To get you started on this APA Scavenger Hunt Worksheet – here is the first answer. Runninghead(withpagenumber),title,byline,andinstitutionalaffiliation
As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.
Preferred name of author. First, middle initial, and last name. omit all titles and degrees. Two authors are listed by their contribution. It is entered between the margins.
5. What is your institutionalaffiliation? How should it be typed? (APA Scavenger Hunt Worksheet)
Where the author was when the research was completed. Should be below the authors name and centered
24; 41 sample paper
6. Where is the pageheader located? What format is prescribed?
Each page has a number in consecutive order.
7. The manual contains a miniaturized “picture” of samplepapers with title page, narrative and a reference list. How can you use this for your papers?
These can be a quick reference to ensure that proper formatting is being used and a quick reference point.
40-59;41 sample paper
8.Margins: What setting is prescribed for margins in the body of text and reference page?
1” on all sides
1. Double space between all text
229; 41 sample
APA Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
Apa scavenger hunt worksheet
How many spaces between lines should appear in the body of the text and references?How many spaces are used in text after a comma, colon, semicolons, punctuation marks at the end of a sentence, periods in a reference citation, or periods after initials in a personal name? (Hint: The answer is the same for all).
lines. 2.Double spacing
10.Font&Typeface: What is the acceptable font size and typeface?
Times new roman 12.
228; 41 sample paper
11.LevelsofHeading: What format is used for a Level 1 and Level 3 heading?
Level 1-centered bold face, uppercase and lowercase Level 3- indented, bolded, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period
62; 44 sample paper
12. Is it allowed in APA for the author to refer to self by using the pronoun “I”?
You should use a personal pronoun rather than third person.
13.In-textCitations: What is an in-text citation and how is it formatted? (APA Scavenger Hunt Worksheet)
Author and date with a reference list at the end of the paper. (Author, year) or referenced in the sentence with the year at the end in the parenthesis.
14. When do you use “and” to join the authors and when do you use “&” to join the authors in a citation?
Use & for parenthetical format first citation in text. Use “and” in first and sequential text citations.
177; 42,50 sample paper
15.Quotations: How are quotations with fewer than 40 words formatted? When quoting, what must always be included with the quote?
Incorporate it into text and enclose it in “ ” Author, year, quotation marks. Complete reference in references.
16.References: What is the purpose of a reference list?
17. What does “agreement of text and reference list” mean?
That each source will be listed in the reference list and each reference will be cited in the paper.
18. How are references ordered in the reference list? Do you double space?
Alphabetical order. Yes
174; 49-51 sample paper
19. In the reference list, what is the acceptable abbreviation for “edition,” “Editor,” “Editors,” “page,” “pages,” and “no
edition: ed. Editor: Ed. Editors: Eds.
180; 49-51 sample paper
APA Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
page: p. pages: pp. no date: n.d.
20. What rule governs whether a state is given in the reference list publisher location?
Give the state and city If the publisher is a university and the name of the state is included in the name of the university, you are not to repeat the name In the publisher location. They are abbreviated.
21. How do you cite a work discussed in a secondary source? Provide answers for both in-text and on the reference page?
In-text: used sparingly. Name the original work and give a citation to the secondary source. Reference list: give the secondary source in the reference list.
22.FormatExamplesforReferences For the following types of references, locate the page(s) with the examples of how to format the references in the next column.
List page(s) where you can find examples of how to format references for the following: page #/s:198 #1 Journal article with two authors (paper form) page #/s: _199 #3_ Journal article with two authors (electronic version) page #/s: 202- Entire Book page #/s: _202_ Chapter in an edited book page #/s: 201 #15 Non-periodical documents on the internet
198, 199, 201-202; 49-51, 59 sample paper
23.doiNumbers Describe what a doi is and where and when a doi number can be used.
Digital object identifiers- persistent identification on digital networks. They are available for published pieces. When they are available they should be used.
188-189; 49-51,59 sample paper
24.Semicolon Where can you find a description of a semi colon is and how to use it correctly! What is it?
To separate two independent clauses that are too joined by a conjunction and to spate a series that already has commas. || As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.
89-90; ; 43 sample paper
25.Protectionofresearchparticipants Where can you find information about protecting the rights and welfare of research participants? What standards are psychologists held to? What is the most recent publication year of this document?
More info and latest info- Certification of standards and protecting confidentiality. Standards 8.01-8.09 of the APA ethics code. Website was amended in 2016.