This article covers PSY550: Discussion Questions: Deductive and Inductive Reasoning.


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PSY550: Discussion Questions: Deductive and Inductive Reasoning

PSY 550 Week 1 Discussion 1

PSY550: Discussion Questions: Deductive and Inductive Reasoning: How does the scientific method point towards truth? What is truth, and how do you know when you have found it?

PSY 550 Week 1 Discussion 2

Contrast deductive and inductive reasoning, and explain how they can each be used to generate a hypothesis.

PSY 550 Week 2 Discussion 1

Define reliability and validity in your own words. Briefly describe the different types of reliability and validity, including why it is important to conduct a study that is reliable and valid.

PSY 550 Week 2 Discussion 2

Stanley Milgram’s obedience to authority experiment is one of the most controversial studies in psychology’s history. Considering this example as well as others, critique such experiments from an ethical standpoint.

PSY 550 Week 3 Discussion 1

Discuss the proper placement and usages of a table and a figure within the manuscript.

Define the four general writing guidelines using APA style. Why is it important to write using these guidelines when communicating your study? Explain.

PSY 550 Week 3 Discussion 2

Discuss what stage in the publication process should potential authors talk about publication credit. Explain.

Describe how the sections of a poster, for presentation, are organized.

PSY 550 Week 4 Discussion 1

In your own words, define naturalistic observation. Discuss examples of when a naturalistic observational study would be the most appropriate design to select. What are two sources of bias during an observation period?

PSY 550 Week 4 Discussion 2

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following nonexperimental research methods: (a) naturalistic observations, (b) surveys, and (c) correlational studies. If you were asked to use one of these designs in a study next week, which nonexperimental design would you select and why?

PSY 550 Week 5 Discussion 1

One of the best-known longitudinal designs is Lewis Terman’s study of giftedness. He began tracking gifted children into adolescence and adulthood in 1925; the study is supposed to conclude in 2020. Explain the unique benefits of such a study, and then explain the problems caused by this type of design.

PSY 550 Week 5 Discussion 2

Explain the circumstances when a quasi-experimental design would be preferable to a between-subjects design, but also discuss why an explanatory research method is superior to a predictive method.

PSY 550 Week 6 Discussion 1

Contrast the three types of factorial designs.

PSY 550 Week 6 Discussion 2

Lay out the design for two between-subjects experiments: (a) an experiment involving an experimental group and a control group, and (b) a factorial design with three independent variables that have 3, 2, and 2 levels, respectively.

PSY 550 Week 7 Discussion 1

Suppose that, for at-test, your computed value fort is +3.28. The critical value oft is +2.048. Explain what this means. Do you reject the null hypothesis or not? Now suppose that you have 28 degrees of freedom and are using a two-tailed (nondirectional) test. Draw a simple figure to illustrate the relationship between the critical and the computed values oft for this result.

PSY 550 Week 7 Discussion 2

Choose an article from the newspaper, an online source, or a magazine, then identify the descriptive statistics included in the article. Were the statisitcs appropriately described in the article? Explain. Discuss if the descriptive statistics used in your source supported the arguments made in it. Were the descriptive statistics misleading? Explain.

PSY 550 Week 8 Discussion 1

Design a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation (not including title and reference slides) focusing on the Research Proposal: Project Paper (submitted last week). Consider aforementioned elements in the Research Proposal:

1. Introduction/Hypothesis

2. Method

3. Results

4. Discussion

5. Figures and Tables (total of two from paper)

Make sure your reference slide matches the references from your proposal.

Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include a minimum of 50 words.

PSY 550 Week 8 Discussion 2

A researcher computed the F ratio for a four-group experiment. The computed F is 4.86. The degrees of freedom are 3 for the numerator and 16 for the denominator.

1. Is the computed value of F significant at p < .05? Explain.

2. Is it significant at p < .01? Explain.

PSY 550 Final Exam Latest 2022

Question 1For each of the following examples, explain whether the researcher has made a correct decision or has made a Type 1 or Type 2 error. Explain why.

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Discussion questions: deductive and inductive reasoning
Discussion Questions: Deductive and Inductive Reasoning
  1. Dr. G rejects the null hypothesis although the independent variable had no effect.
  2. Dr. R rejects the null hypothesis when it is false.
  3. Although the independent variable had an effect, Dr. E does not reject the null hypothesis

.Question 2

Explain the value of reversal designs (ABA designs) in single-case research.

Question 3explain how a one-way analysis of variance works. How do you use between- and within-group variability?Question 4After watching nursery-school children, Ken Garoo wants to test the hypothesis that some toys are more fun to play with than others. He decides to compare “fun” toys (blocks) with “unfun” toys (stuffed animals). He also wishes to see if there is a sex difference, as well, so sex is added as an independent variable. A) What kind of design is needed? B) Diagram it out. C) Assuming 20 subjects are needed per cell, how many subjects are needed for this study?Question 5Bill Board is “lording” his SAT score over his friend, Rhoda Dendron, who took the ACT. “You only got a 25 in math,” he chortled, “while I got a 300 in math.” Given that the SAT has a μ of 500 and a σ of 100, and the ACT has a μ of 20 and a σ of 5, what is wrong with Bill’s logic (give the answer in both z scores and percentile ranks)Question 6Describe a two-matched groups design. How is the matching done?Question 7Chuck Wagon is very excited about the within-subjects approach. “Now I’ll never need to run large numbers of subjects again,” he says. However, Chuck has forgotten that within-subjects designs may be a) useless, b) impossible, c) confounded by order effects, or d) impractical when excessive subject time spent in an experiment makes data inaccurate. Give an example of each of these four objections.Question 8

 A researcher has studied subjects’ ability to learn to translate words into Morse code. He has experimented with two treatment conditions: in one condition, the subjects are given massed practice; they spend 8 full hours on the task. In the other condition, subjects are given distributed practice; they also spend 8 hours, but their practice is spread over four days, practicing 2 hours at a time. After the practice, all subjects are given a test message to encode; the dependent variable is the number of errors made. The researcher has matched the subjects on intelligence. The results are in the following table. Decide which statistical test would be appropriate, carry out the test, and evaluate the outcome. Assume a significance level of .05 and that the direction of the outcome has not been predicted.

Question 9

Explain the pros and cons of longitudinal, cross-sectional, and sequential designs.

Question 10

Define the term quasi-experiment and discuss the pros and cons of this research method.

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