I’m studying for my English class and need an explanation.
- Our Blind Spot about Guns, Nicholas Kristof: p 162
- Don’t Make English Official–Ban It Instead, Dennis Baron: p 949
For the Written Text answer the following questions:
How do the two essays differ? Which one is more effective? Why? Does the source use evidence? Cite an effective passage from your preferred essay and describe why it works?
For your peer review, ask a question regarding your peer’s response. Note one element of your peer’s response that you may not have noticed in your reading and analysis of the works.
To complete this Performance Task, you will need to first access an article in the Opposing Viewpoints database. First, complete a search for the topic you have chosen for your argumentative essay. Next, download the source in PDF format from Opposing Viewpoints. There is a link titled “Download” in the Tools menu located on the right-hand side of the screen. Once you click on this button, a pop up window appears. Within this window, click on Download, and then save the file to your computer. For a refresher on how to locate and search in this database, return to the Week 2 APA Module.
1. Attach the source by clicking on the “Browse My Computer” button below. Please note it is recommended that the file be in PDF format. (Word files are acceptable)
- In this task, you will identify which student submissions are plagiarized, noting what type of plagiarism is used. To review the types of plagiarism, return to the interactive presentation within the Module. Three of the four student submissions are plagiarized.
Original source: A problem with shifting responsibility from the company to the users is that people often can’t identify what’s harmful to them on a conscious level, according to Holly Shakya, an assistant professor at UC San Diego. Shakya studies the impact of Facebook on mental health. She says one way social media can be damaging is negative social comparisons. That’s when people see carefully curated versions of other people’s lives and then feel bad about their own. They likely won’t think to mute these kinds of friends, who could number in the hundreds. Kelly, H. Facebook worries it might be bad for you, adds a mute button. (2017, December 15). CNN Wire. Retrieved from http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A518939124/OVIC… Student submission #1: Facebook recently implemented a mute button in response to growing concerns over the platform’s effects on its users’ mental health. A problem with shifting responsibility from the company to the users is that people often can’t identify what’s harmful to them on a conscious level, according to Holly Shakya, an assistant professor at UC San Diego. Shakya studies the impact of Facebook on mental health. She says one way social media can be damaging is negative social comparisons. That’s when people see carefully curated versions of other people’s lives and then feel bad about their own. They likely won’t think to mute these kinds of friends, who could number in the hundreds. - Student submission #2: Facebook recently implemented a mute button in response to growing concerns over the platform’s effects on its users’ mental health. Users will be able to suspend notifications for the groups, friends, and pages they do not wish to see. Assistant professor Holly Shakya notes that the problem with this is that Facebook users probably won’t mute the friends they need to, those who offer perfect versions of their lives, which can lead to damaging comparisons (Kelly, 2017).
- Student submission #3: Facebook recently implemented a mute button in response to growing concerns over the platform’s effects on its users’ mental health. Users will be able to suspend notifications for the groups, friends, and pages they do not wish to see. However, a problem with shifting responsibility from the company to the users is that people often can’t identify what’s harmful to them on a conscious level. One way social media can be damaging is negative social comparisons. That’s when people see carefully curated versions of other people’s lives and then feel bad about their own. They likely won’t think to mute these kinds of friends, who could number in the hundreds (Kelly, 2017).
- Student submission #4: Facebook recently implemented a mute button in response to growing concerns over the platform’s effects on its users’ mental health. Users will be able to suspend notifications for the groups, friends, and pages they do not wish to see. Assistant professor Holly Shakya notes that the problem with this is that Facebook users probably won’t mute the friends they need to, those who offer perfect versions of their lives, which can lead to damaging comparisons.
2. In a separate Word document, complete the following tasks and then attach the document by clicking on the “Browse My Computer” button below.
- A summary of the entire article with APA citations
- A paraphrase of the article’s first paragraph with APA citations
- A quotation using one sentence within the article with APA citations