This article covers Article Summary: Contribution of articles to psychological knowledge.
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Article Summary: Contribution of articles to psychological knowledge
Module 1
Article Summary: Contribution of articles to psychological knowledge: Psychology is a contemporary science. Listed below are several recent papers. For the first part of this assignment, choose two papers to briefly summarize in a paragraph each, focusing on the contribution each makes to psychological knowledge in general.
The second part of the paper should be a discussion of the contributions and limitations of the field of psychology in our general knowledge. In addition, please discuss the follow;
- What can we expect to learn in the future?
- What are the possible problems we may face with psychology in the future?
This paper should be 2-3 pages in length and use APA formatting (cover page, paper body formatting, citations, and references: see Rasmussen’s APA guide in the Resources tab, or by clicking here. Prior to submitting your paper, be sure you proofread your work to check your spelling and grammar. If you use any outside sources, please site those sources in APA citation format.
Module 2: Article Summary: Contribution of articles to psychological knowledge
The scientific method allows us to pose questions, test questions, and analyze results. Through observation and research we begin to understand the world around us. Consider research you have read about or been a part of and analyze the following in one page:
- Was the Scientific method followed? How?
- What pieces were or were not part of it? (Randomization, study type, placebos, etc.)
- For the second part, present a research project you would like to propose in approximately one page.
- How can it help us learn about basic principles of behavior?
- How can you use the scientific method to find and address possible problems in your research design?
This paper should be 2pages in length and use APA formatting (cover page, paper body formatting, citations, and references: see Rasmussen’s APA guide in the Resources tab, or by clicking here . Prior to submitting your paper, be sure you proofread your work to check your spelling and grammar. If you use any outside sources, please site those source
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Module 3
To demonstrate your mastery of this competency, you should:
- Identify 3-4 key principles that govern human and animal behavior.
- Apply these principles to your own life. (e.g. How can you see them in daily life?)
- How do they enhance interactions between individuals and among societal groups?
This paper should be 2-3 pages in length and use APA formatting (cover page, paper body formatting, citations, and references: see Rasmussen’s APA guide in the Resources tab, or by clicking here. Prior to submitting your paper, be sure you proofread your work to check your spelling and grammar. If you use any outside sources, please site those sources in APA citation format.
Module 5
Psychological principles are theories and beliefs about major areas of our lives, like cognitions, intelligence, social groups, habit, behavior, and many others. Let’s explore how we identify and utilize psychological principles in daily life. In a 2 page paper, please analyze the following:
- How do psychological principles affect the study of the behavior of individuals and groups?
- What are the parameters of behavioral deviance and its various therapies?
- How do psychological principles affect the study of individual differences?
- Last, explain the role of psychology in such areas as industry, complex organizations, law, and education.
This paper should be 2-3 pages in length and use APA formatting (cover page, paper body formatting, citations, and references: see Rasmussen’s APA guide in the Resources tab, or by clicking here. Prior to submitting your paper, be sure you proofread your work to check your spelling and grammar. If you use any outside sources, please site those sources in
Module 6
Researchers must protect participants and be aware of appropriate methods for obtaining information. What ethical considerations are important to research? In about 2 pages, write an analysis of the ethical concerns in the 3 diverse psychological research studies below. Be sure to include a paragraph of overall ethical consideration.
This paper should be 2-3 pages in length and use APA formatting (cover page, paper body formatting, citations, and references: see Rasmussen’s APA guide in the Resources tab, or by clicking here. Prior to submitting your paper, be sure you proofread your work to check your spelling and grammar. If you use any outside sources, please cite those sources in APA citation format.
Haslam, S. A., & Reicher, S. D. (2012). Contesting the ‘nature’ of conformity: What Milgram and Zimbardo’s studies really show. Plos Biology, 10(11), doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001426
Larsen, K. S. (1974). Conformity in the Asch experiment. The Journal Of Social Psychology, 94(2), 30