Just like any other management function, objectives have certain basic features. Generally speaking, enterprise objectives are visible and understood by all. They provide undeniable evidence of how well the man with the gun has performed. When objectives are defined and set, it is hard to plead ignorance, forgetfulness and misunderstanding. Apart from these simple descriptions, […]

Ideal Principles of Departmentation

Some of the ideal principles of departmentation are suggested below: , (i)                 Principle of attainment of enterprise objectives , According to this principle, the basis of departmentation must be such that there is greatest facility, in the most effective and efficient attainment of enterprise objectives. , (ii)               Principle of comprehensive departmentation , By the principle […]

Factors Affecting Span of Management

The following factors to be considered when determining span of management: , 1. Capacity of superior: Each manager or superior may have different ability and capacity in respect of such factors as leadership, communication, decision-making, control affecting management of subordinates. Managers having more capacity in respect of these factors can manage more number of subordinates […]