. Describe the factors that contribute to conflict between law enforcement and members of a community.

Power plays a role in most conflicts. According to Coleman, Deutsch, and Marcus (2014), power can be understood by looking at its relationship to a situation and how that power is used. It is important to consider the role that each person in a conflict situation plays and that person’s place in the power hierarchy. Also, consider culture, as it can influence the way people react to power inequalities. Understanding these differences is key when trying to understand the dynamics of conflict and formulate strategies for conflict resolution.


Coleman, P., Deutsch, M., & Marcus, C. (2014). The handbook of conflict resolution: Theory and practice (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

Questions to consider

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.

· How does gender relate to power dynamics in conflict?

· Do you think that men and women perceive power differently in conflict situations? If so, in what ways?

· Can perceptions of power contribute to conflict, or help resolve conflict?


Suppose you are an active member of a community blog site that focuses on current events. The administrator of the blog has contacted you and asked you to write a blog on recent national events involving law enforcement agencies. The title of the blog is to be “Conflict and Power.”

See also  Evidence Based Research


Search the Capella library and the Internet to locate resources that address the dynamics of power and conflict (in particular, with relation to law enforcement), the relational theory of power, perceptions of power, and how things such as gender, culture, and ethnicity can affect that perception.


Complete the following:

· Describe the factors or conditions that contribute to conflict situations between law enforcement and citizens.

· Explain how perceptions of power may contribute to conflict situations between law enforcement and members of a community. Be sure you consider the perceptions of both the police and individual citizens.

· Use the relational theory of power to explain how perceptions of power affect the ability to resolve police–community conflict.

· Identify strategies you believe might be effective in reducing or resolving conflicts between police and communities.

· Choose one strategy and determine the likely outcome.

Although an actual blog would not have any specific formatting, format this assessment following APA guidelines. This format will facilitate faculty evaluation and feedback.

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