This article covers Draft Prospectus.


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Draft Prospectus

General Requirements:Development of the prospectus is an iterative process that lays the foundation for your DPI Project. The prospectus will also assist your project chair in providing valuable feedback to guide you in your project development.

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:


Complete a draft of your DPI Project prospectus according to the instructions and criteria provided in each section of the prospectus template. The draft should include information taken from “The 10 Strategic Points for the Prospectus, Proposal, and Direct Practice Improvement Project” document (from previous courses). Use the “Academic Quality Review Checklist (AQR)” (Chapters 1-3 only) to assist you in writing this prospectus. Include the following sections in the prospectus:

  1. Introduction: Provide an overview of your project.
  2. Background of the Problem: Provide an overview of the history and present state of the problem.
  3. Theoretical Foundations: Identify and describe one or two theories or models to be used to inform the project. Identifies the seminal source for each theory or model (a seminal source may be quite old and may be published in a textbook). Illustrate how the theory or model will inform your project.


Weekly Participation

APA Format and Writing Quality

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Draft prospectus
Draft Prospectus

Use of Direct Quotes

LopesWrite Policy

Late Policy


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