Political Science


Number Of Pages:
6     Double-spaced (1350 words)


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In class, we have discussed both democratic and non-democratic regimes. For your term paper, you are to answer the following question: Why do some states become democratic while others do not? For full credit, discuss different theories of democratization. Which theory/theories are correct and which are not? Give historical examples to back up your claims. Assignment requirements Your essay should be 4-6 pages in length double spaced (not including work cited). You must use at least 3 credible outside sources to prove your points. Include a work cited page. Format Use a standard font and margin spacing (Times New Roman, Calibri). Your header should be single spaced, include your full name, and class. Include a title. Be sure to cite when you quote or paraphrase. Your paper should be written in a clear and concise manner. If your grammar or phrasing distracts from your work you will be marked down. You may use internal citations, footnotes, or endnotes. Please use a professional style of citation