This article discusses Application of Statistics in Health Care. Application of healthcare statistics is seen in the different significance it holds, as highlighted by its value to service quality, health promotion, safety, and good leadership.


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Statistical application and the interpretation of data is important in health care. Review the statistical concepts covered in this topic. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the significance of statistical application in health care. Include the following:

Describe the application of statistics in health care. Specifically discuss its significance to quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership.

Consider your organization or specialty area and how you utilize statistical knowledge in patient fall reduction. Discuss how you obtain statistical data, how statistical knowledge is used in day-to-day operations and how you apply it or use it in decision making.


Application of Statistics in Health Care

The healthcare industry has significantly adopted the use of statistics in their operations. Statistics is the field of science concerned with data management. The field entails gathering data about diverse populations and their manipulations to infer meaning. The data is then presented to diverse stakeholders in the form they understand better. Application of healthcare statistics is seen in the different significance it holds, as highlighted by its value to service quality, health promotion, safety, and good leadership.

Healthcare organizations have resorted to the use of statistics to enhance the quality of service delivery. The value of quality cannot be ignored in any organization. Quality in the healthcare industry can be looked at from different perspectives. However, the quality attribute is to attend to the patient’s treatment needs to meet their expectations. The fact that patients have diverse complications means they value quality in healthcare organizations attending to their needs conveniently. Healthcare organizations have taken advantage of statistics to improve the quality of services they offer (Pett, 2015).

One such aspect of service improvement is seen in the use of patients’ remarks on quality standards. Healthcare organizations provide patients with different platforms to give feedback on the services they received. Access to a vast pool of patient’s information on different services allows the organizations to pinpoint particular areas where service improvement is required. The information may be brought to light using various statistical tools such as percentages, frequencies, and means regarding a particular condition. Identification of the critical areas of concern allows healthcare organizations to improve on the weaknesses, thus leading to betters service delivery (National Center for Health Statistics, 2017). Therefore, healthcare statistics are illustrated to contribute to value enhancement by analyzing data to determine areas of weaknesses, thereby improving them.

Another application of healthcare statistics is a safety enhancement. Safety is considered a vital aspect of any treatment procedure. The sole purpose of individuals seeking medical help at healthcare organizations is to improve their health conditions. There is no particular time when a patient expects their health condition to worsen after receiving treatment. Attainment of better healthcare means that medical practitioners and organizations provide patients with services that do not pose any risks. Healthcare statistics allows the medical team to discover safe treatment procedures.

Data acquisition and research activities also offer avenues for treatments on evidence-based practice.  Knowledge of the risks is attained from scholarly sources such as statistical findings of the condition a patient portrays and risks associated with different treatments. Identification of the patient’s treatment risks allows the organization to pursue alternative treatments that do not interfere with their wellbeing.  The promotion of safety in the healthcare sector is also made possible by identifying and lowering medical error cases. Healthcare organizations can rely on data about diverse medical errors in the organization. Determinations of the errors and their causes guide the organization to enact appropriate actions to reduce such cases, thereby leading to the promotion of safety standards.

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Application of statistics in health care
Application of statistics in health care

Additionally, healthcare statistics can be used in steering the decision-making process in organizations leading to better leaders. The ability to make meaningful decisions relies on quantity and quality information (Amante et al. 2015). The quantity aspect requires the availability of adequate information that can make the findings significant. Likewise, the information’s credibility is depicted in its reliability in portraying the data’s actual image. Access to healthcare statistics enhances the leadership skills of hospital managers.  Analysis of the data allows the managers to pinpoint diverse aspects of the organization’s performance. For instance, the manager can identify challenges in particular units after the interpretation of statistical data. The manager will then respond by putting in place the appropriate measures to solve the challenges through good decision making.  Healthcare statistics, therefore, contribute to better leaders by enhancing their decision-making capabilities.

Healthcare statistics are also vital in promoting health conditions. The statistics inform healthcare stakeholders of various conditions, thereby facilitating the undertaking of corrective measures. For instance, healthcare practitioners rely on statistical figures to determine whether a particular health condition qualifies to be considered a pandemic. Health officials look at different aspects, such as the spread of the health condition, the affected population, and the mortality rate. Understanding the severity of the conditions prompting the respective agencies to put in place better response procedures. Likewise, healthcare statistics are used by different stakeholders to identify diverse aspects of clinical health that will allow better service delivery. An example is depicted by the government determining statistics about common diseases and allocating the necessary resources to improve service delivery for the identified positions.

A good illustration of the use of healthcare statistics in my organization is in preventing patients’ falls. Data on patient’s falls can be accessed from the electronic health record systems. Data adequacy will be provided by the coverage of a considerable period; for instance, the statistics will review patient falls for five years. Analyzing the data will provide the organization with information on the areas to improve on regarding the falls. For instance, the managers will identify the types of falls, prevalent fall areas, and factors leading to the falls. Therefore, the information will guide the organization in coming up with different ways to minimize the different causes of falls by putting in place ideal preventive measures. The daily use of statistics is seen in the continuous recording of diverse patient data. The collected data which form part of the daily routines is eventually used to analyze data in the long run.

In conclusion, healthcare statistics have been highlighted as significant for medical organizations. The statistics have been highlighted to provide healthcare organizations with diverse information to guide their decision-making. Healthcare statistics have been depicted to enhance service value, promote health, safety, and develop better leaders through effective decision-making.


Amante, D. J., Hogan, T. P., Pagoto, S. L., English, T. M., & Lapane, K. L. (2015). Access to care and use of the Internet to search for health information: results from the US National Health Interview Survey. Journal of medical Internet research, 17(4), e106.

National Center for Health Statistics. (2017). Health, United States, 2016, with chartbook on long-term trends in health (No. 2017). Government Printing Office.

Pett, M. A. (2015). Nonparametric statistics for health care research: Statistics for small samples and unusual distributions. Sage Publications.


Statistical application and the interpretation of data is important in health care. Review the statistical concepts covered in this topic. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the significance of statistical application in health care. Include the following:

  1. Describe the application of statistics in health care. Specifically discuss its significance to quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership.
  2. Consider your organization or specialty area and how you utilize statistical knowledge in patient fall reduction. Discuss how you obtain statistical data, how statistical knowledge is used in day-to-day operations and how you apply it or use it in decision making.

Three peer-reviewed, scholarly or professional references are required.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

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2. What are descriptive statistics in healthcare?

Descriptive statistics summarize the utility, efficacy and costs of medical goods and services. Increasingly, health care organizations employ statistical analysis to measure their performance outcomes. Hospitals and other large provider service organizations implement data-driven, continuous quality improvement programs to maximize efficiency.

3. What types of Statistics are included in the National Health Statistics?

The range of statistical offerings is wide covering safety net monitoring, medical expenditure spending, healthcare cost and utilization, hospital statistics, and HIV and AIDS statistics. The Healthcare Cost and Utilization section provides treatment outcomes at the national, state, and local levels.

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