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Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Clinical Practice Portfolio

Neurotransmitters Chart
 Function (Excitatory or Inhibitory)LocationsReceptorsEffects of DeficientEffects of SurplusAgonist DrugAntagonist Drug
Acetylcholine  Inhibitory  Several different locations of the brain including striatal complex, the basal forebrain and the medullaAcetylcholine receptors either nicotinic and muscarinic subunitsMemory impairment and brain disordersHaving excess acetylcholine accumulated at the synapses and neuromuscular junctions triggers symptoms of muscarinic and nicotinic toxicity. These symptoms include cramps, lacrimation, and blurry vision amongst others.Include nicotine, choline, epibatidine,obeline, varenicline and cysteine mimic the action of acetylcholineCompete with actions of acetylcholine for example atropine competes for a common binding site on all muscarinic receptors
Dopamine    Both excitatory and inhibitory  Located in the mid brain at the substania nigra and ventra tegmental area. Also found in hypothalamus and arcuate nucleusThere are five types of dopamine receptors with each having a specific function or functions. They are D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5. The functions of D1 include memory, attention, locomotion, regulation of renal function and impulse control.Aches and pains, tremors, spasms, tremors, muscle cramps and muscle stiffnessOne becomes aggressive, competitive, and have poor impulse control. It can lead to gambling, addiction, binge eating and ADHD.Include Bromocriptine, cabergoline, Rotigitine and Apomorphine.Clozepine, Chlorpromazine, promethazine and risperidone.
Endorphins  Inhibitory    Are released from the pituitary gland in response to pain and can act in both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.Bind with μ-receptors of peripheral nerves thus inhibiting the transmission of pain signalsLeads to depression and headaches Besides decreased feelings of pain, secretion of endorphins leads to feelings of euphoria, modulation of appetite, release of sex hormones, and enhancement of the immune response..methadone and buprenorphine intramuscular heroinNaloxone and naltrexone used in opioid antagonists drugs and as competitive antagonists bind to the opioid receptors without activating the receptors.
GABA    inhibitory  The Limbic system where personal feelings and emotional memories are generated and stored.There are two classes of GABA receptors namely ionotropic receptors( GABAA) and metabotropic receptors(GABABLower than normal levels of GABA in the brain is associate with sleep disorders, anxiety. Depression and schizophreniaCauses hypersomnia or daytime sleepiness.GABA (a) receptor agonists are like alcohol, barbiturates and benzodiazepine. GABA(b) receptor agonists include propofol, sodium oxybate and Baclofen. GABA analogs are like gabapentin, pregabalin and Valproic acidInclude bicuculline, securinine and metrazol Conventionally, these drugs generate a stimulant and convulsant effects hence their use to counter overdose of sedative drugs.
GlutamateExcitatory    Occurs in protein- containing foods like cheese milk and mushrooms but is also produced by the human the CNSGlutamate receptors are found on the dendrites of postsynaptic cells and bind with glutamate released in into the synaptic cleft by presynaptic cellsCauses insomnia, mental exhaustion and difficulties in concentration.Increase cellular activity, leading to over excitation on nerve cells which eventually causes cell death.Cycloutylene AP5 and DCG IV Kainic acid and Quisqualic acidAmantadine,Glycine  inhibitory    In the brain stem and spinal cord.  Glycine receptors have the function of fast inhibitory transmission in the CNS. Suppress neural firing through hyper polarization that occurs when glycine activates anion channels.  Means the body produces less glutathione that negatively impacts on how one body handles oxidative stress over time.Elevated glycine levels within the brain and cerebrospinal fluid cause’s seizures, breathing difficulties, movement disorders and intellectual disability.D- Alanine L- SerineCan either be selective like Brucine, Tutin and Strychnine or non-selective like Pitrazepin, Caffeine, Pictrotoxin and Bicuculine
Glutamateexcitatory      Occurs in protein- containing foods like cheese milk and mushrooms but is also produced by the human the CNSGlutamate receptors are found on the dendrites of postsynaptic cells and bind with glutamate released in into the synaptic cleft by presynaptic cellsCauses insomnia, mental exhaustion and difficulties in concentration.Increase cellular activity, leading to over excitation on nerve cells which eventually causes cell death.Cycloutylene AP5 and DCG IV Kainic acid and Quisqualic acidAmantadine,
NorepinephrineExcitatory      Produced in the inner  part of the adrenal glands called the adrenal medullaNorepinephrine binds to alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors or adrenoceptors in different tissues. For example in the blood vessels it triggers vasoconstrictive thus increasing blood pressure.Low levels of Norepinephrine is associated with ADHD, lack of concentration, lethargy and even depression.Can lead to panic attacks, elevated blood pressure, euphoria ,and general hyperactivityEpinephrineTricyclic antidepressant, beta blockers and antipsychoticsSerotonin  inhibitory    Primarily found in the enteric nervous system whose location is within the gastrointestinal tract though its production occurs in the CNS.Serotonin membrane depolarization occurs after fast mediation and excitatory responses by 5-HT3 receptors located on neurons in both PNS and CNS.Serotonin Levels below normal are associated with depression, anxiety and sleepExcessive levels of Serotonin  causes mild shivering and diarrhea to severe muscle rigidity , fever, and seizuresSerotonin 5-HT-Receptor Agonists Addyi.almotriptan.Amerge.Axert.eletriptan.flibanserin.Frova.frovatriptan.  5-HT3 antagonists include Dolasetron. Granisetron. Ondansetron. Palonosetron.


AntipsychoticsFirst Generation       Side Effects (L=Low, M=Moderate, H=High) Generic NameTrade NameRoute(s) of AdministrationLAI(Long acting injectable) option (with starting dose in mgStarting Dose(mg /day)Half Life In hoursIndications (s/sx & diagnosis) Signs/ symptoms and diagnosisMOA (neurotransmitter effects)EPSHyperlipidemiaT2DMWeight GainCognitive IssueOther SE (side effects)CostsChlorpromazineThorazinePO 100mg30hrsSchizophrenia, bipolar disorder and hyperactivityAn antagonist that prevent dopamine from accessing the receptor thus blocking signal transmission.LMLHLSkin discoloration, Eye vision changes10mg (100): $20.79; 25mg (100): $27.03; 50mg (100): $38.24
FluphenazineProlixinIMYes, 12.52mg17-112daysSchizophrenia, psychotic disorders, Tourette syndromeFluphenazine is an antagonist that blocks postsynaptic dopamine D1a receptors and D2 receptors in the limbic, contical system and basal gangliaHMHHHJoint pain, seizures1mg (90): $17.99; 2.5mg (60): $15.99; 5mg (60): $18.99; 10mg (60): $24.99  
PerphenazineTrilafonPO, IM/IV 10mg9-12hrsSchizophreniaPerphenazine is a dopamine antagonist and a phenothiazine derivative that blocks post synaptic D2 receptors in the mesolimbic and medullary chemoreceptor trigger zone leading to prevention of excessive dopamine in the brain.HLLHMDizziness and light headedness2mg (60): $51.99; 4mg (60): $69.99; 8mg (60): $76.99; 16mg (60): $107.99
TrifluoperazineStelazinePO , IM 5mg22hrsGeneralized nonpsychotic anxietyTrifluoperazine is a dopamine antagonist and a phenothiazine derivative of phenothiazine with antipsychotic and antiemetic activities. It blocks central dopamine receptors to prevent effects like delusions and hallucinations that result from excesive dopamine Acts as a calmodulin inhibitor causing cystolic calicium elevation.HLMHMSevere muscle spasms, Mask like expression of the face2mg (60): $36.99; 5mg (60): $35.99; 10mg (60): $55.99ThioridazineMellariPO 100mg21-24hrsSchizophreniaThioridazine blocks DA-2 receptors within the mesolimbic pathway decreasing positive symptomsLLHLLVision changes or loss Jerking movements while walking10mg (90): $23.99; 25mg (90): $28.99; 50mg (90): $35.99; 100mg (90): $34.99HaloperidolHaldolPO, IMYes, 503mg21-24hrsSevere childhood behavioral problems, HyperactivityHaloperido exerts its antipsychotic action by blocking the brains dopamine D2 receptorsHLLMLErectile dysfunction Muscle twitching, uncontrollable shaking0.5mg (90): $16.99; 1mg (90): $19.99; 2mg (90): $20.99; 5mg (90): $25.99;ThiothixeneNavanePO 4mg24hrs Decreases dopamine activity causing decreased stimulation of psychotic effects by blocking post synaptic dopamine receptors in the mesolimbic system and medullary chemoreceptor trigger zone.HLLLHSevere muscle spasms Trouble when swallowing1mg (90): $22.99; 2mg (90): $29.69; 5mg (90): $37.99
LoxapineLoxitanePO 10mg4-7.61hrsSchizophreniaLoxapine efficacy is  believed to be mediated by high- affinity antagonism of postsynaptic D2 receptors and serotonin 5-HT2A receptorsMLMHHDepression Suicidal ideation5mg (30): $28.99; 50mg (30): $39.99
PimozideOrapPO 2mg55-150hrsSchizophrenia Tourette syndromeSelectively inhibits type 2 dopaminergic receptors in the CNS. This decreases dopamine neurotransmission and diminishes the occurrence of motor and vocal tics. It also antagonizes alpha-adrenergic and 5-HT2 receptorsHLLLHMask-like face expression, eyes rolling up1mg (60): $85.99; 2mg (60): $109.99
MolindoneMobanPO 10mg1.5 hrsSchizophreniaThought to exert its effect by blocking dopamine receptors most likely D2 and D3 that are found in the reticular activating and limbic systems thus lowering excess dopamine in the brain.MLLLLMay cause tardive dyskinesia, unusual uncontrolled movementsaround $99.35, 74% off the average retail price of $382.42
ZuclopenthixolClopixolIMYes,10025mg24hrsSchizophrenia and other psychosesZuclopenthixol is an antagonist at D1 and D2 dopamine receptors.It also has a high affinity for alpha 1-adrenergic and 5-HT2 receptorsHMHHMFast heartbeat, stomach upsets200mg/mL $0.54 to 2.18
Second Generation              
AripiprazoleAbilifyPOYes  300-400mg IM every 4 weeks10-15 mg/d75-146 hoursSchizophrenia Bipolar 1 disorder Partial against at D2 receptors. Lowers dopaminergic neurotransmission in the mesolimbic pathwayLMLLLSeizures suicidal ideationOral tablet 5mg is about $12 for 30 tablets
ClozapineClorazilPO 25 mg6-26 hoursSchizoaffective disorder partially or fully resistant to treatment with other antipsychotic drugsBlocks 5-HT2A / 5-HT2c serotonin receptors and the D1-4 dopamine receptorsClinically  insignificantLMMLSeizures leukopeniaOral tablet 100mg is about $88 for 100 tablets
OlanzapineZyprexaPOYes 150-405 mg every 2 or 4 weeks5-10 mg/d31-52 hoursSChizophreniaMOA of Olanzapine is unknown but it is believed  its efficacy in schizophrenia is mediated through a antagonism of both dopamine and serotonin type 2((5HT2)LMHHMAcute haemorrhagic pancrealitis, status epilipticusOral tablet 15 mg is about $14 for a supply of 30 tablets
QuetiapineSeroquelPO 25mg/d7-12 hoursMania episodes, depressive episodesThought to involve rapid dissociation  from D2 receptorsLLMMLAnaphylaxis, seizures, suicidal ideationOral tablet 25mg is about $190 is approximately $190 for a supply of 30 tablets
RisperodoneRisperdalPOYes 12.5 -1550 mg every 2 weeks1mg twice daily3-20 hoursSchizophrenia and long term treatment of bipolar 1 disorder  The dopamine theory of schizophrenia contends that risperidone’s MOA most likely involves a decrease in the dopaminergic transmission in the mesolimbic pathwayLLLLLHypothermia, neutropeniaOral tablet 1mg is about $17 for 30 tablets
ZiprasidoneGeodonPO 20 mg twice daily2-5 hoursAcute agitation in schizophreniaFunctioned as an agonist at the 5HT1A receptor and as an antagonist at the D2, 5HT2A and 5HT1D receptors. It inhibits synaptic reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine.LLHHLBone marrow suppression, priapismOral capsule 20mg is about $103 for a supply of 40 tablets
PaliperadoneInvega SusdtennaIMYes39 -234 mg every 4 weeks3mg once daily24-49 daysSchizophrenia. Adjunct to mood stabilizers, or antidepressantsAttributed  to antagonism of brain dopamine D2 and serotonin 5-HT2A receptorsLLLLMInsomnia, CPK elevationOral tablet 3mg  is about $318 for 30 tablets supply
MElperoneBuronilPO, IM 25 mg and increase to 75 mg according to tolerability3-4 hours –oral 6 hours-IMSchizophrenia, L-DOPA and other forms of psychoses in Parkinson diseaseExhibits  antagonist activity at D2dopaminergic and 5HT2A serotonergic receptorsLLMMLNeutropenia and leukopenia10 mg/$81
SertindoleSerdolectPO 4 mg/d once daily increased gradually in increments of 4 mg every 4-5 days72 hoursSChizophreniaSertindole is an antipsychotic drug with affinity for dopamine D2, serotonin 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C, and alpha1-adrenoreceptors.Clinically insignificantLHHLClinically insignificant4 mg $38 for 30 tablets
SulpirideDogmatilPO. IM 200-400 mg twice daily6-8hrsSchizophreniaIs a selective dopamine receptor antagonist within the brainLMLLLjaundice25mg $98.10

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Psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner clinical practice portfolio


Antidepressants, Anxiolytics & Mood StabilizersAntidepressants       Side Effects (L=Low, M=Moderate, H=High) Generic NameTrade NameRoute(s) of AdministrationLAI optionStarting DoseHalf LifeIndications (s/sx & diagnosis)MOA (neurotransmitter effects)EPSHyperlipidemiaT2DMWeight GainCognitive IssueOther SECostsSSRIs              CitalopramCelexaBy mouth(PO) 20mg once daily with or without food27-32 hrsMajor depressive Disorder-MDD-(DSM-IV dysphoric mood lasting 14 days or more Excessive anxiety and worry last six months or more mind going blank-Generalized Anxiety disorder-GAD- (DSM-IV) and major depressive disorderLinked to potentiation of serotonergic activity in the CNS resulting from its inhibition of CNS neuronal reuptake of serotonin(5-HT)Acute dystoniaLMMLInsomnia, nausea , ejaculation disorders, increasing fatigue$ 268 for 30 tablets of 20mgEscitalopramLexaproPOYES10mg/day27-32 hoursSymptoms of MDD and GADBinds to the serotonin transporter protein and inhibit reuptake  of serotonin by the presynaptic neuronReversible or irreversible  motor disturbancesHLLHBlurred vision, racing thought, headache, confusion$18.56 for 30 day supplyFluxetineProzacPOYes20mg/day in the morning4-16 daysMDD ,acute and maintenance treatment of obsessions and compulsions with OCD, Binge eating and panic disorderProzac MOA is not known but is believed to be presumed to be linked to its inhibition of CNS neuronal uptake of serotonindizzinessLHHLUnusual dreams, sexual dysfunction, weight change, urinating more often$ 166.25 for 30 capsules of 40 mgParoxetinePaxilPO 20 mg/day24 hours- 4.4 daysTreats panic attacks, anxiety disorders, OCD and post traumatic stressEnhances serotonergic activity through inhibition of presynaptic reuptake of serotonin by the serotonin receptor. The inhibition increases the level of serotonin in the synaptic cleft thereby reliving the symptomsminimalLLLLDizziness, nausea, drowsiness, yawning$229 for 40 mg 30 day supplySertalineZoloftPOYES50mg /qday24hrs-4.4 daysMDD, OCD, Panic disorder, Social anxiety disorder(SAD) Post traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorderThought to be linked to its inhibition of CNS neuronal uptake of serotonin (5HT)Neurological side effectsLMLLNausea, ejaculation disorder, drowsiness, fatigue$393,84  for 30 day supply               SNRIs              DesvenlafaxinePristiqPO 50 mg once daily with or without food12hours -2.5daysMDDThought to work by affecting the patient’s levels of serotonin and norepinephrinedizzinessLLLLHeadache, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, , insomnia$ 217 for 14 tablets supplyDuloxetineCymbaltaPO swallow whole do not crush, or chew and do not open the delayed release capsule 40 mg/day(20mg twice daily8-17 hoursGAD diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain, fibromyalgiaThe exact MOA of antidepressants, central inhibitory and anxiolytic of Cymbalta is not  known but these actions are thought to be connected to its potentiation of serotonergic and noradrenergic activity within the CNSHLLLLLiver damage(itching, right upper arm abdominal pain, dark urine) changes in blood pressure, serotonin syndrome$14 for 30 capsulesVenlafaxine XREffexor XRPO 75 mg/day divided in two or 3 doses dose with food either in the morning or  evening and swallowed whole3-13 hoursMDDIn humans believed to be linked to its potentiation of neurotransmitter activity in the CNS. Together with its active metabolite O- desmethyvenlafaxine  are potential inhibitors of neuronal serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake  Muscle spasmsHLLHSuicidal thoughts, serotonin syndrome, changes in blood pressure Changes in weight, manic hypomanic episodes$230 for 15 capsules
MilnacipranSavellaPO 100 mg/day(adminsistered twice/day6-8 hoursFibromyalgia not approved for pediatric patientsIn humans, the exact MOA of the central pain inhibitory action and its ability to improve fibromyalgia symptoms is unknown. Sudies have demonstrated it is potent inhibitor of neuronal norepinephrineand serotonin reuptake.DizzinessHLLLHeadache, constipation , nausea, hypertension$412 for 55 tablets
LevomilnacipranFetzimaPO 40- 120 mg taken once daily12 hoursMDDMOA is currently unkown but is connected to the potentiation of serotonic and norephinephrine in the CNS through inhibition of reuptake at transporters of serotonin and norepinephrineconstipationMLLLConstipation excessive sweating , decreased appetite and tachrdia$701.08  for a 30 day supply
AmitriptylineElavilPO, IM 75mg/day in divided doses20 hursDepressionElavil MOA is not known it is not a monoamine oxidase inhibitor neither does it act on through CNS stimulation. However it inhibits the membrane pump mechanism responsible for serotonin and norepinephrine uptake in adrenergic and serotonergicronsdizzinessLHHMWeight gain, constipation blurred vision, dizziness , dry mouth and drowsiness$13 for 20 tablets
DEsipramineNorpraminPO 100-200 mg/day  in single dose or divided dose12-54 hoursDepression mood disorders, sleeplessness, poor appetiteA TCA that selectively blocks reuptake of norapinephrine( noradrenaline from the neuronal synapse. Inhibits reuptake of serotoninheadacheLMMLChanges in weight and appetite, dry mouth , nightmares, constipation, drowsiness$175 for 30 Day supplyDoxepineSinequanmPO, IV, IM, topical 75 mg/day  15-31 hoursPsychoneuroticc patients with depression and /or anxiety, psychotic depressive disorders, MDD, involution depressionAS a TCA its MOA works by increasing the brains concentration of neurotransmitter’s serotonin(5-HT and norepinephrinedizzenessLLLHConfusion, blurred vision, anxiety, dizziness and agrunulocytosis$17 for 30 day supply               ImipramineTofranilPO 30-40 mg/day19 hoursDepresion, nocturnal enuresis, neuopathic pain, hyperactivityA TCA that inhibits the reuptake of  norepineohrine and serotonin  thereby increasing the brain levels of these transmittersinsignificantHLLHHalucinations, confusion, seizures, pounding heartbeats$649.68NotriptylinePamelorPO 25 mg 3 or 4 times/day36 hoursMajor depresion, SAD, postherptic neuralgia, nocturnal enuresis, prementrual dysphoric disorder(PMDD)Inhibits reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin  by the presynaptic neuronal membrane thus elevating their levels in the synapse.Not pronouncedLHHLWeight gain or loss, dizziness, urinary retention, constipation, dizziness when standing$16.11 for 30 tabletsMAOIs              PhenelzineNardilPO 15 mg 3 times a day11.6 hoursTreatment resistant depression, SAD , panic disorderAn inhibitor and substrate of monoamine oxidase leading to elevation in brain levels of serotonin and catecholamines and serotonidizzinessLHHLWeight gain, decreased sexual activity, constipation, dry mouth and dizziness$162 for 60 tabletsSelegilineEmsamOn dry, intact skin on the upper torso(below the neck and above the waste 6mg every 24 hours18-25 hoursMDDNot fully understood but is believed to be connected to potentiation of monoamine neurotransmitter activity in the CNS leading to inhibition of MAO activityheadachesLLLMDiarrhea, drowsiness, dizziness, insomnia$20 per patch or $600 per monthTranylcypromineParnatePO 30mg/day in divided doses2.5 hoursMDDA non –hydrazine  monoamine oxidase inhibitor with a rapid onset of activityinsomniaLLLLVision problem, frequent headache, sensitivity to light , nausea drowsiness$854 for supply of 100 tablets               Atypical              BupropionWEllbutrinPO and swallowed hole with or without food 200 mg/day given 100mg twice daily3-4 hoursMajor depression., MDD, SADWhile its MOA is not clearly understood at the present, Wellbutrin]n is known to enhance both noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurotransmission through reuptake  of dopamine transporter and norepinephrineDifficulty sleepingHLLLFast heartbeat, weight loss, constipation, dry mouth$86.62 for 30MirtazapineRemeronPO 15mg/day in a single dose20-40 hrsInsomnia, depression, post-traumatic stress disorderHas a dual mode of action as a noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (NaSSA) that acts by antagonizing the adrenergic alpha 2- auto receptors and alpha-2 auto receptors. It also blocks 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 receptorsAkathisia( feeling restlessMHHLWeight gain, dry mouth, lack of energy, increased appetite$55.99 for 30 tablets
NefazodoneSerzonePO 200mg /day divided in two doses2.5- 4 hoursDepressionIn the serotonergic system nefazodone acts as an antagonist at type 2 serotonin(5HT2) post –synaptic receptors  inhibits presynaptic serotonin (5-HT) reuptake. These mechanisms elevate the serotonin amount available for interaction with 5_HT receptorsTardive dyskinesiaHLLHNausea, confusion, jaundice, seizures, painful penis erection that lasts 4 hours or more$338 for 100 tabletsAnxiolytics              Benzodiazepines              AlprazolamXanaxPO 0.25- 2 mg  3 times a day11.2 hoursPanic disorder, anxiety associate to depressionBeing a benzodiazepine, it produces several therapeutic and adverse effects by binding to the GABAa benzodiazepine receptor site and modulating this action, ParkinsonismLLLHMemory problem, slurred speech, poor balance coordination , trouble concentrating$11 for 6 tabletsChlordiazepoxideLibriumPO 50- 100 mg/day24-48 hoursAnxiety withdrawal symptoms of acute alcoholismPrecise mechanism is unknown but it blocks EEG arousal  by stimulating the brain’s stem reticular formationTardive dyskinesiaLLLLBlurred vision, headache trouble walking, changes in sexual interest$10 for 3 capsules ofClobazepamOnfiPO 5 mg administered two times a day20-80 hoursSeizures associate with Lennox- Gastaut syndromeNot fully understood but believed to involve potentiation of GABAergic neurotransmission leading to binding of benzodiazepine site of the GABAA receptorParkinsonismLLLHSlow thinking, impaired motor skills, sedation, drowsiness$1333 for supply of 120 tabletsClonazepamKlonopinPO 0.25 mg/day adminstered twice20- 50 hoursPanic disorder with and without agoraphobia, insomnia and restless legs syndrome  Modulates GABA function in the brain by the benzodiazepine receptor, located on GABAa receptors leading to increased GABAergic inhibition of neuronal firingParkinsonismMLLHDifficulty in thinking or remembering, unstradiness, increased saliva$12 for supply of 15 tabletsClorazepateTranxenePO 30 mg /day in divided doses48 hoursSeizures, acute alcohol withdrawal , anxietyIts action becomes manifest once it deactivates the nerous system through its potentiaon  of the inhibitory effect of GABA on GABA-A receptors. They do this by binding to a site that is different from the GABA binding site.headacheLLLLHeadache, dry mouth , stomach upset consiptation$15 for supply of 3 tablets
DiazepamValiumPO 10 mg  3- 4 times on day 1 then reduce to 5 mg 3-4 times a day48 hoursAddiction /dependence, Anxiety/OCD, muscle spasms, seizure disordersExerts inhibitor anxiolytic, sedative, muscle relaxant anticonvulsant and amnestic effects by facilitating the action of GABA an inhibitor of CNS neurotransmittersParkinsonismLLLHMemory problem, ataxia( balance loss) fatigue, spinning sensation$10 for 1 tablet
Amorbarbital$775 for 1 powder of injectionOral, IM. IV, Rectal 30-50 mg administered 2 or 3 times a day8-42 hoursControl seizures, insomnia, relieve pre-operative anxietyWorks by binding to the GABAA receptor at either the alpha or beta subunitParkinsonismLLLHConfusion, nervousness, sleepiness nausea$775 for 1 powder of injectionButabarbitalButisolPO 15-30 mg given 3 or  times a day100 hoursDepressionPotentiates GABAergic neurons besides inhibiting neuronal acetylcholine and glutamate  receptors leading to sedationConstipationLLLLLoss of appetite, excitement, headache$441 for supply of 100 tabletsPentobarbitalNembutalIM 150- 200mg15-50 hoursInsomniaWorks in the CNS in that it binds  to GABA-A subtype receptorsParkinsonismLLLHNightmares, nausea vomiting, loss of coordination$1026 for 20 millimetersSecobarbitalSeconalPO 100mg at bedtime as a hypnotic28 hoursInsomnia epilepsyDecreases CNS activity by binding to barbiturate site at GABA- receptor complex increasing GABA activity  and lowering reticular activity systemdizzinessLLLLNightmares, agitation, excitement, drowsiness$ 3 226.75 for 100 tabletsMood Stabilizers              LithiumLithonate, Lithobid, EskalithPONo600mg 3 times a day or 900mg twice18- 36 hoursFDA approved for Bipolar Disorder Thought to be effective for depression and possibly effective for schizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity (ADHD)At neuronal level, lithium works by decreasing the excitatory (dopamine and glutamate while increasing inhibition (GABA) transmission). Be that as it may  a complex neurotransmitters system underpins these side wide impacts as they seek to achieve homeostasis through compensatory changesIncreases EPS ratings like gait, shoulder shaking, elbow rigidity, and tremor.HHHLWorsen skin disorders, cause thyroid gland problems$5.49 for 300mg 90 tablets
Valproic acidDepakote, DepakenePONo250mg 2 times a day4-16 hoursSeizure disorders manic phase  of BD and prevention of migraine headachesActs on GABA levels within the CNS , blocks voltage-gated ion channels and inhibition of histone deacetylaseIts EPS are completely reversible and occur spontaneously.LMMLHair loss, ringing ears and changes in menstrual periods$16.77 for ninety 250 mg tablets
LamotrigineLamictalPO(orally disintegrating tablets)No25mg once a day for 2 weeks25 hours but reaches 70 hours if patient is also taking ValproatePrevent mood swings of.  BD in adults Prevent or control seizures Not approved for use in children less than 24 monthsBeing a triazine, Lamotrigine selectively binds sodium channels, stabilize presynaptic neuronal membrane and inhibits the release of glutamate. However, the MOA for Lamotrigine is not fully understood.Scarcity of literature reporting EPS for Lamotrigine exist but it has been reported to induce dystonia in BDHLLHTrigger depression, suicidal ideation and mental /mood swings$18 for 100 mg  30 tablets
CarbamazepineCarbatrol, Tegretol, Epitol EquetroPONo200mg per day divided in two doses18-65 hoursTo relieve certain types of nerve pan. Reduces the spread of seizure activityAs a sodium channel blocker it binds selectively to voltage- gated sodium channels in their inactive conformation. This binding prevents repetitive and sustained firing of an action potentialAdjunctive use of Carbamazepine may increase the patient’s risk use EPS occurrence if using SGAHLLLHeadaches, liver problems, , loss of appetite, kidney problems and nystagmus( unusual eye movements$64.88 for 30 4-mg tabletsAripiprazoleAbilifyZyprexaIM use onlyYes2mg/day for 2 days then 5mg for 2 days then 10mg once per day75- 94 hoursTreat depression Dementia related behavior problemsIs both a partial agonist at dopamine D2 and the serotonin 5-HT1A receptors and an antagonist at serotonin 5-HT2A receptor. Currently as with other drugs that demonstrate efficacy in schizophrenia and BD Abilify’s MOA is unknown.May cause restlessness, tremor and stiffness.MHHHDepression suicidal attempts/ ideation, mask like face, trouble controlling certain urges like gambling, sex, eating, shopping$941 for 10mg 30 tablets
OlanzapineZyprexaPO(ODT)Yes10mg /day21-54 hoursTreat mood disorders triggered by Schizophrenia or BD and depressionCurrently he MOA for olanzapine is unknown but is thought to work by blocking some neurotransmitters in the brain. It then binds to alpha-1, dopamine, histamine H-1, muscarinic and serotonin type 2(5-HT2) receptorsHas lower  EPS symptom profile compared to other mood stabilizers like muscle spasms, muscle shaking, tremor and slurred speechHMMM Blood sugar rise, fainting, shaking, mood changes, confusion$14 for 15mg 30 tablets
RisperadoneRisperdalDeep IM  deltoid or gluTeal injectionYes2/-3 mg per day21-30 hoursSome mental/ mood disorders like autistic disorder, BD and schizophreniaPrimary action decreases dopaminergic and serotonergic pathway activity within the patient’s brain thus lowering schizophrenia and mood disorders symptoms. Risperidone also has a high binding affinity for  serotonergic 5-HT2A receptors once it is compared to the brain’s dopaminergic D2 receptors.Risperidone- induced EPS include acute dystonia and parkinsonism.MHHLDifficulty swallowing, anxiety, restlessness, and interrupted breathing when sleeping$17 for 1mg 30 tablets

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