This article provides a solution essay to Case Study 1 – Meadowvale University School of Nursing.


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Case Study 1 – Meadowvale University School of Nursing

Dr. Manuela Lopez is director and professor of Meadowvale University School of Nursing. Enrollment is 550 undergraduate and 85 graduate students. The teaching staff comprises 26 full-time faculty (19 doctorally-prepared, 7 masters-prepared) and 40 part-time faculty (22 masters-prepared, 18 baccalaureate). Approximately 30% of faculty members were hired in the previous 3 years. Dr. Lopez is an active member of the university administrators group, the community health administrators association, and nursing professional organizations. She keeps abreast of changes in nursing, nursing education, and health care. She has excellent relationships with faculty members, university administrators, and clinical and professional colleagues…

Solution (Nursing Case Study Example)

Case Study #1: Meadowvale University School of Nursing


            A curriculum development undertaking, review or revision remains is primarily the responsibility of the faculty and can be a challenging experience. The challenges arise due to the fact that nursing faculty members come from a variety of backgrounds that may or may not comprise curriculum elements, design as well as revision. Encountering changes in the faculty’s every day teaching assignments may cause feelings of uncertainty to surface while participation in each step of the curriculum development process is bound to encourage the faculty to be enthusiastic and also remain committed to the development of a new curriculum. Therefore the learning institution should incorporate measures that not only support but also develop the individual faculty members’ competencies in the area of curriculum development. Consequently, this essay purposes to explore some of the ways in which the curriculum development leader can adopt measures that enhance faculty support and development in the task of curriculum development. To achieve the goal two case studies are selected with the first concerning Dr. Manuela Lopez a director and professor of Meadowvale University School of Nursing.  The other revolves around Dr .Angela Fabatini, a director at Rosemount University School of Nursing. The following are highlights of the two case studies.

Factors that would Propel Meadowvale Nursing Faculty towards Curriculum Development – Nursing Case Study Example

            Several factors exist which would significantly impact on Meadowvale curriculum development. Alsubaie (2016) emphasizes the need for involving members of the faculty in curriculum development as teachers’ members of the faculty form an essential element of the developed curriculum implementation. The curriculum development team should ensure that teachers are included in curriculum development. Other factors would be highlighting the challenges that teacher face in the curriculum development. The objections to these factors could undermine the belief that the educators are under qualified or that they do not have sufficient knowledge to match that of the curriculum developers. An appropriate response so to have the curriculum development team brainstorm on the impact the new curriculum will affect and how to address these challenges. 

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Likely Sources of Support as Well as Resistance for Curriculum Development

            Sources of support for the curriculum development include the tenured or fulltime faculty members who comprise 18 doctorate-level nurses as well as both part-time and full-time masters-level prepared nurse educator who make up the highest percentage of the faculty. The sources of resistance include the fact that 70 % of the faculty have been at Meadowvale for more 36 months and the fact that some faculty members do not have advanced post-graduate degrees. Other sources of resistance to the curriculum development include challenging the reasons for curriculum change, dissatisfaction with the current curriculum and the fear that parts of curriculum development will adversely affect research and writing time.

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How Dr. Lopez Initiation of the Idea of Curriculum Development Can Influence Faculty Members’ Decision about Whether Or Not to Proceed

            Dr Lopez initiation of the current curriculum development would influence the faculty members’ decision depending on heavy top proceed or pull out of the exercise. For example, Dr Lopez can respond to the challenge to the reasons for curriculum change by outlining compelling on why the curriculum requires to be developed. On the issue of satisfaction with the existing curriculum, Dr Lopez can respond by highlighting the significance of availing a curriculum that will involve the nursing student’s learning and success of the graduate. Iwasiw & Goldenberg, (2014) note that since not all resistance to the curriculum will be developed the target should be to have majority concurring. That way, the change agents will have a better chance to win over the resistors or at the very worst, drag them along.

A Suitable Timeframe for Curriculum Revision In Light Of the Reasons for Curriculum Development and the Upcoming Accreditation Review

The suitable timeframe for the proposed curriculum development would be ninety days spanning across Meadowvale. The approaching accreditation review guides the decision to review within three months while the year’s performance, where a fifth of the students failed must be responded to fast. Working on the premises that the curriculum development corresponds to the summer months, the succeeding fall semester would be appropriate to pilot the developed curriculum. Lastly, the spring semester would witness the refinement and full implementation of the new curriculum 

How Dr Lopez Assess Faculty Members’ Acceptance of the Need for Curriculum Development and Their Readiness To Support The Process

To assess faculty members, Dr Lopez would be advised to use close consultation. Through the consultation, it would facilitate the evaluation of acceptance and readiness. Cultivating a positive working relationship between members of the faculty and Dr Lopez is critical in ensuring change implementation and implementation, which are open to the ongoing process of open consultancy. Holding faculty conferences after every two weeks could help to identify the shortcomings and opportunities within the curriculum (Hsiao et al., 2019).

Case Study # 2: Rosemount University School of Nursing

Strengths and Limitations of the Present Faculty Development System

The case history at Rosemount in the context of its system of faculty development has a strong point in its flexibility. Considering the demands of nursing education flexibility among the faculty members should be highly valued. On the other hand, the system of faculty development at Rosemount is seriously flawed. The framework, as it currently stands, comprises a loose array of inconsistent workshops where faculty attendance is expected. The case history presents additional weaknesses like leaders who resist faculty development, arguing that the existing approach is acceptable. Bhat., Pushpalatha, & Kulkarni (2017) aver that even when a few leaders who are out of touch create barriers, there is need for faculty to remain active and stay updated on the changes happening across the healthcare industry.

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 Strategies That Might Be Instituted To Encourage Participation in Faculty Development

Rosemount should encourage the development of an internal certification program focusing on how its faculty participates, performs and completes its set tasks in the context of faculty development. The strategies should also embrace the inclusion of professionals and their meaning contribution even as the faculty development remains voluntary. Recognition and more career advancement opportunities will accompany faculty members with internal certification.

Likely Goals Of An Agreement Reached To Undertake Faculty Development For Curriculum Change, And The Likely Development Activities  Instituted

The fundamental goal of undertaking faculty development for curriculum change is bound to ensure that members of the faculty at all times have the requisite knowledge, skills as well as understanding in healthcare. The shared knowledge regarding healthcare practices, statutory conditions surrounding them combined with the nursing environment the implementation will take place are in a state of constant flux (Ramasubramaniam, & Grace, 

2015). Rosemount can institute development activities like taking part in internal certification programs. All these and other activities would ensure the programs are current.

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 Responses That Might Be Appropriate For Those Faculty Members Resisting Change

Members of the nursing faculty resisting change should be made aware of the need for taking part in dialogue or open discussion forums. The forums should address what could or should be enhanced in the evolution of a curriculum development program. The curriculum developers should be aware that some of the factors acting as barriers are inaccurate information which underscores the need for the development of a new curriculum or from which new conclusions can be drawn. Having open and interactive discussions would help to determine the best course of action meant to resolve emerging obstacles (Yilmaz & Kiliucoglu, 2013). The dialogue could be the only way to convince the dissenting leaders to embrace the upcoming change without delegating to them the power to control the change momentum. 

A Change Theory that Rosemount University faculty could use if they  decide to proceed with curriculum development, and how to Use it

Should Rosemount University decide to go ahead with the curriculum development, the change theory that would be useful is Roger’s change theory. Roger’s change theory has five main phases, namely awareness, interest, evaluation, trial and adoption, which correspond to Levin’s unfreezing stage, moving and finally refreezing. In the first stage, the change agent creates awareness on the need for change to the rest of the workers like Lewin’s unfreezing stage. The second step has the change agent create interest in possible change interventions followed by evaluation and the subsequent trial of the change intervention. All the three steps comprising of the second, third and fourth step of Roger’s change theory equate to Lenin’s moving stage. The fifth and last stage, which is adoption, involves the implementation of the proposed change where it is adopted and accepted as the new standard guideline where in this context is a new nursing education curriculum development. The fifth stage of Roger’s change theory corresponds to Lewin’s refreezing stage. 

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Case study 1 - meadowvale university school of nursing
Case study 1 – meadowvale university school of nursing


In conclusion, this paper has established that for faculty to engage in curriculum development undertakings, there need the learning institution management to implement measures that enhance support and faculty development at their individual level. Ensuring that faculty has enough support facilitates their growth and acquires skills which enable them to envision as well as implement nursing education curriculums which they fully understand and support. Faculty development is also bound to enable the leadership scholar to reinforce their skills in team building, as change agents and leaders in their own right in nursing education.


Alsubaie, M. A. (2016). Curriculum Development: Teacher Involvement in Curriculum Development. Journal of Education and Practice7(9), 106-107.

Bhat, D., Pushpalatha, K., & Kulkarni, P. (2017). Study of Faculty Viewpoints on Challenges and Factors Influencing Curriculum Development/Revision. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH11(10), JC1-JC4.

Hsiao-Ying, H. U. N. G., Yu-Wen, W. A. N. G., Jui-Ying, F. E. N. G., Chi-Jane, W. A. N. G., & Esther Ching-Lan, L. I. N. (2019). Evidence-Based Practice Curriculum Development for Undergraduate Nursing Students: The Preliminary Results of an Action Research Study in Taiwan. The Journal of Nursing Research27(4), e30.

Iwasiw, C. L., & Goldenberg, D. (2014). Curriculum development in nursing education. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Ramasubramaniam, S., & Grace, A. J. P., (2015). Curriculum development in nursing education: Where is the pathway? Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)4(5), 76-81.

Yılmaz, D., & KılıçoÄŸlu, G. (2013). Resistance to change and ways of reducing resistance in educational organizations. European journal of research on education1(1), 14-21.

Question – Case Study 1 – Meadowvale University School of Nursing


Critical Thinking Exercises :

Case Study #1: Meadowvale University School of Nursing

Dr. Manuela Lopez is director and professor of Meadowvale University School of Nursing. Enrollment is 550 undergraduate and 85 graduate students. The teaching staff comprises 26 full-time faculty (19 doctorally-prepared, 7 masters-prepared) and 40 part-time faculty (22 masters-prepared, 18 baccalaureate). Approximately 30% of faculty members were hired in the previous 3 years. Dr. Lopez is an active member of the university administrators group, the community health administrators association, and nursing professional organizations. She keeps abreast of changes in nursing, nursing education, and health care. She has excellent relationships with faculty members, university administrators, and clinical and professional colleagues.

The undergraduate curriculum was first implemented 15 years ago. Since then, there have been minor curriculum revisions, but the philosophical approaches, goals, and basic structure of the largely behaviorist curriculum have remained unchanged.

Although faculty have attended workshops and conferences on new and evolving educational paradigms, some are generally comfortable with the present curriculum. Some act more in accordance with a caring, humanistic-educative approach, and others are strong feminists. Some advance ideas of social justice in the courses they teach.

Members of the School of Nursing were shocked when, for the first time, nearly 20% of graduates failed the NCLEX. Those graduates were public in voicing their displeasure with the School. Along with this, there has been informal feedback from a few employers that Meadowvale graduates are having difficulties beyond those experienced by new graduates of other schools. Further, there has been increasing pressure from the university\’s central administration to increase the number and size of research grants and the publication rate of faculty. The school is 3 years away from an accreditation review and Dr. Lopez thinks that the time might be right for discussion about curriculum development. She calls a special meeting to discuss the possibility of curriculum development.

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1. What factors or influences would propel Meadowvale nursing faculty toward curriculum development? What might be the objections and responses to these?

2. What could be the sources of support for curriculum development? Sources of resistance?

3. How would Dr. Lopez\’s initiation of the idea of curriculum development influence faculty members\’ decision about whether or not to proceed?

4. What is a suitable timeframe for curriculum revision in light of the reasons for curriculum development and the upcoming accreditation review?

5. How would Dr. Lopez assess faculty members\’ acceptance of the need for curriculum development and their readiness to support the process?

Case Study # 2: Rosemount University School of Nursing 

Rosemount University School of Nursing has offered baccalaureate and masters programs in nursing for 40 years. Most faculty have kept abreast of current curriculum paradigms and teaching-learning methods in order to deliver the \”best\” nursing program to qualified students. Faculty development through attendance at occasional in-house meetings or attendance at local, national, or international conferences has been considered important to most of the faculty. However, an ongoing faculty development program was not implemented due to resistance from a few \”senior\” faculty members.

Recently, Dr. Angela Fabatini, director of the school, attended a national meeting of baccalaureate nursing program deans and directors. One recommendation, among many others developed by the group, was that faculty development include activities intended to facilitate participation in curriculum development.

On returning from the conference, Dr. Fabatini called a faculty meeting. A review of faculty development activities was undertaken. The results revealed a fragmented approach to faculty development, sporadic faculty attendance, and very little attention to the specifics of the curriculum process. Inexperienced faculty members wanted an ongoing faculty development program to assist them in revising the present baccalaureate-nursing program. Two \”senior\” experienced faculty members voiced their resistance to this activity, claiming that the past practice of ad hoc meetings was satisfactory and that there was no necessity for change, since the program is accredited.

1. What are the strengths and limitations in the present faculty development system?

2. What strategies might be instituted to encourage participation in faculty development?

3. When agreement is reached to undertake faculty development for curriculum change, what would be the goals of this activity? What development activities could be instituted?

4. What responses might be appropriate for those faculty members resisting change?

5. If the Rosemount University faculty decide to proceed with curriculum development, which change theory would be useful, and how could it be used?

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