised by colleagues.

Mr. Smith joined the company after he finished his undergraduate studies. He worked very hard and progressed steadily, revealing his passion and enthusiasm for international trade in the process. His duties involved recruiting new customers and retaining existing customers, as well as managing customers orders.

Mr. Smiths talents were always evident in his performance. He displayed strong leadership abilities, logical thinking abilities, and the ability to work well with teams. He consistently completed tasks assigned by the leadership on time and without errors. In short, he was a model member of our company. As a result of his impressive performance, Mr. Smith was promoted after two years to the position of Assistant Manager of the Sales Department.

His performance at work proves that he is fully capable of fulfilling the MBA course at your institution. His excellent English ability has been affirmed repeatedly by our customers, and this has proven an asset to our company. I am confident that Mr. Smith will make a positive addition to your school, and the opportunity to study in your school will allow him to better develop his career plans and solidify his potential.

In closing, I offer my recommendation of Mr. John Smith without reservation. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mr. Dave Johnson
Sales Manager
GoodWell Co., Ltd.

sample letter of recommendation coworker

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