Barriers to sustaining change in evidence based practice nursing

This article discusses Barriers to sustaining change in evidence based practice nursing.


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Sample Question

Sustaining change can be difficult, as there are many variables that can affect implementation. One critical component of EBP is to ensure that practice change is part of an organization’s culture so it will continue to impact outcomes over time. Name two potential barriers that may prevent your EBP change proposal from continuing to obtain the same desired results 6 months to a year from now, and your strategies for overcoming these barriers

Sample Answer

Long-term adoption of evidence based practice is required to improve and promote sustainable effective quality of health care to enhance patient outcomes (Koehn & Lehman, 2008). In spite of the proven benefits of applying evidence based practice in health system, various barriers hinder its successful implementation of evidence based practice. Some of the barriers include challenges in incorporating medical practice guidelines to enhance quality of care, difficulties in translating research into practice setting and dynamic changes in institutional culture (Pierson & Schuelke, 2009).

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In the implementation process of my evidence based practice, the potential barriers that would hinder it from achieving the desired outcomes are lack of motivation among the nursing staff and institutional barriers.  Lack of motivation among the nursing and other medical professionals is one of the major barriers. Some of the factors that could contribute to low motivation include lack of adequate nursing staff, thereby increasing the workload for the existing care teams (Pierson & Schuelke, 2009).

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Barriers to sustaining change in evidence based practice nursing
Barriers to sustaining change in evidence based practice nursing

Lack of incentives to implement evidence based practice is another factor that would cause low motivation among the nurses to implement and realize the desired changes. To enhance the motivation of the nurses, providing appropriate incentives and addressing the underlying issues is of critical importance (Koehn & Lehman, 2008). In this case, I would encourage multidisciplinary collaboration among the medical professionals in the healthcare institution to reduce work load and also to facilitate knowledge transfer, especially to the newly employed nurses.

The second barrier that could undermine attainment of the anticipated change in the healthcare organization is inappropriate institutional culture, which does not support the practice. Inappropriate institutional culture includes failure to demand the best practice from the nurses, failure to provide necessary resources and failure to provide professional  and educational advancement  opportunities for nurses so that that they can enhance their skills on evidence based practice (Koehn & Lehman, 2008). To solve this barrier, involving the organization’s management as a key stakeholder during implementation of evidence based practice is of critical importance. In addition, involving trained mentors who are familiar with the institutional culture would help in bringing the desired change to facilitate uptake of evidence based practice.

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Koehn, M.L., & Lehman, K.(2008). Nurses’ perceptions of evidence-based nursing   practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing; 62: 209-215.

Pierson, M., & Schuelke, S. (2009). Strengthening the use of evidence-based practice:   development of an independent study packet. Journal of Continuing  Education in   Nursing. 2009; 40: 171-176.

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