This article covers Assignment: Antecedents, Behavior, And Consequences.


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Assignment: Antecedents, Behavior, And Consequences

For this Antecedents, Behavior, and Consequences assignment, use the ā€œProblems in Math Classā€ activity on page 83 in Chapter 3 of Functional Assessment. Focus on the behaviors of Ramone. Create a blank Functional Analysis Observation Form (FAOF) using Table 3-8 on page 83 of Functional Assessment as a guide to document the behaviors of Ramone.

An antecedent is a stimulus that cues an organism to perform a learned behavior. When an organism perceives an antecedent stimulus, it behaves in a way that maximizes reinforcing consequences and minimizes punishing consequences. This might be part of complex, interpersonal communication.

Antecedent stimuli (paired with reinforcing consequences) activate centers of the brain involved in motivation,[1] while antecedent stimuli that have been paired with punishing consequences activate brain centers involved in fear.[2] Antecedents play a different role while attempting to trigger positive and negative outcomes.

The disruptive target behaviors for this analysis will include Ramoneā€™s:

You will also target his cooperative behavior of saying the rule.

Use the table you have created to record:

Remember that there may not be setting events for each instance of behavior, but they may be present throughout the activity. Antecedents and consequences may also occur across paragraphs. Assignment: Antecedents, Behavior, And Consequences

Once you have completed the table:

  1. Use the space below the table to list the patterns or consistencies in antecedents and consequences that appear to be related to the disruptive behaviors.
  2. Develop a summary statement concerning antecedents, disruptive behaviors, and consequences. Then develop a summary statement concerning antecedents, cooperative behavior, and consequences.

Other Assignment Requirements

11/8/2017 Antecedents, Behavior, and Consequences Scoring Guide 1/1

Antecedents, Behavior, and Consequences Scoring Guide

Due Date: End of Unit 5. Percentage of Course Grade: 3%.


Select the antecedents that trigger specific behaviors.


Does not know the antecedents that trigger specific behaviors.

Identifies some but not all antecedents that trigger specific behaviors.

Selects the antecedents that trigger specific behaviors.

Selects very appropriately the antecedents that trigger specific behaviors.

Explain the consequences that follow specific behaviors.


Does not know the consequences that follow specific behaviors.

Explains the consequences that follow specific behaviors.

Explain the consequences that follow specific behaviors.

Explains with a high degree of clarity the consequences that follow specific behaviors.

Select the setting events that may be affecting specific behaviors. Assignment: Antecedents, Behavior, And Consequences


Does not know the setting events that may be affecting specific behaviors.

Identifies some but not all setting events that may be affecting specific behaviors.

Selects the setting events that may be affecting specific behaviors.

Selects with superior precision the setting events that may be affecting specific behaviors.

Explain patterns or consistencies in antecedents and consequences that may be related to disruptive behaviors.

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Antecedents, behavior, and consequences
Antecedents, behavior, and consequences


Does not know patterns or consistencies in antecedents and consequences that may be related to disruptive behaviors.

Outlines patterns or consistencies in antecedents and consequences that may be related to disruptive behaviors.

Explains patterns or consistencies in antecedents and consequences that may be related to disruptive behaviors.

Explains with superior clarity patterns or consistencies in antecedents and consequences that may be related to disruptive behaviors.

Summarize the antecedents, disruptive behaviors, and consequences.


Does not list the antecedents, disruptive behaviors, and consequences.

Outlines at a basic level the antecedents, disruptive behaviors, and consequences.

Summarizes the antecedents, disruptive behaviors, and consequences.

Summarizes with exceptional clarity the antecedents, disruptive behaviors, and consequences.

Summarize the antecedents, cooperative behaviors, and consequences.


Does not list the antecedents, cooperative behaviors, and consequences.

Outlines at a basic level the antecedents, cooperative behaviors, and consequences.

Summarizes the antecedents, cooperative behaviors, and consequences.

Summarizes with exceptional clarity the antecedents, cooperative behaviors, and consequences.

RUNNING HEAD: Antecedents, Behaviors, & Consequences. Assignment: Antecedents, Behavior, And Consequences

Antecedents, Behaviors, & Consequences

Antecedents, Behaviors, & Consequences

Psy 7704

Capella University

Olivia Tyler

ABC Datasheet

Date/TimeAntecedents/Setting EventsBehaviorsConsequences
8/12/16Julie ask question/class respondsRamone does not respond with groupTeacher calls on Ramone
8/12/16Teacher gives each student a chance to solve problems on the boardRamone pokes students with pencils when itā€™s close to his turnVerbal prompt from teacher to keep his hands to himself
8/12/16Ramoneā€™s turn to solve a problemRamone drops all of his materials on the floorRamone has to pick up his materials before he can have a turn
8/12/16Teacher ask Ramone to come to board to solve problemRamone refusesVerbal prompt from teacher
8/12/16Ramone prompted to come to board and solve problemRamone refuses and starts poking his peersVerbal reprimand from teacher and loses turn to solve problem on the board
8/12/16Ramone tells teaching assistant that he knows how to do the problem, she ask him to show her.He refuses and shouts at her.She sends him to the principalā€™s office.

Setting Events

The setting events (antecedents) of Ramoneā€™s behaviors range from his classmates asking a question, being prompted by a teacher to respond with the class, Ramoneā€™s teacher asking him to solve a problem on the board, to his teacher prompting him to participate after his refusal. The antecedents took place during math class and only happened when Ramone had to participate or show that he knew what was going on.

Patterns and Consistencies

The pattern that took place during this scenario was that every time Ramone had to participate with the class or was called on in math class he refused and engaged in problem behavior. His behaviors function was to escape from doing the math work, which the teacher frequently reinforced by letting him skip his turn and go to the principalā€™s office.

Disruptive Behaviors

Ramoneā€™s disruptive behaviors included poking his peers, refusing to answer the questions and participate, dropping his materials, and shouting at the teacher. All of the antecedents of his behaviors had to do with the teacher asking him to participate in the math lesson or being prompted to do something that pertained to the math lesson. The consequences that Ramone received were negatively reinforcing his behaviors. Ramone wanted to escape the math activity and by being prompted to clean up his materials first, losing his turn in the group activity, and getting sent to the principal got him out of participating.

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Antecedents, behavior, and consequences
Antecedents, behavior, and consequences

Cooperative Behaviors

Instead of letting Ramone escape from participating the teacher could have gotten Ramone to show her that he knew how to do the problem at his desk on his paper, since there was a teacher and a teaching assistant one could have ran the group activity while the other worked with Ramone. He obviously needed help with the section and will not receive it in the principalā€™s office. Pinpointing those antecedents would have helped the teacher not reinforce his negative behaviors. Ramone could have instead shown the teacher his problem at his desk one-on-one then been positively been reinforced for solving the problem. If he needed help then he could have received it privately and then been reinforced for working hard to get the correct answer. Once Ramone understood the math problem, he could have been a chance to work the problem out on the board. If he participated without any of the negative behaviors then he could have been reinforced for his participation. Reinforcing him would also cut down on his disruptive behaviors and hopefully make him more likely to participate and tell the teacher if he needs help.


Chandler, Lynette K., Carol Dahlquist. Functional Assessment: Strategies to Prevent and Remediate Challenging Behavior in School Settings, 3/e Vitalsource for Capella University. Pearson Learning Solutions, 07/2012. VitalBook file.

Student: Ramone Setting: Classroom Observer: Olivia Tyler


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Antecedents, behavior, and consequences
Antecedents, behavior, and consequences

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