Using information in HR (UIN) assessment brief
CIPD learning outcomes and assessment criteria
The following table sets out the CIPD learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria:
Learning outcomes
The learner will: Assessment criteria
The learner can:
Understand the research process and different research approaches.
Summarise the stages of the research process and compare different data collection methods.
Be able to conduct a critical review of information sources in an area of HR/business practice and analyse the findings. Identify an area of HR practice for investigation.
Conduct a critical review of different information sources relevant to the chosen area of HR/business practice.
Be able to draw meaningful conclusions and evaluate options for change.
Draw meaningful conclusions from the review and make justified recommendations for improvements in practice.
Know how to deliver clear, business-focused reports on an HR issue.
Formulate a business report for identified stakeholders that includes an appropriate mix of diagrammatic and narrative formats.
Assessment activity
HR research project report
Writing this research project report will allow you to demonstrate all of the assessment criteria for UIN. Your word count for the report is 3250 words (+/- 10%). You must submit assessment activity 1 on the document UIN assessment template.
Your briefing document should include a list of cited references along with a bibliography of sources consulted but not specifically mentioned.
Your references and bibliography as well as all the grey highlighted words in your template are excluded from your word count.
You are required to plan and undertake a research project for an organisation of your choice that you are familiar with and create a report. Your response should include:
A description of the research project and issue under investigation with justification for your choice. (2.1)
Identification of the at least three key stakeholders and why and how they might be interested in or affected by this study. (4.1)
Specify at least two key methods of collecting the relevant primary data for your chosen project and their relative strengths and weaknesses. (1.1, 2.2)
Specify at least two key sources of secondary research and evaluate their contribution to the study. (1.1, 2.2)
Create a project plan for conducting the research setting out the key stages of the research process. (1.1)
Research activity and findings
Choose one primary research activity you have planned and conduct the research.
Write your findings report setting out:
In brief what research activity you did and why
Your research findings – presented appropriately for your stakeholders using two or more diagrammatic formats along with your commentary (4.1)
Your conclusions (3.1)
Your recommendations for change to the project stakeholders (3.1)
Start thinking of your choice of topic early on; discuss your ideas with your manager and your DPG facilitator to check that the topic and scope of your research proposal will meet the assessment requirements.
If you are not working in an organisation, you can base your research around City College. Familiarise yourself with them on the LMS to identify a problem and then choose your related research proposal.
Please use the ‘UIN assessment template’ to submit your report. You can adapt the template to include your organisation’s logo/house style etc. but you should keep to the format as this will help ensure you include all the key elements.
You may present the project plan element of this assessment activity as a diagram such as a Gantt chart if you wish.
Remember references to back up your findings are expected.
There are a lot of elements to include in this assessment, so be sure to check you have provided evidence for all the assessment criteria before you finalise your work.