A case study analysis requires you to investigate a problem, examine the alternative solutions, and propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence. Your submission should be no more than 2 pages and needs to adhere to APA formatting

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A case study analysis requires you to investigate a problem, examine the alternative solutions, and propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence. Your submission should be no more than 2 pages and needs to adhere to APA formatting for spacing and citations. Include a title page, your case study (1-2 pages), and reference page. For guidance on APA formatting check out this resource: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/

Preparing the Case

Before you begin writing, follow these guidelines to help you prepare and understand the case study:

  1. Read and examine the case thoroughly
    • Take notes, highlight relevant facts, underline key problems.
  2. Focus your analysis
    • Identify two to three key problems
    • Why do they exist?
    • How do they impact the information security field?
    • Who is responsible for them?
  3. Uncover possible solutions
    • Review course readings, discussions, outside research, and your experience.
  4. Select the best solution
    • Consider strong supporting evidence, pros, and cons: is this solution realistic?

Drafting the Case

Once you have gathered the necessary information, a draft of your analysis should include these sections:

  1. Introduction
    • Identify the key problems and issues in the case study.
    • Formulate and include a thesis statement, summarizing the outcome of your analysis in 1–2 sentences.
  2. Background
    • Set the scene: background information, relevant facts, and the most important issues.
  3. Alternatives
    • Outline possible alternatives (not necessarily all of them)
    • Why are alternatives not possible at this time (if not possible)?
  4. Proposed Solution
    • Provide one specific and realistic solution
    • Explain why this solution was chosen
    • Support this solution with solid evidence
  5. Recommendations
    • Determine and discuss specific strategies for accomplishing the proposed solution.
    • If applicable, recommend further action to resolve some of the issues
    • What should be done and who should do it?
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Finalizing the Case

After you have composed the first draft of your case study analysis, read through it to check for any gaps or inconsistencies in content or structure: Is your thesis statement clear and direct? Have you provided solid evidence? Is any component from the analysis missing?

When you make the necessary revisions, proofread and edit your analysis before submitting the final draft.


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