• Read Chapter 8 in your Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics textbook.
• Review the video tutorial for an overview of conducting multiple regression in SPSS.
• Download and open the Popularity SPSS data set.
An overview of the data set:
This data set represents hypothetical data from a study that examined how well some core personality traits predict a person’s level of popularity. Personality was measured using the “Big 5,” which is a very commonly used measure of personality. In fact, a Big 5 personality scale was included in the Module Two discussion.
Here is some more information about the variables in this hypothetical data set:
• Number: This is the ID number of the participant
• Sex: Participants’ sex, with “1” standing for male and “2” standing for female
• Age: College year of the participant, with “1” standing for freshman, “2” standing for sophomore, etc.
• Popularity: Popularity measured with a questionnaire that could range from 0 to 100, with higher numbers indicating more popularity
• Extroversion: A Big 5 trait indicating level of sociability. Scores range from 1 to 5, with high numbers indicating extroverted and low numbers indicating introverted
• Agreeableness: A Big 5 trait indicating level of interpersonal warmth and friendliness. Scores range from 1 to 5, with high numbers indicating warmth and low numbers indicating coldness towards others
• Conscientiousness: A Big 5 trait indicating level of self-control and responsibility. Scores range from 1 to 5, with high numbers indicating high conscientiousness and low numbers indicating low conscientiousness
• Neuroticism: A Big 5 trait indicating level of anxiety and emotional stability. Scores range from 1 to 5, with high numbers indicating high neuroticism and low numbers indicating low neuroticism
• Openness: A Big 5 trait indicating level of willingness to try new things and creativity. Scores range from 1 to 5, with high numbers indicating high open-mindedness and low numbers indicating closed-mindedness